Increase CONCORD Response Time at non-Gate/non-Station locations

So i’ve had time to log in and check my Orcas yield.
An Orca fit with T2 drones and cargo rigs yields 1000m3/minute.
With 187.5k m3 ore hold that’s a little over 3 hours with zero travel time.
If you want to minimise interaction, an Orca pilot will put one drone per rock in a moon belt, which means there’s going to be more travel time. 20-30 seconds (average rock being roughly 15-20km away) each way is not unrealistic to me and that gets the time to 5-6 hours before the ore hold fills.

And heres a snapshot of my home system (Jufvitte) today.

Juff D-scan

4x Orcas.
5x Barges. (3x Cov. 1x Mack. 1x Proc)
1x Porpoise.
1x Miasmos.