Is eve a PVP game?

well simple is random people hate on me for not playing the game how they play.

And that I started to play solo and not joining any corps becuse im sick and tired of all the drama people have when they get war dec or killed or so on.

But the worst drama comes from null sec players it´s like watching desperate housewives space edition becuse allot of veteran players are rely god at creating drama when they lose a titan or space and such.

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Ignore them and play your way.

If you want to make changes to EvE, then expect some resistance from different sides.
The more drastic the change or the more core of a concept that you might want to change, then the more resistance you’ll receive. (and that’s a general you)

As for the drama, Enjoy it with some popcorn and a tasty beverage of your choice… or turn off the tube and ignore it if you’re not into tragi-comedies.

The great thing about this sandbox, is that’s there’s lots of sand. Find your plot and play.

–GadgetCorp sells the best shovels and buckets

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EvE is GvP (gang vs. Player). The rest of the time it’s PvE.


I thought they were in wrong when they use ganking word when they talk about PVP in EVE, but now I know that is a correct definition of EVE PVP. (Ganking is when one high-level player,or group attack and kill a player way below his own level who do not have a chance to defend himself) When a player can lose everything if he fails he will not attack equal to him, just weaker one, and all about is who have the bigger gun.,am i in wrong? :slight_smile:

I am having a hard time believing that. Maybe they are instead telling you to accept the rules of the game, which is a completely different thing? It is like having people complain about how they need to be fit for survival in a game where you have to be fit for survival. When you are not you simply get killed. This is what many people who “telling me how to play the game” usually complain about, which has nothing to do with “how to play”. It’s the game. You lost.

No im not kidding I have people hating on me because im not out there shooting people in the face or dying to their guns I get hate for im in hig sec doing pve and not down in low sec and get shot at. I will say it again liked I said it for the past 10 years all of eve players are not that nice or mature they every one keeps thinking.


Well, obviously not all of them are. Taking the other posters comment as if he meant all of them is silly, though. Also, for your convience, here is a dozen comma for free. , , , , , , , , , , , , : - )

I don’t usually have random people trying telling me how to play, at least if I haven’t blown them up or something. At least as far as I can tell, highsec is essentially inert now with very few people discussing anything and most keeping to themselves. I find it hard to believe multiple people are telling you out of the blue that you don’t shoot enough things unless you are doing something to attract it.

I’m not sure what that is, but ignore it. They are either engaging in some tough guy puffery or trying to provoke you into doing something rash. Either case, ignore it. Eve is a PvP game through and through, but that doesn’t mean you have to actively try to shoot anyone. You can accept you are a target, and scurry around collecting and amassing nuts for whatever compulsive reason or long-term goal you want.

You haven’t met enough EVE people then. People tell other people how to play every day. Maybe I see more of it because I spend a lot of time helping out in Rookie Help chat which at times is little more than a collection of bitter vets telling new players how they should play EVE.



I see this line of thinking a lot and I think you have to be careful how far you stretch this definition.

Technically you can start applying this logic to almost any activity in any game with players in it until everything is PvP and every game is a PvP game.

I mean if I farm Kobolds outside Stormwind at level 1 in WoW, some other player doesn’t get to farm the Kobolds I kill … PvP? If I build a house on a plot that some other player wanted to build their house on in Dark Age of Camelot … PvP? If I buy the last roll of Black Cloth from the Market in Ultima Online … PvP?

So are all of those games PvP games or do they just have PvP in them and other things that are more commonly considered PVE. Is EVE really a PvP game or just a game with PvP in it?

If I mine all day in a belt that no one else visits and don’t see another soul, have I really PvPed?

If PvP is defined as ‘anything that might have any affect on another player’ then aren’t ALL games with players in PvP games?


Let say it like this all mmos are in a way pvp player vs player and pve player vs enviorment they I should re ask the question is eve online a PK game only game meaning is the game all about player killing? When I think pvp think player killing players not miner vs miner who can out mine each other fastest. I think that the common thing people means when saying pvp is player killing player not competing on the market or such but basically you me killing each others. So then I would say no eve is not only about killing each other but it´s the biggest part of the game. Does that make sense now ?

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That’s what it always was in the MMOs I played for a couple of decades before I encoutered the other definition used by a particular subset of EVE players, who seem to employ it to defend the idea (misconception?) that EVE is the most PvP thing of all the PvP things ever in the history of PvP things.

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Eve is more of an economy management game than a ‘pvp’ game, especially when you define pvp in the general definition that the layman thinks of; direct combat between two or more players.

