Now we can also add…
all the people that say - Buy Omega.
Now we can also add…
all the people that say - Buy Omega.
Add to what ?
Ah yes, alpha entitlement: “if I buy PLEX to sell for ISK I should get the full amount of ISK and the omega benefits”. How about you just get the same benefits as everyone else and stop whining.
As above chalk that up right there!
Why not? Think of all of the Alpha pilots out there.
Yes, but wouldn’t it be more appealing the Alpha Capsuleer be flying their very own Drekavc fitted with T1 of cource. (Think of those extra market sales as the demand increases.)
I had thought all this time that the average Alpha pilot would be purchasing other items from the NES store to sell for their isk requirement.
Think… log in Friday / Saturday buy some plex then with in a few minutes they are in their element doing what they like to do in New Eden, All I am requesting here is that they do that inside a Triglavian Collective t1 ship which they need to train to use like everything else and along with needing to purchase off the market just like everyone else. (Well at least the pilots who don’t produce their own)
Hmm no. why should I stop fighting for the right thing to be unlocked? The Invasion stage 3 is final and time now to let everyone into the ships Or at least up to Trig Destroyers.
Because you’re an entitled whiner and you should be ashamed of your behavior. Buy the game or go back to WoW.
Since when is this a whine? I could be mining your feedback. I could be a lot of things but I am not a whiner!
If I wanted be one then I would state something like " these invasion rewards don’t even cover the ammo costs"
This is the most boring PvE content I have ever experienced. As for the older invasions, they were kinda lame too…just more futtery busy work in a game seemingly full of it. Back in 2007 I might have found this ‘fun’, but I have different standards now it seems, and a vastly larger game library. I’ll be back in the autumn and see what content has been delivered for me, I’ve got a lot of ships to undock if it’s worth my time to. I’m certainly not going to grind obscenely boring pve to get at content I’m going to be getting anyway - that’s stupid.
Don’t waste your time replying to Merin, I’ve never seen any helpful replies posted from that entitled trash talking wanna-be PvP troll.
So why are you still playing ? take a break (having moved all your stuff to NPC stations)
Now why would you say that to move items out of player/corp stations anytime soon?
Yes I am
Kinda hard to play a game that closed in 2017…
–Hello Gadget is just sayin’
Since you’re incessantly spamming your demand for CCP to give you free stuff even though you’re too cheap to become a paying customer.
Yes and if they want FULL content then pony-up the money else stop whining…
Next time you undock while sitting inside some shinny new Triglavian tin can think of the Alpha’s out there for that split second when the screen goes black between docked and undocked.
Remember them and think for yourself inside that moment that Alpha Pilot’s lives matter too.
No they don’t. If they want to matter they can buy the game. Until then they’re just cattle to exploit and slaughter.
Are we there still are we? We been over this already. An Alpha can purchase plex to get to do what they want and what they really want right now, inside this stage 3 Invasion is the ability for an Alpha account to be able to inject / train / fly a Triglavian ship.
Only within the constraints of what alphas are allowed to do. Flying triglavian ships is not one of those things, just like flying capital ships isn’t. If you want the full game then buy it and stop demanding free stuff.
I do and I laugh at how pathetic the ones that whine about this issue are…it’s a great way to start a flight…