Imperial Pharmacy's miner militia is mobilizing for crusade

Ha! My sides need to entosised and recaptured for my body after that one.


Need a washcloth now, and I gleefully blame you.

Might need a new clone too. Going from sides hurting to no air, and can’t stop…


I wouldn’t be too dismissive. A Skiff can easily reach about 100k ehp without boosts, still have tackle and even deliver a respectable 330ish dps. I don’t actually know anyone who would take that or a procurer as anything but bait, but nonetheless it’s something to be reckoned with.

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So, I’ve got a ground pounder question about this… What the heck is the unit of measure behind DPS? Is it mass equivalent of ordnance per salvo, or something more abstract?

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Standardized units for shield, armor and hull durability modified by their capacity for resisting different types of munitions. DPS is how many of those standardized units any given weapon/ship can take out in one second.

… entirely on paper. Or more specifically, in fitting sims. In reality there’s a whole lot of variables that come into play, ranges, tracking, speeds, pure and simple luck and so on. It’s just a useful theoretical maximum under perfect conditions, until you’ve gotten it tested in real situations or on the Sims.


Ahhhhh. Makes more sense now. Thanks.

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No, we can be dismissive. Considering the source.

I am seriously looking forward to running into these skiffs, though I suspect this Lord isn’t going to go anywhere near a fight. If he does, though, and I happen to see it, pictures will follow!

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Oh Vaari of the Golden Showers can be dismissed out of hand of course. I just find it funny that he’s threatening to bring a mining ship…

… that is a damn sight girthier and more dangerous in a lot of combat situations than most ships ever flown in the Pendulum Pretense. The fact that your average mining fleet is a mightier display of power and strength than the Militias average is delectable.

Perhaps Elsebeth’s preferred name for it is far more apt than I thought. The “toy war”.

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My project of retrieving ships and modules from gw is proceeding. Soon i can lead the crusade to its glorious victory.



For all the hilarity, it still is rather sad that those who don’t have the courage or strength to undock something with even a fraction of the worth and capability of the Golden Shower’s mining ships feel they have the right to be derisive here. Picking a pilot in this thread at random, the average worth of their lost ships barely squeaks past 10m a piece not even counting the high T1 Insurance rates. Another one just about scrapes around 30m a piece. A third random pick doesn’t even have a registered combat record at all. Fourth random pick, 21m on average loss.

If Vaari here undocks and fights in a single Skiff, he will have put on average well over three times as much on the line for his chosen stance and belief than the highest rated of the random picks in question. And that’s even disregarding the fact that Vaari already scores far higher on his average.

The man is clearly a nutcase and a moron, but if he follows through here, he’s demonstrating greater courage and willingness to put himself and his assets on the line than any Pendulum Pretense pilot in this entire thread. We’ll just have to see if he follows through or not.


I haven’t pulled the trigger since my academy days. I should certainly learn combat ops if I am to build the Eriker tribe to previous glories.

So losing a jump freighter is more showing than losing a comet? I understand the idea of more assets at risk, but isk efficiency is another issue entirely. Using the proper tools for the job is as well, as is damage application. Risking a ship worth 3 times as much for the sake of misusing a tool with weaker damage application for unintended purposes of the ships design is hardly saying much aside from bragging rights.


Weaker damage application? Those Skiffs do more damage than nine out of ten ships in the warzone. Of course the right tools for the right jobs is important, but when the people in this thread takes the piss out of Vaari here, it’s pretty pathetic and hypocritical given that none of them ever puts their ■■■■ on the line anywhere near the same as he is offering.

Perhaps they should earn their place first.


For somebody with such an attitude problem you clearly don’t give a toss about how any of this actually works, but then you’re only here to pose and piss people off in the first place, clearly.

ISK efficiency is a thing, and the price of Vaari’s stupid skiffs are half the reason the rest of us are laughing. You seem to know that and are just lashing out for the sake of being edgy, so I’l spare you the lecture that even I know and just say that you should go join Vaari’s fleet if you admire him so much.

If only because it’d be more satisfying for us all then endless rambles about a “pretense”.


Well, definately true on that last regard, honestly I’m not really sure how skiffs fair with a lack of bubbles to act as secondary tackle (only fought them in null or wh space, never in lowsec) but I would tend to believe what your saying on it, it seems really plausable. I only disagree with the isk factor which is a small part of what you said. I personally rarely fly things over 50mil due to it being needless for my tactics in general. Nor really worth it when generally I fight outnumbered.

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I wonder which size complex Skiffs are allowed into

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Large iirc, don’t believe medium since size is similar to a battlecruiser.

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It would seem strange for them to be admitted by any gate. On the other hand, Ventures are, so. . . .


Well I know I didn’t get randomly picked, then.

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