Increase CONCORD Response Time at non-Gate/non-Station locations

But they haven’t. Anyone caring about yield uses barges.
They already only mine 40% of a boosted hulk.

They are. I see more orcas than barges.

40%, along with being able to mine for about 6 hours without interaction, seems to be enough to make them the preferred mining vessel.

Ok, so lets ask CCP to publish some actual stats. Rather than “I see a fleet of orcas so all mining must be orcas”
If Orcas are over 50% of the mining done in highsec, then ok, they need tweaking somewhere, which probably isn’t on how much they mine.
Also I think you need to provide reliable citations on your claim of 6 hours no interaction. Unless you are meaning “If I mine in the most inefficient way it doesn’t fill the ore hold fast”
Because the numbers I’m aware of, an Orca should fill it’s hold in less than 2 hours.

Extra thought. Has anyone considered that training time likely has a huge impact here also, Orcas actually being faster than barges. This is one area serious change could be made.

So i said orcas are the preferred mining vessels…you took that to mean ‘mine more ore than all other barges combined’?

How about if they mine more than any barge? You say they are inferior to all barges. They have lowest yield. They are support vessels designed to be used with multiple barges, not the other way round. So they should be dead last…

And until ccp release numbers i will be just flying around and looking at what I find. Other people already have.

Do you mean exhumers?

Pretty sure they are actually faster than barges in reality. And to master their mining speed is much faster since you don’t need any of the mining laser skills, and barges use mining drones also if you care about max yield.
Checking an alt account
Barges: 11 days to hull
Orca: 15 days to hull
But you then need the skills for strip miners also. It might be ‘just’ faster to train into a Barge.
So yeah, I’m quite happy if they massively raise the skill requirements for Orcas. And that might cause some change at least (at least on new characters going forward, the old characters are where they are really)

That’s not a bad metric to use either. I wouldn’t complain if CCP released ‘amount mined by x ship in highsec’ metrics and then adjusted off that.

Now I know you are not playing the game.

Look around, all of the other posters are focused on different solutions, you are pretending there is no problem.

Orca is not a new player ship.

No ■■■■ sherlock, but this change just gives gankers mroe time to kill ships

Why you in high sec ganking people anyway? What’s the point? All it does is drive players from the game which is counter productive as a whole?

I guess that is a version of “I was wrong”. :rofl:

You know what your issue is?

Is that you don’t care how many new players you drive from the game, aslong as your having fun, you don’t understand the damage that this playstyle does to the player count of new eden.

Exactly the same as war decs, fully counter productive to eve online, it’s players like you, that should be removed

I do.

My issue is I get a kick out of “triggering” care bears.

You are so serious and I am so loling you.

Okay so you made the post just to cause an argument and people point out how stupid you are so you could be an ass for no other reason than this amuses you?

Grow up bud :slight_smile: Just sad, very sad :slight_smile: take is easy

No I responded to you but you went off the deep end so I played you for fun.

So i’ve had time to log in and check my Orcas yield.
An Orca fit with T2 drones and cargo rigs yields 1000m3/minute.
With 187.5k m3 ore hold that’s a little over 3 hours with zero travel time.
If you want to minimise interaction, an Orca pilot will put one drone per rock in a moon belt, which means there’s going to be more travel time. 20-30 seconds (average rock being roughly 15-20km away) each way is not unrealistic to me and that gets the time to 5-6 hours before the ore hold fills.

And heres a snapshot of my home system (Jufvitte) today.

Juff D-scan

4x Orcas.
5x Barges. (3x Cov. 1x Mack. 1x Proc)
1x Porpoise.
1x Miasmos.

It’s funny to see the hypocrisy. They mine less than a boosted proc with 80k ehp, and still cost 30 times as much.

People complaining they can’t one - shot other people in HS … come on.
People use orcas because they offer the best protection against gankers. The suicide gankers made this situation. If you want to cry, cry to people who kept killing other people without bringing anything to the gameplay.

Ok, so a low yield fit since you aren’t using drone rigs…

Ok, so you are using a very specific limited resource belt to achieve your goal here.

And talking about something that mines at about 500m3/minute. I might be on my phone so cant double check numbers but I’m pretty sure you’ve gotten the orca yield below a venture with the conditions you’ve heaped on this. So… not seeing an issue at all.
Also oh no, 4 orcas… So orcas aren’t 50% of the ships, and they sure aren’t mining 50% of the ore in that system either.

If a venture could mine afk for hours and was being used more than any barge I’d also call it a problem.

Are you forgetting?

There are more orcas on that d-scan than any other type of ship.

But you’re saying we shouldn’t nerf gilas until they do more damage than all other ships combined…do you see the problem with your logic?

Skiffs already provided plenty protection. And yet players always preferred macks and retties.

The orcas popularity is down to afk-ability.

Do you see the problem with yours.
Gilas were doing more damage than all others combined in places like the Abyss.
Orcas however are coming with significant downsides and if those Orcas are mining using your methods and maths, then the 2 covetors are mining more than those 4 orcas. Even if they are solo covetors and taking warp time into account.

So… either those orcas aren’t mining like your maths and inactivity claims, or they aren’t mining more ore than other ships. Either way there is no issue.

So you ARE saying the only time to nerf anything is when it does more than all competitions combined? So when they nerfed the domi drone bonus, that was because it did more damage in the alliance tournament than all other ships combined?

And when they nerfed assault frigs, it was because they did more damage than all other frigs combined?

You’re still thinking this is about yield. You have a one track mind.

Take you’re awful comparison. The 2x covetors mines for 2 hours before the player logs off to goto work and the 4x orca mines for 2 hours, empties its hold and then mines for another 6 hours whilst the player is at work?

Which mines more? 2x covs for two hours, or 4x Orcas for 8 hours?