In ONE sentence, what change would u like to see in eveonline?

A better/additional way to see/count killmarks on your ships.

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@Aaron @Ridley_Rohan

If you two want to be able to have a thread where you have total control to only allow people who agree with you to post, there are plenty of third party options.

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I ā€œthinkā€ you can do this already if you have a veteranā€™s tag. They took mine away. :smirk:

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Make negative standings actually MEAN something in hi-sec and cut all CONCORD response times in half.


Chakir Dex: Make negative standings actually MEAN something in hi-sec and cut all CONCORD response times in half.

I agree!
Make CONCORD feared by gankers again :sunglasses:

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Lol maybe have NPCs mine for you too while theyre at it.

Oh wait that already happens.

Make Ramona McCandless the leader of a hundred man group.
Actual players following her orders.

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Wooo! A Ramonacracy!


I would like to see wrecks turn blue during the last, say, 25% of their lifespan.

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watch New Eden burn to the groundā€¦ oh sweet lord

Get rid of low sec it is pointless.

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I canā€™t disagree.

Iā€™ve been pushing for two areas of space for more than a decade. Lawful and lawless. Thereā€™s no reason to have three.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


If you did that the universe would be a lot more deserted. Part of the point of free playing is that it helps bolster the numbers.

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restore backup from 2006

Even if they did, we still lost the people. Without them coming back as well, it would not be the sameā€¦

You obviously never understood what I wrote, and if you canā€™t see that ISDā€™s have completely smothered this forum then thatā€™s your issue.

The whole point of having a forum is for people to put forward ideas and opinions and then other people analyse the logic of it and maybe put forward a counter argument or view. What Iā€™m suggesting is that we are left to do that without excessive moderation where all the interesting threads are locked.

That is MY ONLY point. I know you will probably interpret this as ā€œGIVE ME FULL CONTROLā€ so itā€™s best I leave it there.

A popular ISD once closed a thread of mine because it was coolā€¦then another person starts a thread with the same name and guess whatā€¦it wasnā€™t closed. The thread was about me trying to con isk out of a conman who was close to scamming an alliance. The ISD in question knows who he is.

So you want a forum thatā€™s not rated for teens then? Because thatā€™s basically what you are asking for?

Not at all.

But I will point out that you are making it all about you instead of for the good of the game. Your final paragraph demonstrates that nicely.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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stop lying

im used to hear i rat to pay for my PVP (BIG LIE)
but some dude said i rat to pay for my exploration , RLY? OMG


Well since the thread is titled ā€œWhat change would u like to see in eveonline?ā€ I thought Iā€™d take this as an opportunity to state what change Iā€™d like to see.

Also, my original suggestionā€¦which you confused with @Ridley_Rohan post would be good for the gameā€¦

You seem to think the ISDā€™s backing off the forum a little wonā€™t benefit Eve, of course it will! people wonā€™t feel like expressing themselves here which results in less forum users.

Go back and read my original post properly and then chat to me.