or you can simply stop logging in :shrugs.
At least you’re honest enough to admit that you want to destroy EVE and replace it with a F2P cash shop game designed to extract maximum profit from the whales before they quit.
Why do you think that “destroy’s Eve”. It’s been like that for years.
I’m just saying: don’t change it.
Eve died 17 years ago
It’s having a hell of an afterlife.
dat’s called zombie
Well, I do have to admit that sometimes I can feel my brains getting eaten by it…
No, you’re saying that there needs to be a way to opt out of PvP because otherwise farmer trash whales will ragequit over being killed. Currently there is no such thing as “non-PvP play”, and adding it would be a death sentence for EVE.
If that’s what I said, I certainly didn’t mean to.
High sec is close enough to an “opt out”. Without a little bit of danger there would be no thrill.
But you’d lose all of those care bears overnight if you took away the relative safety of high sec.
Nobody is talking about removing highsec. In fact, this discussion started with the subject of the nullsec blackout and how the nullbear farmer trash threatened to cancel all of their subscriptions until CCP made nullsec safer again.
I think you’re commenting on the wrong thread.
The OP was mad about a Trig invasion in Jita (IE high sec). Making highsec into low/null sec would make a lot of PVP happy.
But the carebears aren’t talking idly if they say they’ll unsub. They surely will.
You ever watch the TV show “cheers”? A lot of players just log on for that. To talk with friends while they mine.
They’re enjoying themselves. In a game that was (supposedly) created to entertain them.
Imagine that.
Why do you hate the thought of Triglavian High Sec that much?
The Empires are stagnant trashfires.
Blame the people who started a discussion of the nullsec blackout. But do not build straw man arguments about removing highsec and act like I endorse them.
But the carebears aren’t talking idly if they say they’ll unsub. They surely will.
And? Nothing of value (to us as players, not to CCP’s profits) will be lost. Remember, successful industrial players want farmer trash to ragequit. Fewer miners means better profits for the ones who remain. Fewer mission runners means LP is worth more. Etc.
Let’s go back to real life for a second:
This game has a lot of appeal to people who work 60 hour weeks at hard jobs. Who only have a little bit if time in their day for entertainment.
They’ve been challenged to the limit all day, by real world difficulties.
What are they hoping to get here? Basically the Virtual Reality equivalent of sitting down with (or without) some friends and having a beer. Or tending a small garden.
Now ask yourself: how much money do you think they have in their pocket after working a 60 hour week?
Why would you want to offend someone like that?
Because pandering to them comes at the expense of the things that make EVE great, and have made EVE successful for far beyond the average lifespan in the genre. It’s like asking why the latest Call of Battlefield game can’t have half its servers impose a special mode where there are no weapons and all you can do is hang out and walk around the map while chatting with the other players. If someone joined an FPS server and demanded that everyone stop shooting each other because they just want to chat that player would immediately get kicked. So why should EVE be any different?
Now ask yourself: how much money do you think they have in their pocket after working a 60 hour week?
Not much. Most people who work 60 hour weeks at hard jobs do it because they have a low-wage job (and probably multiple jobs) where they have to work 60 hour weeks to afford their basic living expenses. In fact, I’d expect that most people who just want to casually hang out and chat while they watch their ship mine are alpha players who are contributing nothing to CCP’s profits.
I’m getting a message that tells me to quit responding to you because it’s stagnating the thread.
Hopefully someone else has a good answer to your questions. And can expand your view of “greatness” to be less narrow minded.
It’s the default forum software. Nobody pays any attention to it.
And can expand your view of “greatness” to be less narrow minded.
A massive persistent universe with a fully player-driven economy where tens of thousands of players engage in a game of warfare and competitive capitalism is not “narrow-minded”. In fact, that’s a vision of EVE that is pretty epic in scope. The fact that it doesn’t include mostly-AFK farmer trash grinding menial tasks in perfect safety does not make it narrow, it’s just an acknowledgement that the two goals are in complete opposition and can not coexist.
Once Raravoss reaches full liminality it will change to low-sec permanently. Once that happens the activity will drop off as there is no mechanic to change it back or even change low to high once final liminality hits.
The best Edencom can do is keep the sec status as is.
Aren’t you a bit dramatic? Hi sec and its players exist in eve forever, I distinctly remember eve being great at times where there weren’t even destroyers, only frig, cruiser, battleship and industrials. The graphics was nothing to write home about, but the gameplay was awesome. With hi sec in place.
To stress your battlefield example: if the game made it possible that there were lobbys with “no kill” rules (from the beginning) and the normal players would demand a removal of those lobbies would be a better example, I think (because those lobbies were in the game for whatever reason from the start of the game). Granted, no sane minded person would search “long walks at the beach” in a FPS, but if the developer intended it, one should not be angry at the player for using it.
Eve had phases where the pendulum swang either way - pvp or pve. Never was one playstile really destroyed, we adapted and moved on. Always there was drama, high drama. There is always a thing that comes up regularly: hi, lo or null sec bitching about the issue-of-the-month and making a fuss, as if eve would go down if the devs did not listen.
All will be well.
Again, we’re not talking about highsec. This is about players who want no PvP at all, players that CCP is supposed to pander to because they’re excellent whales for a F2P cash shop game.
To stress your battlefield example: if the game made it possible that there were lobbys with “no kill” rules (from the beginning) and the normal players would demand a removal of those lobbies would be s better description, I think.
No, that’s not a good comparison. A separate server in an FPS is not at all comparable with rules on a single shared MMO server. If you don’t like a particular FPS server’s rules you can join a different one (unless their matchmaking system sucks). But if EVE adds a no-PvP option that’s something every EVE player is forced to deal with.