Invasions are trapping and one shotting noobs

Make a fit with exactly 6000 EHP, sit on a loaded gate and let me know how long it lasts. Why do I have a feeling you’ve never been in an invaded system. :joy::ok_hand:

But then the active pilots online would go from 22k to 6k. I genuinely wonder how many alts/bots are fluffing up that number :thinking:

How many people here are actually real “new” players and how many are just carebears pretending to speak ‘on behalf of new players’ while basically doing nothing more than pushing their own cowardly agenda? :thinking:



I was under the impression this was about being unable to travel.

But as you insist, my 6000 ehp Magnate has no difficulty in warping away after looting, and my Orca doesnt need MWD trick as they web nicely to help me into warp.

But as undertanked underprepared “new” players seem to be dropping Tech IIs and Leopards from their dead Tayras in Devoid (long way to go tbh but whatever), Im very happy for you to claim it cant be done.

But you are wrong.

Edit: and just fyi my salvage Magnate is pure T1 and salvage cargo fit

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Why would you sit on a loaded gate. If they are traveling they should be warping as soon as they decloak.
If they aren’t warping and are sitting around then they aren’t ‘trapped’, they are choosing to gawk and getting punished accordingly.

As for EHP, I just warped a corvette in & out of an invasion to it’s centre, with no fittings at all but default. I took hits at one gate, but stopped by a random station to repair. So… Not seeing the issue. This was a fit with approx 800ehp btw. 800. Not 6000, not even 3000 like a trash tanked frigate might get. 800.


1 year ago i decided to use that free SP they give to “rookies”. I checked out all of my “newbee” characters.

Cannot say about NPE but every one of them was spammed with training missions (or how are they called?). It’s basically jumping to your face when you log in.

This set of missions consists of like 15-18 missions where you gradually get new modules and ships, kill NPCs which get tougher and tougher.

What is this if not training? It’s available to all players. And it is basically jumps to your face if you don’t disable notifications and hide some windows.


Nether are the nulsec pvp vs the Drifters.

But would a noobe fly a lvl2 security mission or higher? No because they don’t have the skills or standings to survive them solo, so how can an noose expect to survive invasions and ignored the warming message that the system they are about to entry is dangerous.

If long term players with much higher skills and more experience find it hard to solo invasions, why are noobes think they can?
Because they are so urgently wanting to be with the big boys, even when advised against doing so.

If they have missions in invasion systems, the nooses should the lesson many of us learned about not entering contested systems.
Do we enter systems we know have large numbers of gander in, or a massive pvp battle is going on?

People who give up after their first pixel explosion are the kind that think humans will die out when the oil runs out.

Because they will give up starting a campfire when they fail the first time.

That’s on the people not logging in, they are butthurt over gaming mechanics…

Structures need not to be space garbage, they are meant to be a meaningful gathering place in space, not “I need 800 artsahaus’s to store my stuff because I’m important” you don’t fuel them, and drifters kill them, stop being butthurt…

If they were important you’d fuel them, all assets need to have an importance, it’s about accountability for your space trash.


I agree and I’m sure your reply was meant for somebody else because I don’t own any structures.


I guess now you can get off CODE’s back about one shotting new players.

But will the drifters actually retain the player like a New order agent can?

Praise James 315.

there is currently an invasion in the crux constellation affecting systems 1 jump away from starter systems

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A new player friend of mine lost his ship to an invasion near a noob system recently. He said

“I like they gave us this Corvette dispenser button. Now I know what to expect”



WTF are you even on about.
I’ve literally tested it with an unfitted corvette and flown straight through invasions. A literal 0 tank ship with about the EHP of a pod.
Actually fit a T1 tank to a T1 frigate, and it’s childs play for someone to fly through the systems as long as they don’t go poking at the Trigs. And if they do, well they poked it.

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Could a standard Freighter with 3 bulkheads II tank them long enough to align and warp out? What about a tanked blockade runner / DTS?

How hard do they hit at the gates?

If you are talking about Trigs, a freighter has no problem sauntering through them. They web you to help you on your way.

They dont scram and barely scratch an Orcas shields.

A 3000 ehp frigate has no problem either.

Eve…is not for you.

I would try to explain to you how wrong you are about EvE, but it probably wouldn’t make a difference for you.

I would try to explain to you the very simple way CCP makes real money from EvE players PLEXing their accounts and how it’s not somehow morally superior to pay by subscription…but it probably wouldn’t make a difference for you.

I would try to explain to you how it is better to give people on the street a warm fast-food meal and/or other small, portable, consumable things such as personal hygiene items rather than cash money to fuel the drug habits that are destroying so many and/or the organized groups that exploit them…but it might not make a difference to you. At least your heart is in the right place on that one.


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Any rookie who actually logs on to rookie help channel, will hear a hundred times a day that auto pilot is bad, and will get you killed.