Is CCP ever likely to deal with stream sniping?

If you consider streaming some kind of “advertising” for EVE Online, live streaming with special protection against interference from other players would promote a gameplay that a potential customer would not get for his money if he choses to buy the product. Misleading potential customers is bad. Showing a gank live on stream is a good lesson on how the game actually works. And a good streamer would use it to a) entertain his audience and b) explain the mechanics behind it and c) offer counterstrategies so others could learn a thing from watching him play. And if he really wants to hide his location, he has many options to do so.


Why should CCP ‘deal with’ the fact that some people choose to broadcast their current ship and location live to a lot of viewers?

It’s like saying “meet me at the Jita sun” in public channels and then acting all surprised once people warp to the Jita sun to fight you.

If these players aren’t looking for ingame interaction after sending out such an invitation, there’s plenty of alternative options to stream without such an invitation, ranging from covering certain parts of the screen, streaming with a delay or simply dealing with the fact that it draws attention and taking it as an opportunity for extra content on stream to show viewers how interaction with other player ships in a game like EVE works.


First and foremost, I would never stream any PvP event LIVE anywhere. Here is a thought; Record your session and then post the raw video. Tell everyone it is live, so the gankers show up to an entire fleet of warships instead.

It is all just fun and games, if a streamer gets their nose out of joint over it, they are the ones that spilled the beans on themselves. Most streamers are doing this to boost their ego and self promotion.

However this behavior is very poor sportsmanship and should not be encouraged. I won’t pat them on the back for being spoilsports. They are trolling the streamer to some degree, but CCP should not need to pass some B.S. law in the ToS about it.

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If watching a stream and dunking miners produces this kind of salt, I am all in. Miners be ready.


Streamer griefing is getting absolutely out of control, and CCP needs to do something about it quickly, before the rest of the players leave EVE and the game finally dies.

It’s ridiculous that CCP and Twitch allow griefers to get away with this. These psychopaths should be banned from both platforms instantly because their presence hurts absolutely everyone. For example, when I got ganked by Safety. scumbags, my stream’s viewer became very upset, and said in chat that he felt traumatized and wasn’t interested in trying this game anymore. He also stopped watching the stream, and probably quit Twitch as well.

@CCP_Rattati I hope you’re listening, because this behavior obviously hurts the game very much by making current players quit, and new ones no longer willing to give this game a shot. Streamers should be immune to attack unless they consent to a duel or enter a Faction Warfare battleground. If you don’t fix this ASAP, EVE isn’t going to last another year for sure.


TBH I’d only give Twitch itself another six months if this keeps up.

Hmm, the devs don’t seem to mind getting sniped when streaming on twitch during their Friday roams ?

Oh irony.

:thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy:

So, who got sniped this time ? Asking for a friend.



It’s not special protection. They can still be killed, it’s just about not allowing their stream to be used as a weapon.

It’s the responsibility of the streamer to not turn the stream into free intel. This is EVE, not a catwalk.


I’m a streamer - don’t shoot.


As soon as possible, I hope! Then I could use my 28 accounts fleet to stream while running Observatory Flashpoints in Pochven and getting rewards on all the accounts. I estimate a cool 3~4 billion ISK per hour with minimal effort. Of course, everything would be done professional, with a cloaked alt at each gate and one at the Flashpoint gate, convo’ing and messaging each incoming player that I am streaming, providing a link to the stream and informing of the CCP rule against stream sniping and also providing a link to the said rule. When I would inevitably get bored of Flashpoints, I would run the same stunt in wormholes, on sleepers sites. Again, one alt on each wormhole and the same information protocol.
I would also stream my Null-Sec roams in the midst of ongoing wars, like I roamed in WW Bee 2 and the current FI.RE war.
And if any player would choose to ignore the anti-stream-sniping rule, then of course, a banhammer would be called in and a full reimbursement of any losses on my side.
Yes! Great idea! Do it!


There…are…people who watch streams of people…mining?

Great maker!


I think your mind is in the right place, and it would be a good practice in theory, but practically-speaking, CCP is unlikely to ban first-time offenders, warning them instead. Because of just the absolutely vast amount of griefers in the game (I would estimate that 80-90% of all players are griefers), it means that you would still get attacked repeatedly since it would almost always be a new offender sniffing you out every single time.

This is why I think that the best course of action would be for CCP to implement a feature that detects when you’re streaming, and automatically set your PvP status to off so that you can’t be attacked at all while broadcasting.

Even better! With such a mechanic, I would steamroll over the most lucrative wormhole sites and Observatory Flashpoints using cha-ching-bling-bling uber-abyssal-fit ships. I love such ideas! CCP, do it!


I am about the biggest grandest milk drinking carebear there is, truly.

Yet if I am going to promote a PVP infested game such as eve, I will definately do so in a way that will teach what to do and what not to do and demonstrate both.

Imagine streaming a game session in ESO’s Imperial City (which is exactly like Eve in function and feel) running around like nobody is there all the while collecting all those telvar stones --showing ppl to do the same and can do so becuase there is this agreement to not gank him. Ppl dont know this agreement is in effect and they then pay their hard earned money to buy the game and then role in there and BAM, in 2secs flat they have respawned elsewhere and 50% of her telvar stones gone. The pvp’ers there are just like here, they know their stuff through and through and offer ppl like me an amazing challenge to obtain resources like a fox under their noses.

After getting unexpectedly, psychologically and unpreparedly ganked becuase Mr streamer could not be bothered to even scratch the surface as to what the nature of the game is and thus, the unwary new player is comprehendedly traumatized. Afterall, Ms new player spent money and time into this new game advertised by the streamer and it was harshly revealed to be NOT what was shown. The new player will then HATE the game and tell everyone they know never ever to buy it.

But if the streamer educates, contextualizes and prepares demonstratedly the spirit of this game’s gameplay, then the streamer is providing a service. Yet in this scenario, the ganker provided the service instead.

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No such rule exists. Hell ccp gets stream sniped on their roams


lol I wached the stream and the guy read the name of the gankers. you want to know what’s funny? that sargon of amerish guy also posts his ganks online and he is obviously using broadcast inputs so they are derp easy to do. this is wrong on so many levels.

Hopefully you aren’t saying those videos you posted show input broadcasting.

Take a closer look at both videos. You’ll see it eventually.

This drek again, eh? Take a minute and look into it, Ha’Kar. It’s not even that hard for someone with decent coordination.