Imperial Pharmacy's miner militia is mobilizing for crusade

With three low slots? Why would you? With good implants (because low-sec, so no bubbles), you can get a Skiff up to about 80.5k standard structural rating with a hull tank. Of that, 46.9k of it is your hull—in other words, the thing where you’ve got your strong resists across the board is 58.2% of your tank. Highest resist in that hull is a uniform 59.8%. And your hull can’t benefit from having a booster with the fleet.

With a shield tank, even keeping one slot for a scram (and this is why you tend to see effective combat skiffs in groups when you see them, to bring more tackle to bear), you hit 120k structural rating, with 88.8k (73.9%) in the shields, where your lowest resist is 63.8%. Those numbers only drop to 112k and 80.5k, respectively, if you use both lows for Drone Damage Amplifiers. With a competent fleet booster, it’s 154(143 for DDAs) / 123(112), or roughly 2-3 times the totals for the hull-tanked Skiff.

Yes, the shield-tanked Skiff is vulnerable to neuts, but since the primary use of this kind of ship is to be the unassuming bait-ship (or in Vaari’s case, the ‘oh god it’s that guy I wanna smack’ bait ship) with friends nearby to pounce… you’re really more about staying alive long enough to hold him down (and it’s handy to have your tank in an arrangement that can benefit from remote assistance. Hull ain’t that). And, for the record, even when fully neuted out, the shield Skiff’s sitting at 77.2k total structural rating, with 46k in the shields. Or, to put it another way, still just as tough as the hull-tanked Skiff.


Decsive blow was struck against enemies. Just moments ago Lord Miner-Militant of the Crusade, that is I led the miner militia to glorious victory. Large amarrian outpost was secured for Her Imperial Majesty, beloved by all.

Well, that’s a heck of a comeback.

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If I only had an isk for all the Amarrian outposts I captured in my time in the TLF… I maybe would be able to buy a couple Barrage S rounds. Try seeking fights. It takes more bravery to bear down on a target than to sit and wait, and your titles dictate your hardly a coward.

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Literally the only kill you’ve acquired with your battle barge with the assistance Ungentlemanly Warfare. Still waiting…

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Glorious victories have been achieved. Perhaps you have not noticed, but kills do not conquer systems. Securing sites does.

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Then perhaps you shouldn’t tout your “combat prowess” versus Matari capsuleers…

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“Sitting in a complex with warp stab prowess” doesn’t sound as good though…


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