Which includes Lord Chakaid, who was tasked with selecting King Khanid’s champions.
Seems to me like Edeity fooled most people involved in the Amarr Championships – Cardinal-Duke Chakaid included.
Respectfully, ‘fooling’ implies some sort of Deceit. Ediety is quite open about his Blood Raider heresy and it’s even listed on his public biography.
I note that Edeity’s application to serve as a champion made no mention of his affiliation to Blooders – so yes, some measure of deceit was involved. Just because capsuleers might be familiar with other capsuleers does not mean everyone else keeps up with their alleged or even professed loyalties.
So what you’re saying that a representative of the Red King as well as many other of those involved in the Succession Trials can’t be expected to do about a minute and a half of the most basic of research on who is nominated as a potential champion?
Interesting stance. I for one prefer that people get held accountable when they’re wholly incompetent.
BWAAAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA e-“Hi, my name is edeity and I’m a Blooder”-deity deceived Chakaid? Not possible. Not even remotely possible. He’d have to, you know, hide it. Which he doesn’t. He probably sent Chakaid a private notice he’d signed up, and signed it ‘edeity, the baddest Blooder in lowsec’.
Really? There are lots of things I’m not mentioning in this thread that I’ve said publicly in other easily-accessed threads on this forum. Am I hiding them now? Am I deceiving you by not bringing up every single little thing?
I saw a line in a book of stupid philosophy, that said “Only the honest nudist has nothing to hide”.
- “Pax Sanguinis Emperor.” - Promise of the Blood Emperor
- “Full mastery of every Amarr ship, with blood drained corpses in my hangars delivered by The One Will through means of these ships.” - Blooded corpses in his hangars.
- “I pen this letter clad in my only real possession, a prayer robe. Caked in blood both old and fresh of rebels, heretics, traitors, pirates and beings lesser of race, dogma or belief.” - Ritual robe bloodied by sacrifices of human beings.
His devotion to heretical Sani Sabik beliefs was very transparent even if the only thing you read was his application letter. If you didn’t notice it, then you’re either blind and incompetent, or willfully defending Sanists and their supporters.
He’s also said many more things beyond that letter, which anyone who did a basic background check (as one would suspect would have been the job of people determining champion-candidates) would easily discover.
I guess the question is of what’s more important: the truth, or stubborn pride?
Given that a champion of Kor-Azor turned out to be a blasphemer against her most sublime Majesty, Catiz I, it appears yes. Again though, being the victim of a Sanist deception is no proof to me of actually being a Blooder heretic.
Defending someone who swears by the “blood Emperor” and openly brags about blooder rituals is heresy in its own right.
As far as I am aware, I am not defending anyone who does.
You mean the champion who was not a blasphemer at the time?
Are the members of the Theology Council supposed to be able to see more than a year into the future, then?
Inviting capsuleers to participate in the Amarr Championships was always going to invite those whose characters might be dubious at best – or outright deceptive as was the case with Edeity.
The idea that Edeity decieved Chakaid while he openly talked about his bloody robe is possible, but requires that Chakaid is an utterly incompetent fool.
Perhaps, but again, unless you actually claiming that those who made the candidate selections needed to be able to predict an angry tirade from one capsuleer over a year in advance, the behavior after the fact of the Kor-Azor champion in absolutely no way reflects upon how thorough the vetting process for each candidate was, or needed to be.
But even if it did, that has no bearing whatsoever on the process Chakaid applied to edeity. Kor-Azor’s vetting failure or non-failure isn’t in any way reflective of the process that let the cluster’s literally second most notorious Blooder (after, you know, Omir) be selected as the Khanid champion.
Careful there. You don’t want to be in the position where you’ve just publicly cast the only possibilities as ‘either he’s an idiot, or he knowingly supported a Blooder’. It might get people you care about Deathglow’d.
Cuz, you know, an uncharitable Cardinal-Duke might think you just did that.
He already tried. If, that is, he actually is behind the deathglow attacks and not just someone’s patsy.
I see no need to attribute malice, when a momentary incompetence seems to suffice.
Wow, all the Amarr types just up and calling a member of the Theology Council ‘incompetent’. Y’all gettin’ ballsy, huh?