Introducing The Winter Expansion - EVE Online: Lifeblood

Astro houses

Astrahus’ would be the correct plural form I think


Right. You are telling solo players to get organised. :joy: Even if they have their CSM memeber you don’t get one point. CSM have zero influence on what CCP will do.

but hisec player do engage. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not occur. Democratic has nothing to do with it.
You are the perfect example why I don’t want to be in nullsec corp or alliance. Pure arogance, nothing matters only nullsec blocs because you are the “true blood of EvE”. 20% of EvE population always get it all. Like new refineries which you will be farming with rorquals…

You promise? :rofl:
Step outside your “goon” box. I don’t even have to check your alliance to know you are goon, background tells it all.


It’s clearly “asshouses.” Sometimes I wonder if we’re even in the same alliance.

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I thought that would be the plural of Pleasure Hub?

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yellow parasol
if highsec people don’t want to do this, then they just hurt themselves. what’s the point? i see no point in being completely stuck at the idea of playing all alone, all day. that’s not even a playstyle!? how can it be so bad to sometimes play with others? the high amounts of social interactions is literally a selling point of EVE. Everyone’s somehow connected to everyone else, and has some influence onto others.

you’re just making it hard for yourself?

I see we have the answer to it all… yellow parasol is the resident expert on how others should play the game (so he thinks)
If you don’t like playing Eve in groups with lots of, often quite annoying (read as; trolling, harassment, elitism, scamming, thieving, awoxing, etc) social interaction - You’re playing the game wrong.

Social interaction means different things to different people and it isn’t always positive.

If social interaction were a selling point of Eve, CCP would have gone broke years ago… Eve Online has the most toxic community of just about any game ever released to the public.

It isn’t bad to “sometimes” play with others - Problem is the game doesn’t really cater for it. You’re either a group player or your not. The game itself is what stops a lot of people from engaging in the more social aspect of it


Tipa Riot
On patch day they plan to remove all refining rigs and put them back in your hangars, so you can decide to use them elsewhere. That’s the “compensation”, afaik.

Where would you (or CCP for that matter) suggest “small refining rigs” be reused? Bottom line is, if CCP do nerf the current maximum refine from Astra’s, they do so without any sort of compensation to those who spent the isk building them. They also add extra cost to refining, so anyone who currently owns a max refine structure and needs or wants to keep doing refining is hit with more cost again - For what seems to be NOTHING EXTRA.

If they don’t, then either refineries in highsec are a sham and only have limited useful attributes that are completely useless in highsec OR the mineral market is about to be thrown into utter chaos by increased refine in highsec (and of course all other areas of space).

I think CCP needs to release some relevant information regarding refineries - Ideally sooner than later, a week before release isn’t really good enough

it’s an MMO. You can play solo all you want, that’s not the issue. the issue is the entitlement of people who do nothing but complaining, despite not playing the game (as some say). the same counts for people who feel entitled to play fully solo AND isolated, without other people deciding to interfere. the game isn’t meant for them, as is plainly obvious, and it’s an MMO. it’s not like those MMOs who call themselves MMOs while atually being isolated. EVE is actually a massive multiplayer online game, where everyone influences everyone somehow.

i’ve rarely played with groups, but i often interacted with others, no matter what i did in the game. no one forces people into groups, though i too am annoyed of everyone having it shoved down his throat. this “freedom of choice” argument aka “everyone plays how he wants” doesn’t mean we’re entitled to anything.

EVE’s a jungle. When you want to play in a jungle, you have to follow the rules of the jungle. if you can’t, or don’t want to, then yoj’ll get eaten. solo players have my sympathy, as long as they respect the jungle.

it’s pretty simple, actually. some self entitled manchild’s inflated sense of importance changes nothing about it.

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Fixed your idea of my thoughts.


…but, seriously. The CSM has a good high sec rep with Steve and Jin, the others are also pretty impartial and certainly not high sec haters. They will have been involved in this.

Let’s wait and see what is what before we worry to much. It’s not like it will change CCP’s mind now it’s been announced.

As usual, lets hope for the best, and prepare for the worst.

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Yes, but the question was, in part, how do high sec players get their voices heard on the CSM? So, good work on the snark, but zero points for being bad at reading comprehension. And ‘democratic’ referred to the CSM election. But again, reading comprehension.

But hey, you wanna wallow in your own perception of powerlessness, you have fun with that. Me, I’ll be over here in the real world where companies listen when enough customers speak out.

SHHHHH. I’m trying to be civil to the pubbies!

Hahaha this teaser was so bad it was good. CCP have you fire your trailer makers because this was horrible bad lol. TBH i hoop this is a joke.

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as if all high sec pilots never leave high sec, ffs most pilots live in both and it’s BS to say otherwise, people live in high and null when it suits. when you say people in high sec will complain what you mean to say is the same few whining gits on the forums. which doesn’t represent anyone but themselves will post their nonsense anyway.


Do you really think the mineral market is

by changing the refine rate by 1%?

It is, also in the Asshouses you ask “I need to go poop, where is the shitadel?”

I have problem with reading comprehension? Democracy? Among goons? :joy:

Comprehended? Jin even tried to signal the problem citadels introduced to the gameplay. CCP respose was they have no time to deal with it.

CCP knows what is wrong with hisec. Content is stale. They won’t do anything with it because they want to finish pos to citadels transision (1 year took them to do refineries), in the meantime because the most beneficients of citadels are nullsec players they want to do something form them to play with. Hence the group gameplay in hisec similiar to new UI introduced with BR EC, only easier I presume.

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That is not surprising anymore. They are too busy making other games. :wink:

I enjoy that this is a MMO, I appreciate that everything I do can and generally will be interacted with by someone else, I like fleet ops for both PVE and PVP, FW can be hilarious fun and solo PVP is in and of itself its own reward - yeah I’m horra bad at it but I still get the “my hands are shaking” results. But about half the time I log in all I want to do is solo PVE, would be nice if some of the high sec content would be updated for those that feel similar. I think CCP will eventually get there in a few years at the earliest. Still one can dream…
As for this expansion, if I finally get the three mid slot Punisher out of it I will be happy the years of dreaming has finally paid off.

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You know, CCP could just add missions relatively cheap and fast, just hiring a single developer with experience in level designing. Having new missions is something widely demanded by highseccers and would help a lot to fight the staleness.

The problem is that a) is not glamurous so developers will not want to do it, b) it doesn’t pushes players into playing the game right, and c) it’s not Cool.

Adding new missions just because everyfuckingbody runs them at one point or another and it’s the most important thing to do for 25-50% of players is not enough for CCP. They want the players to play in the CCP approved way, and staying alone minding their own business, never messing with others it’s not that way.

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