It’s just not fun for you. Many, many other players enjoy the competition and struggle. In fact, if you look at the Steam rankings you’ll see that ‘survival’ games are a very popular genre of game and if you extend that to included competitive PvP games like say PUBG, they dominate the market. Many people only play Eve because they are in direct competition with others and enjoy the fact they can actually lose to another player, even if most would prefer to win of course and beat the others.
And there is nothing wrong with you not wanting that. Another sub-genre of games that are popular are the progressive building games where solve puzzles or engineering challenges to make something. However, if you came to Eve looking for that, you made a mistake. That isn’t Eve and never was and anyone who sold you Eve as a game where you could build an industrial operation in isolation was lying to you. Sometimes, I even think CCP tends to border on disingenuous with its marketing and not make clear they are developing a competitive full-time PvP sandbox, not a virtual world where you control everything about the experience.
So if you sure you are looking for a different gaming experience and not just experiencing a mild case of temporary butthurt for losing a round of PvP then you are making the correct decision. Go. But you probably should keep the dramatics over how Eve is dying because you were playing the wrong game to yourself. Eve is fine and enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of other humans who like the experience it offers. The problem is this case is clearly you, not the others who enjoy competing in a full-loot PvP space game.
I agree 100%. I haven’t played Overwatch, but I stopped playing SC2 specifically for being banned from forums and what not for doing literally NOTHING except expressing a point of view on balance some didn’t agree with. And I never bought any expansions to the game.
It’s always painful losing a ship like that, particularly when you have a plan. I built an Azbel from scratch, anchored it and it was killed before it came online - watching 2 weeks of work explode that wasn’t able to defend itself was not fun. It was a lesson.
Sounds like you needed a ‘Scout Alt’ - Low Sec played carefully isn’t too dangerous. Hi-sec miner issue doesn’t take too much work to avoid - go outside hi-traffic sites, and skill-up to a procurer or fit that can be tanked. It took me a long time to understand the nuance of eve and risk management, the more you learn - the better it gets.
Stop giving me advice because I am actually leaving. I considered leaving many times before and just shook it off, but this ship loss was the straw that broke the camel’s back. One can only take so many beatdowns, especially when said beatdowns come from a far superior enemy and you have no chance of escape. That’s just one of the many ways in which EVE is broken.
No, I am not the problem. The problem lies with the antisocial sandcastle kickers, and you’re a selfish prick if you want to keep claiming otherwise.
EVE isn’t dying, CCP is. They’ve already had massive layoffs because the current rate of subscriptions is not enough to sustain the number of employees they had. They won’t look at or acknowledge the real reason for the drop in subscribers because acknowledging them would mean acknowledging the fact that the focus on dog-eat-dog mechanics is driving away non-combat players. And yes, an industrialist is a non-combat player.
I thought the vast majority of CCP layoffs were in the VR division ? A division which was failing to develop a product / market in order to independently finance itself. So, they cut it.
Even if the VR division was cross-subsidized by EvE-subscriptions, CCP’s decision to eventually cut & run was likely to be a sound business decision, regardless of EvE subs. And I doubt you can draw any conclusions about the level (health) of those current EvE subs as a consequence?
Leave if you want - nobody is stopping you. But every loss I’ve ever had (and there have been many) has always come from a far superior enemy too. Superior in numbers, superior in skills, superior in ships and fittings, superior in everything. Gatecamps, station camps, the whole 9 yards. I’ve never had a fair fight in Eve - not even close. Actually, the vast majority of losses I’ve had have happened so fast that I LITERALLY didn’t know what happened. I had to go back, look at the kill mail loss, and piece it together. Like, I’m warping along minding my own business, the gate appears, then I hear alarm bells and wake up in station. Like, I never had a chance to even see what happened, much less react to it.
A sandbox doesn’t have rules. You can do what you want. And so can the other guy, meaning he can gang up on you, fight unfairly, etc. So yes, if you really don’t want a sandbox experience, leave.
EDIT: If your loss was in nullsex or lowsex, I really don’t know what you are complaining about. Those are areas where there is no pretense whatsoever of protection, safety, rules, fairness, niceness, etc.
Sorry to hear that and I agree, CCP definitely fosters and promotes a toxic environment within this game.
Eve Online reminds me of a giant fish tank filled with all different types of fish. The larger fish get free reign within the tank while the little fish hide in plants and rocks scavenging for food.
It is interesting that you call the ones who got you antisocial and yet it sounds like you were going about this solo. You also state that you’re cancelling both accounts. Why wasn’t one scouting ahead of your money ship? Especially since you claim you lost a DST previously, why didn’t the past educate you for the future? No eve isn’t for everyone and it sounds like you just don’t fit well with the environment.
Yes, you are the problem. Eve is a game about sandcastle kicking (Build Your Dreams, Wreck Thier Dreams, remember?). If you build your sandcastle in the competitive sandcastle-kicking section of the beach, you don’t get to complain about it when it happens, and you certainly don’t get to call the other beach goers antisocial for participating in the agreed-to activity.
There are plenty of games out there where your sandcastles are safe. Go find one of them and leave those that like this sort of game play to enjoy it in peace without being called names by a poor sport.
This logic doesn’t even make sense. Eve always has been dog-eat-dog, probably even more so in the beginning when it was growing the fastest. They haven’t changed direction on this in 15 years. Why only now, has it it suddenly become a problem and is driving people away?
The truth is that the competitive, single-shard and full-loot nature of Eve is what has made it such a successful MMO that has outlasted almost all the others. That means the problem is indeed you, or at least your expectations. You are incompatible with Eve.
That isn’t a bad thing. It just is. Move on and find something that makes you happy. Just don’t expect to convince the rest of us who love Eve that we are somehow mistaken.
That is only because games like PUBG do not require any commitment and have no consequences. Put those people in EVE and they will quit really fast because they cannot just respawn in the lobby and wait for another round without spending serious amounts of money.
No. It does not. You do. I do. Everyone does. (Sweeping generalization, yet more or less true.)
This, I like and also agree with. Surely though it is what us individual fish do that makes the tank toxic ? CCP just created the tank and let us get on with it. CCP do nothing to stop us doing it, sure - something every player gets told upfront when they start - yet it is still us who do it.
If we’re going to use the fish tank analogy, then the current state of EVE can best be summed up by a tank filled with piranha (null-sec).
If you feed them new players daily (high-sec), they will leave each other, the bottom feeders (low-sec) and plants (wormhole) alone. Yes, plants.
Stop feeding them on a regular basis for even a few hours and they start going after the bottom feeders, then the damn plants. And finally themselves.
The irony of course is that you need to continually introduce new fish to survive, and completely destroying your ecosystem leads to extinction. Yet here we are…