What’s that? Some sort of tech demo?
Meh, these numbers are not impressive. If we could get 40k day by day in summer, I would be happy.
Game cant get above the glass ceiling of 40k in best months, 30k in summer. Seems it stabilized. Where is progress?
No, you are butthurt because you have to change you ways and i can understand that. But those changes, whether good or bad, are keeping that 15 years old game alive. Jurassic code in space.
SC is not a game yet, there’s no way to tell if it’s going to be the game of the century or another false promise ending in the trashcan. Trailers are not movies.
Let’s make this a Star Citizen thread! :]
There is, and it’s the latter. At this point it’s fairly obvious that RSI and CIG are not about making a game, but milking the crowdfunding cashcow. Even if there may be a game at some point, there’s virtually no chance that it will come even close to living up to the initial hype and justify the long development time and money they sunk into it.
Those are alts you dummy
This is a fact
One time they released a short trailer with all off a sudden dubstep lol
How fail can things get
Eve has still potential, i’d definately play if they’d pay me for it
Where do I find the skill book for it??
It’s the cloaking skill
♫Jaws music♫
This could deserve its own thread… “Which music fits the cloaking device best?”
My favorite would be this.
lol … you are so right with that … i dont understand guys like @Firaxai
sorry … if you dont like it … contract me your stuff and send me the isk … i promise i dont double it and then go and play something else
My computer is way faster than the one I had when I played this game originally, yet it loads slower and looks like to be pretty much the same quality.
guess your new computer is trash or you has bad grafic settings … both possible but not the stuff you write …
What an insult to the people who spent years of their lives working up their skills with no alternative except to wait.
hmm … it is what it is … this injector kiddys are easy to kill
deal with it like anyone else …
Also, they introduced the skill injections, making it so established players can just pay their friends way or what not.
I dont understand. Why do people keep bringing this up?
5 years ago, if I wanted to, i couldve bought a 100 mill SP character from the character Bazaar. For a friend. Or for myself. And no one wouldve complained, because its an established aspect of the game.
And yet, today, we have people who complain about skill injectors because people can buy skillpoints and latch them onto a day old player who owns a character?
If anything, this is a blessing. When i see a day old character in a Mackinaw, i know that he was stupid enough to purchase skill injectors, and therefore is probably stupid enough not to tank his ship.
This was a thing way before skill injectors, man. People have been buying tens of millions of skillpoints on characters for a while.
Can you please explain what the difference here, is?
Basically they just junked months of my time
You could always extract, if you think the proteus is junk.
Asians now have a new commodity (time) to sell to you more directly
I am intrigued by this. What does it mean? I am very interested in purchasing time from an Asian. Or from anyone for that matter.
Another delusional that thinks their rage-fest is important to the right people, namely CCP, it isnt.
As for me, i would ask for your stuff but since you havent played in so long you are going to be one of them ‘poors’ and i dont need your pocket lint levels of ISK cluttering up my bank.
I do not understand people like the OP. His PC is trash, comes back to a deep game like EVE looks around and leaves. Why not just go on with your life? The Asian plex thing…yeah I am glad your not sticking around.
I think what the OP means, aside from being racist, is that there are Asians (I think OP is referring to Chinese and Russians here) who either bot or are extremely good at super ratting, who will always outcompete anyone else who tries to make ISK.
There are also allegations that some of these people are breaking the TOS and selling ISK, and with the cost of living in Russia and China it would certainly be possible to make a meager living from it, and if you have enough systems, something like afk VNI ratting scales almost indefinitely.
At the same time s/he forgets that those of us in the Western world have the ability to work for a few hours and then buy PLEX to sell for ISK which makes more isk/hr than any super ratter ever could.
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