The local screenshots aren’t proof of any wrong doing, so you should probably ditch them.
On the Overdose Accounts
Anyway, I don’t care how good you are, it’s not humanly possible to press F1 on 16 different accounts within 1 second. That’s an input on a different account every 62.5 milliseconds, or 2.4 inputs in the time it takes a person to blink. Assuming that all the Overdose accounts are all be controlled by the same person, this looks to be clear evidence of input broadcasting.
On the Remington Accounts
I haven’t done any testing, but I suspect that even 7 inputs in a second (accoss 7 different accounts) is still beyond what a human can do.
On the Delta Legion Accounts
He could be input broadcasting, but 3 inputs across 3 accounts within 2 seconds is not outside of what a human could do (in fact, I think I can do 3, maybe 4 a second). Moreover, he has other accounts registering damage on other server ticks. He may be in violation of other test server rules, but you can’t conclude that he’s input broadcasting from the evidence provided.
No one asked, but my thoughts on the matter
I know this is just on the test server, but (1) the EULA and TOS also apply to the test server, (2) not addressing input broadcasting is extremely bad optics, and (3) there’s a damn good chance that someone who flagrantly breaks the EULA and test server rules is the kind of person who will also break the rules on TQ.