Invasions are trapping and one shotting noobs

Only quitters quit after one go.

Why are there so many words typed in support of people who accept failure?!


Last week, so I know that it does teach how to fly a ship. Fitting isn’t taught, but that ignores the question I asked in response to the accusation you made:

How is allowing players that join EVE, the opportunity to experience the game through PVE, chasing them away?

How do you even know what players join to experience in the game?

The OP says he’s seeing bad things happen to a lot of new players in his Corp. His Corp only has 20 members total:

Not a single new player in his Corp has come and complained about this. Only the OP is offended by it and his Corp has members that have been playing the game since 2010. Why aren’t they supporting their new players and teaching them how to play effectively and why is it always someone else’s fault?


While there is not (currently) supposed to be any pointing Triglavians outside of the conduits, I can tell you that it does happen. I lost an expensive ship to a fleet of BSs,cruisers, and support ships combined with the surprise anchoring frigate at some random asteroid belt over last last weekend in an adjacent effect system. Combined with certain module buttons not working as indicated, I was not happy. GM responded to my ticket with a comp of the lost ship and modules that weren’t salvaged within 24 hours. Never thought to ask him what the heck the anchoring ships were doing outside a conduit, just happy to recover most of what I lost. Now I wonder if was the anchoring ship or failure of the module to function correctly that showed up in the game logs to facilitate my reimbursement.


Last week? Gotta say that’s highly doubtful due to this statement:

A month ago I just ran the NPE with 7 different characters. The character enters the game in a Corvette to watch a few ships get destroyed leaving one NPC on grid, Aura then directs you to target and destroy it which is easily done with a Civilian weapon. Then the NPE directs you to move the camera view around, then directs you to select a gate and set autopilot, after jumping, directs you to select a station and dock up.

That’s it, but hey, if you think the NPE fully instructs inexperienced new players how to handle Invasion NPC’s that experienced players find difficult, then you’re sadly mistaken.

Also I didn’t make an accusation, I made a summation.

The universe is always changing. And noobs need to learn that too. So yeah, they were told to haul some junk to a system which happens to be under Trig Invasion. They’ll have to learn what to do about that, whether it’s fly more defensively, or don’t accept the mission yet and go run something else. But we shouldn’t be giving them the impression that just b/c they’re a noob means the universe will go easy on them.

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You can doubt it all you like, but it’s true. Luckily, being experienced, I also know how to look after myself and take instructions I can ignore.

So unless you can prove me a liar, go take your game killing, toxic attitude elsewhere.

It’s the wolf in sheeps clothing people in the community like you, that have the arrogance to think you know better than someone themself, what is good for them, that is killing this game. When the lights eventually go off, look in the mirror to see who’s at fault.

Summation, accusation, claim - call it whatever you like. You are one of the people killing this game yet you project that on to others without any proof.

Go royally ■■■■ yourself, and the other people that are the cancer on what was a great game.


Same to you bud, same to you. It’s players like you with your condescending self righteous attitude spewing toxic dribble about ‘Let’s throw the baby’s to the wolves as soon as they’re born’ crap that’s killing the game.

Take your own advice and stick it where you currently have your head at.

Show me where I have ever said that?

Give me even one example on this forum or the old forum, or the original forum, where I ever wrote that. Just one.

You won’t be able to, because that isn’t my belief and never has been.

Yet again, your arrogance is showing. You know nothing, but continually ■■■■■ and moan about the game, while then bitching and moaning that the game isn’t what it used to be in terms of opportunities for accomplishment.

Meanwhile, the youngest member of Goonswarm is younger than the youngest member of the OP’s Corp, but you are all ok with what is happening in Delve, but all upset about this. Don’t see a single post from you being outraged about the risk to new players in Delve. Typical hypocrit.


Doesn’t need to be terrible align speed. I’ve lost two Badgers with 3.99 align time to them.

Seems they can lock up and web a cargo ship pretty fast.

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I still remember the rage when CCP made the starter systems offline to griefing.

Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

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I have moved an Orca happily through invasions zones though. Maybe its an intensity thing? Of the Invasion I mean.

bingo, with these invasions, it’s literally trapping noobs to their starting systems and no way of going around unless they take a 56 jump trip, and show me a noob willing to do that jump being 2 days old?

Got a screenshot of this 56 jump trip? I will agree it’s a problem if that were actually true.

While that is certainly correct, it doesn’t matter what I - or anybody else - says about the matter. 16 years of EvE is what has shown it to be true.

Perhaps I could have used a different analogy or said more specifically "trained soldiers in combat’ or something. Different people groups have handled military training differently even into the modern era fairly recently. Also in the USA formal military training as a precursor to active military service has not always been the case.
But I don’t want to go down that trail and abandon the subject on hand.

You have not just talked about trying to help the EvE community, but have worked for it’s benefit and I admire that. However, we do see how newer EvE players should be treated differently. I am definitely of a more ‘sink or swim’ approach.


If they had this stuff in highsec back when I was a noob - 13 years ago this week actually - I would have been STOKED! :smiley:


There’s nothing for them to learn from this lesson. A lot of these posters don’t seem to understand that (depending on the size of the roam) trigs can take you to half your EHP in just a matter of seconds.

I have literally watched newbies get one shot the minute they’ve begun to align and it’s always the same reaction. “What the ■■■■ happened”. That reality check isn’t exclusive to new bros, but the majority of interested pilots first attempting trigging.

There’s so many fundamentals about the game a new bro would have to understand to reduce the likely hood of these losses, and often times no amount of foreknowledge would even matter if this happens: on a gate

Ok so we need to teach Red = Bad


No, they shouldn’t be engaging week old alts. In fact they shouldn’t engage anyone who isn’t in direct combat with them. If you want to maintain the ridiculous instant death angle, then introduce a grid timer. The longer you’re on grid the more likely you’ll be considered a combatant regardless if you’ve fired a shot or spun up some logi or not.

This would also help with the ninja problem. As salvaging destroyers can’t just afk in a 30+ trigball without a care in the world. Though warping off and watching them get immediately vaporized is still content.

Cant say I do. Or ever have.

In two weeks you can have 6000 ehp no problem.

Kill every alt. I know mine would kjill me if they could, so death to all alts. I’m good with that.

On a serious note though, there’s a good argument for new players to join helpful Corps as early as possible, so they can get the right advice and assistance. Unfortunately identifying good from bad corps isn’t so easy for new players.

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