Is CCP ever likely to deal with stream sniping?

Those videos don’t show any evidence of input broadcasting. You are seeing things that aren’t there.

Do I have to make a drawing for you noobs? Look closely at the gank on the vexor navy. He activates and overheats the guns on his first window and then boom! magically all the windows have guns activated and overheated. plus every client shoots, scrams and webs with just one click inside the client. binned commands anyone? Derp noobs!

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Because it’s very possible and probable that he already had those guns activated and overheated before the video starts. The videos don’t show the state of the other windows prior.

Like I wrote before, you are seeing things that aren’t in the video and imagining that it happened one way, when a perfectly valid and likely alternative exists.

DId you report him? Because that would be the appropriate approach, unless you have actual evidence of input broadcasting you can post.

Yes, that’s the way the mechanics work when you have active modules. Ctrl+Click is all it takes to start the targetting and then the modules activate.

It’s worth understanding the mechanics before trying to claim someone is cheating.

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lol you are grasping for straws to protect him. obvious troll. and yes I filed a ticket.

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Then if he gets banned, you’ll know. If not, then you’ll also know that you are wrong.

Not at all. Cheaters should be banned. At the same time, if you are going to accuse someone of cheating, then you should be able to show it.

At the moment, you are just guessing.

Self-reflection is great and all, but I wouldn’t call you that at all. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

Damn, that is some Top Gun level dangerous flying there. I’d like to pop in a popcorn bag, but seeing that a ticket was brought into question, I’ll just link this cool little video that was buried deeper in “that ganker’s” channel. The recording starts a little earlier in the gank procedure.

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Nope, it’s actually a clear case of griefing… And could also be viewed as an exploit.

Because that’s exactly what you are…

Heh, you’re really full of it…

And if CCP did do that, this game would pretty much die within 24 hrs afterwards…

:popcorn: :beers:

A new drama thd.

I find it funny as others have pointed out that if I’m suddenly streaming, I get immunity and get to keep my stuff? Why not have everyone stream and be immune?



It doesn’t take much thought to figure out ways that immunity for streamers would be a problem for the game.


Actually it just shows you don’t understand game mechanics :smiley:

Of course. But then we all know who the OP’s alt is. :smiley:

This would lead into sheer craziness.

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What game has the most live streams at once record? A record could give eve a boost in the arm. :rofl:

Please do, professor.

I feel sorry for the ccper who has to deal with yet another of those. Probably don’t expect that one to be very high priority, you are hardly the first.

And hopefully not the last! :laughing:

Personally, I would love to watch some of these feeds live while having the theme song from Jaws playing in the background while I SCREAM at the screen to look behind you! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
jaws theme song - Google Search


hey I never wrote that! that’s a false quote! you can’t do that!

so you admit you have been reported for broadcast input before?

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How about you quote correctly instead of making up trollcrap…

Accusations don’t equal guilt, sorry Torquemada. People have reported folks for input broadcasting when they couldn’t figure out how it was done over and over. Been happening for a long time. Again, you are hardly the first.

Pretty sure this is exactly what a GM said to me.

The guy broadcasts his position, his ship, modules… and he’s just floating there targeted at a rock in a big expensive ship like New Eden is for tourists… smh. Easy prey.

That’s the idea I guess.
@DeMichael_Crimson Why should anyone have immunity from the consequences of ill-thought actions?

~Fifie looking into Streaming.


I never said anything about giving immunity to anybody so don’t imply that I did.

As for this particular instance, they specifically targeted him just to troll grief his gameplay and disrupt the stream, and since they used an out of game resource to locate him, that could be viewed as an exploit.

Anyway, I really don’t care if you or anybody else thinks it’s perfectly fine. Personally I think actions like that is what’s been slowly killing Eve’s log-in count.

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Best city in all of Britannia.

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