Invasion - Repping the enemy needs to trigger Suspect

Wow, talk about being obstinate.

When something is designed to produce a certain outcome, it’s been initially scripted to do that.

In other words, scripted = to plan or devise; make arrangements for, etc.

Scripted is not a synonym for planned or for designed.
You are using the word wrongly, and especially wrongly in the context you are trying to use it if that is what you are trying to say.

Sure, CCP may have planned for it to go a particular way. but that plan relies on players doing what CCP expects players to do. Therefore player actions do matter.

Then that would be the ‘script’ part.

Ever been to a live show where a line gets dropped or added?
It was not in the script, but the show was still ‘scripted’, to end in a certain fashion.

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Except this isn’t that.
This is being able to change what play is on at the theatre if you want. That isn’t scripted, players do have control over the systems sliding. Players are just choosing to make some of them Trig wins.

Not semantics. Those are 2 very different things. In my opinion it’s your lack of understanding of what you said.

You can get LP for repping in hi-sec with no risk of losing your ship.
Join the blob of repping ships and reap the rewards.

One thing I know for sure, I won’t be giving you any more likes because you don’t know anything.

Cares given…none.

Sure. Those are definitely the consequences of choosing to declare yourself to be a “highsec group” and refuse to participate in anything outside of highsec. But why is this a balance problem? Nobody is forcing these people to voluntarily opt out of a significant part of the game, why should everyone else be forced to play by the same self-imposed restrictions?

Once it tips to lowsec, it becomes unbalanced heavily in the Trigs favour.

Your assumption here is that there is a 1:1 correlation between triglavians and people who want more lowsec systems, and that no nullsec/lowsec groups will intervene on the EDENCOM side to restore highsec (whether to secure a highsec hauling route, for roleplaying reasons, etc). And you’re also assuming a lot about the relative numbers on each side, that the “highsec players” can’t win by sheer numbers.


There’s some sensitive people in this thread, unsurprisingly some of them are the usual hypocritical suspects.

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Crying like a little girl. :rofl:


You have to be kidding me! Worse than a little girl!

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Yes, you seem to do that a lot.

So witty.

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Take your fail troll ass back to Reddit.

And here comes the name-calling. You are going all out today, aren’t you?

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Awww, you poor little troll, go post your whine somewhere else

You seem not to know what “whining” means. Let me show you:

This is whining.


Heh, the only whining here is being done by you.

Now stop derailing the thread with your pubie asinine remarks.

My god… CCP delete this thread already.

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