Introducing The Winter Expansion - EVE Online: Lifeblood

Sure, because highsec PvP is all about ganking and extortion. There is no balance through universal non-consensual PvP like in lower sec space. In highsec people can opt-in /-out of PvP against whom they want at any time, in a space where PvP is the exception not the norm.


Clearly. The process goes like this:

Q: How do I do X?
A: By taking steps A, B, and C.

You: LOL, you told him how to do X. That wonā€™t do anything.

Whether or not X will achieve anything is completely irrelevant to the question of how to do it.

Blimey. Is the only other online game youā€™ve played Contract Bridge?

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Heā€™s not wrong.

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My suspicious is the main motivation for rebalancing is to get players to train into more ships (i.e. buy more sp injectors).

I donā€™t think this will force players to mine. I suspect the OP nature of the original Rorqual change may have been to prepare for a small number of players to be able to hoover all the moon mining materials. CCP just underestimated how many players would take advantage of the mechanic.

I hope CCP makes standings matter again. And doesnā€™t Force players into one faction or the other.

Agreed. Encourage corporations and multi-player game play all you want. But not at the expense of the player that would rather depend on himself. Iā€™ve spend the majority of my time in Eve as a happily solo player with alts. I interacted with other players and like to have them in the environment, but I wasnā€™t dependent on them, nor them on me. I have come closer to quitting because of corp drama and responsibilities than I ever did as a solo player.

This announcement has left me with an optimistic feeling. Iā€™m going to hope that itā€™s the end of the major push in Eve to redefine null-sec space. Finally, CCP will be able to devote resources to the neglected portions of the game - HS, FW & WH. And hopefully remember that mainly solo players contribute to their financial success and create a bigger Eve eco-system.

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Even just 1% could have a huge impact on supply which in turn affects market pricesā€¦
1% extra refine would see the prices of everything manufactured using minerals fall, so capital ships, superā€™s, titans, all get cheaper to build. It would see mineral prices fall due to extra supply.

Is this 1% for highsec? Meaning lowsec and nulsec will have a higher bonus.

And where is it stated that refineries will have a 1% bonus to refining ?
Iā€™m unable to find any statistics regarding refinery bonusesā€¦ The description tab for them on sisi is blank.

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The last PVE Townhall was 5 years ago?

Oh and your better AI and Procedural PVE - Youā€™re referring to Burner missions I imagine - Great payout (lousy content) for the solo player willing to put in the effort.

CCpā€™s response here is - Lets just copy what we did in nulsec, dumb it down and put it in highsec. Group content in highsec (and everywhere else) needs to reward everyone equally - Not give one guy a new shiny while the rest get a pittance in bounties (or nothing).
This is how killing a BR Sotiyo goes - Donā€™t worry, No NPCā€™s were harmed during this encounter
The requirement to actually engage the NPC fleet seems to be at best minimal.

Now put this same content in highsec - Regardless of the single player reward for a group effort, who do you think will put in the time and effort to do it? Lots of highsec players grouping up (to benefit someone they probably donā€™t even know) OR large groups from other parts of space that have the members and resources to do itā€¦

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Actually, in that configuration, engaging the NPC fleet is detrimental. Itā€™s a problem with the citadel mechanics and the fact that the NPCs never stop spawning. If you could run them out of ships, thereā€™d be a point in killing the adds, but in effectā€¦ itā€™s like the old Razorgore fight in BWL, back in vanilla WoW: control the spawns, focus on the boss, beat the enrage (or vuln) timer. In EVE, controlling the spawns can be done a few ways. But yeah, as long as the NPCs are infinite and the window for attacking it (as is the case on the kill) is limitedā€¦ attacking the NPCs is always suboptimal.

Edit to add: This is especially true when thereā€™s no benefit to killing the ships. If CCP wants people to engage the defense fleet, they need to cap the max number of ships that will spawn over the course of a longer window (say, limit it to 1000 ships in an hour, as an example), and give some reward for killing them.

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This is true, what may be done is shifting the target to structures. Feed them, repair, or attack them to earn standing instead of directly attacking each otherā€¦ I know it sounds super weird, but so is just random pirates just sitting doing nothing, why not give them (and us) a more interesting target?

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Wellā€¦ Refineries are not the end of the road for nullsec structures. Still are pending to develop and add Observatory arrays, Research centers and Propaganda centers, in whatever order.

Plus the big kahoona themselves, player owned Stargates and New Space With New Everything.

This all was supposed to take between three and five years, but so far weā€™re barely halfway after four years.

Provided how weak is this new content for highsec and how bad is the situation with player retention in general and specifically in highsec, that road to end the Rubicon plan might be a road to nowhere: CCP is asking more time and money than what EVE is worth to the majority of paying customers.

Whoā€™s gonna pay another three years of nullsec stuff while highsec gets a couple of stupid features once each four years? :no_good_woman:


Excuse me, but why isnā€™t the solution to spawn more and more and making them more aggressive?

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As someone who has played pretty much every online game since the era of Ultima, I can confirm that Eve does indeed have a place in the top 5 of the most vile communities to ever exist. I admit though, itā€™s not ā€œTHEā€ worst out there though, but itā€™s a stones throw away from the crown.


Hi I would like to know if the new Refineries are going to be allowed in wormhole space and moon harvest in wormhole space.

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Refineries will be in WH space for refining and reactions. Moon mining may come in later but will not be for moon products, but rather for ores and maybe something new for tech III stuff (but thatā€™s speculation)

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PvE Townhall - 21:00 Eve Time 3rd Sept 2016 - Missions & Complexes - EVE Online Forumsā€™ā€™

Thatā€™s what I meant to link, that was a year ago, and as usual not many people were there (somehow people can complain loudly about PVE all the time but canā€™t seem to participate anywhere but these forums)

No, that just makes the thing more farmableā€¦ You need to make it require more thought, not just more brute force.

As for High Sec stuff we have a lot of things that spawn, and just sit thereā€¦ Lets get these things in motion, have them actually come and go from somewhere, make them feel more organic.


oh, of course! i wrote my post under the assumption that they donā€™t pay bounty. silly meā€¦

Ah I see, so what youā€™re saying is only once you finish the challenge do you get the payout then?

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that would make way more sense, iā€™d think. complicated matter, hmā€¦

Trueā€¦ I really want to see all these NPC Cruisers, and Frigs coming from somewhere we can interact withā€¦ How cool would it be to have to find and engage a Carrier to clear out the Rats? Or maybe pop a special ship thats keeping a wormhole open for the pirates to enter the systemā€¦ Stuff like that, have these guys come from somewhere, where the true payoff is getting to the root of the problem, and not just orbiting the symtoms for farm.