
Yeah no, I’ve tried the “content”, it is horribly dull, unfinished, and no real rewards. It also highlights how broken salvaging rules are in high sec. Calling this an expansion is a joke.

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I did it. It is actually a quite fun…
Dunno about rewards, didn’t care about it - not everything in eve is about isk/h. This is a game after all. It is relatively easy to get into one of public fleets…



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Personally I would have the salvage rules be the same as looting, in that people go suspect if they salvage or take from wrecks. And you can of course blue the wrecks to let others take the loot and salvage. What I am doing is keeping an eye out for one spawning near me, when I see one I go there up until more people turn up including massed numbers of salvagers and then I go back to mining.

Generally the best approach is to not get angry, just let them twiddle their thumbs wondering why no one is shooting stuff. In fact then we might get to see the next stage of this invasion…, this things are like FOB rats on steroids which I rather like! But I have to say perhaps the diamond FOB rats need to start dropping some stuff too?


I will not fly these with a rando public fleet. All they have to do is pull reps and you’ll die in a fire.
We run them with two osprey, a muinnin, and two cni (or one cni and a rapier). Next time we are also bringing a noctis pilot, and maybe an orthrus to grab point on anything suspect stupid enough to get close.

The more we bring the more mouths want some of our metal scraps though…

We have also run a full fleet of passive shield phantasm but they’re a bit pricey for some of our guys. I have also successfully run with a shield buffer gnosis, two osprey, and a caracal.

I dont like to go above battlecruiser because lock time, speed, and application issues.

We also don’t go past adjacent systems with the cruiser fleet, but I feel like we could if we stacked numbers a bit.


+1 for building a castle

It’s not that it isn’t fun and it isn’t that it’s all about the money but having a group of people following you around taking everything of value is really annoying.

There generally has to be some type of reward to make the activity well, rewarding. PvP has the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat along with loot goes the victor.

PvE generally has rewards as well.

ISK isn’t the only thing but what activities would people keep doing that only benefit others at no risk.


Because it’s a “Farmer’s game”. It’s Farmville in Spaaaaace.

Take a moment to consider what’s worse: the stultifying PVe content that seldom changes even after being min-maxed to death, or the fact that people still play it to the point of not even communicating with anybody else in game.
Think about that. They play this PVe, mindlessly, talking to nobody. Day in and day out. I’m more inclined to blame raising kids on Ritalin because I don’t think CCP could make people this mindless even if they wanted to.

The problem is that somewhere along the line, it appears, they realized that these are the only people left who will play or be playing. But… but… the gankers! They might be the only ones left who are not zombies at this rate. But they come in the form of 20 team multiboxed fleets, showing even them to be fewer and farther between than before.

Lately I have been playing with abyssal deadspace and getting routinely roasted on a spit for my efforts. And I have not had this much enjoyment since getting one-shotted by sleepers in 2009. If it were easy I would not bother. This is what exploration was all about. Deadspace is going to be min-maxed, if not already, with canned content that never changes. And it’s back to ho-hum. Farmers will love it.
Everybody else will leave.


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