Incoming Changes to the Orca

Because they would listen to people who are stupid enough to not make a difference between multiboxing and AFK.


Why do multiboxers multibox? Same concept as the multiboxing gankers, if you add more tank, they add more gank.

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For gankers it’s understandable. They need enough alts to get a certain amount of dps.

For multibox miners I don’t get it. If you’re multiboxing now and making lots of ISK/hour, if CCP cuts your ISK/hour in half and you put more miners on the field… If you can handle to multibox that many ships, why didn’t do that in the first place?

It’s not like ganking where you need to hit a certain dps, where if you’re too low you don’t succeed and if you’re too high you are wasting ISK, is it?

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Back in the day when I was a more serious miner, I had a quota. I would mine ore for corp mates who built ships. So, if my corp mates were running a set schedule that required a set quota and suddenly CCP gave me half yield, I would have either had to double my fleet or made my corp mates look else where.

I am not in the same situation now, and dont have a reason to double my yield, just a possible example where that would make sense.

Also, there is the question about multiboxing vs. AFK mining that has already taken place in this thread. But if it’s a matter of multiboxing then, ignoring hardware limitations, it is typically a input limitation. You end up maxing your fleet because you can no longer efficiently control more pilots. If you reduce the yield, you double the time between inputs, which means you could double the fleet size before you run into the same input issue.

Again, not what I would do if they made this change, just another reason I could see people adding Orcas to their fleet.


That is a good point I did not think of.

The real issue here is defining the problem people have with the Orca.

If it is AFK Income, then AFK needs to be defined. If AFK is me running to the fridge to get a cold one, then yes I can effectively AFK mine in Eve. But I could just as easily make AFK income in several other professions in those terms. If AFK is starting an activity, running to the store, having a nice lunch, coming home and doing some chores, and then checking in to see that I am still earning, then there is almost none of that going on in Eve. If you can find the golden goose of a system which has tons of belts each with at least 5 veldspar rocks in close proximity, each with 100k units in them, then even by splitting your drones, that is a half hour of mining. And with the respawn rate the way it has been for years, that system would be mined out in no time and you would be waiting forever for it to regain belts that size.

If the problem is multiboxing mining ships, then CCP needs to make a ruling on multiboxing, and not just for miners. And that not only would go against everything stance they have had for muliboxing so far, but it would be damn near impossible to enforce. With virtual machines and the fact that Eve can play on a potatoe, all I would need to do is make the computer think that my massive fleet was being ran from several computers instead of one. And like most things in Eve, the cheaters will prosper while the rule followers fall behind.


Good thing I already answered that here :

There is no problem with the orca. There are just people who have claimed “adapt or die noob” for years and now refuse to adapt, and go rage on the forums that CCP is not giving them the easy prey they believe they are entitled to.


Adding more orcas is not cost efficient.
1.2b, not including fit will take over a week to pay it’s self off. That’s with constant mining.
Lowering an orcas ability to mine stretches that repayment period longer.
If you have the isk to do that, ok. Not efficient, but I could see the appeal.

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If it ever breaks even, miners will do it :slight_smile:


That’s because you forgot to add the repayment of other ships in the formula.
A covetor is not a one time investment : you need to pay every X time, where X is the period between ganks. And not only do you NOT have to pay regularly with an orca, you also are not feeding the gankers, which is a reason good enough in itself.

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Orcas fall to gankers too.

Since they forced players to get trit from Hs only I suspect they directly contributed to that amount greatly.


I have lost more Orcas to FOB rats and Trig rats, and laughed as they burned. They are not invincible and it is easy to lose one, even if you are active, if you don’t pay attention to they conditions of the system.


Newbie to mining, but a booster ship being the end-all mining ship looks a bit silly imo, that should be exhumers. Wouldn’t just dropping the drone mining yield role bonus fix that? You can still mine, but nowhere near as efficient as a skiff

It’s a boosting AND mining ship.
Also it’s not better than the others. Its yield is actually way lower than the exhumers, however since most mining ships are designed to be bad the orca is just better in every regards except cost and yield.
Just try to fit a MWD of the correct size on your covetor, you’ll understand what I mean.


Why would you want to fit a MWD on a Covetor in the first place?

There are mining boosts to allow your barges to mine from halfway across the mining belt and if you’re mining solo (no boosts) there are much better options to fly than a Covetor.

You are missing the point.


Your point being that

most mining ships are designed to be bad

The mining ships aren’t designed to be bad, they’re specialised.

If you’re going to use a bad fit (MWD on Covetor) and complain that it doesn’t fit, you won’t notice that this mining ship is actually designed to be the best at what it does: high yield.
Retriever is the best for staying power (ore hold) and the Procurer for defences. And the T2 versions are slightly better for a much steeper price.

The barges and exhumers are great ships. It’s a shame people keep using Orcas instead because it’s staying power and defences far outshine the barges that are actually specialised for those roles.

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specialized to be bad.
Haulers also are specialized. They still can fit an appropriate MWD.
scanning ships can also.

I can’t use it since I can’t fit it… doh…
It’s a bad fit because it just can’t fit.

No, it’s normal, because they are bad. They are specialized to be bad.


Eh… I really don’t get your point. :confused:

Why do you insist on fitting a MWD on a Covetor? And why is it a bad ship if you cannot fit a MWD to it?

Put some resistances there instead to get more effect out of the remote reps from your friendly Orca or Porpoise. Or put a survey scanner there. Maybe even EWAR like ECM burst, warp disruption or something if you expect a PvP fight. Of all choices, a propmod is the least useful.

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