Watering down the definition of ‘pvp’ to include everything gaming related is absolutely ridiculous as you’re basically wanting to replace the word ‘Video Game’ with ‘PVP’.


While racing someone for the flowers in Elywnn Forest is competition of a sort, as is selling them on a shared auction house, and is arguably similar to try to mine and bring to market ore/minerals in Eve, it isn’t what makes Eve a PvP game. That competitive economic interaction, at least in some watered down form, is common to most MMOs. What makes Eve a PvP game is that someone can come along and shoot you while you do it. CCP spells this out in the New Pilot FAQ:

The essential core concept of EVE Online is that it is full time PvP in a sandbox environment. As has been mentioned in previous sections any player can engage another player at any time in any place.

The difference is clear in WoW as well: on a PvE server you can race other players to pick flowers and the only competition is who can gather the resources the fastest; while picking the same flowers on a PvP server means that a rogue can appear out of nowhere and gank you. It’s the same activity, but under two different rules sets it is either PvE or PvP depending on whether you are open to attack by other players.

In Eve it is PvP all the time and everywhere. Yes, the single-shard nature of Eve (and the permanent loss thing) makes the competition with other players more relevant and intense, and you can “PvP” in the sense you can battle with other players for economic or military superiority on multiple levels not all of which use lasers or antimatter, but what makes these struggles PvP in the general sense and the one I believe CCP is using in the above quote is that your opponent always has the option to come and shoot you by design.

Of course this is largely a semantic argument where everyone is probably right depending on what variation of the definition of “PvP” they are using so it is basically pointless. Such discussions are probably better off if people avoid using the term ‘PvP’ altogether and I bet will quickly find they generally agree on most of what everyone else is saying.


I fully agree I mean for me eve online has always be this sanbox mmo where there is allot of freedom allot of focus on player killing player which is not a bad thing and micromanagement it´s like a 4X space game in a different way because it shares allot of 4x games I mean it has it all eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate.

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Well there we go. No more discussion needed!

eXhume and eXplode are good too :yum:


More or less…yes. Most MMO’s will have some sort of conflict-type situations just for the reason that there are multiple players doing different things.

If I’m being an ass and farming the newbie section in some fantasy MMO, leaving no mobs for an actual new player, then yes, that’s conflict. I am forcing the new player to make a choice - wait me out, try going elsewhere in game, or leave the game altogether. This is also considered a dick move, because losing potential players is usually bad. Dick moves are generally frowned upon to the point of punishment by the GM’s.

OTOH, if there is a rare spawn, and both I and You want to kill it, then there may be more palatable competition. We may not be able to work cooperatively if the game has us on ‘opposite’ sides. If not, then we may be able to work cooperatively to kill it and both get credit. Some games will give us both loot, some will be random to who gets the goodies. If the latter, then it’s possible that I will want the loot and NOT for you to have it, so I’ll pull out all the stops to kill it (or tag it) first. Once again - competition.

And if you’ve ever been on a raid with random loot trying to farm something in random groups. That’s where the nastiness resides in MMO’s.

Then there’s the market. Most of those games will have vendors that you can sell items to.
EvE has very few of these, and the NPC market orders are only for a very limited set of items. It’s also intended to be a starting point for the budding marketeer.

Having said all this, there are some big differences between your average MMO and EvE.

One difference is of the consequences are generally more meaningful - though that can be rather subjective. In your average MMO, you generally don’t lose anything. Survival games can be an exception. Early MMORPG’s and respawning naked zones away, isn’t really a thing anymore unless you’re on a special server of an old game.

PVP in your average MMO (the pew-pew type) is generally structured and makes attempts to be fair. Exceptions exist for some games, of course. These games will earn a reputation as “hardcore”.

Lastly, most MMO’s have artificial boundaries. Most MMO’s want you to interact with each other, but only in certain ways. Some games the opposition cannot talk or interact with each other unless it’s combat related. As usual, there are games that have more of a free style type of play.

The main thing that sets EvE apart from other games, is that EvE is the exception in ALL these categories. While the vast majority (if not all) MMO’s have some sort of conflict present, EvE was built around the concept of constant conflict, Few interaction boundaries, and meaningful consequences for peoples actions.

–No-so-conflicted Gadget


If I may be so free to let my in game character out for a second:

Greetings, woman. You are exactly my type! Do you murder people on regular occasion and does watching people die amuse you just as much as me?

This is your Miranda Warning. Eve style.

You have installed EVE.
You have entered the Player - versus - Player - Universe.
Anything you do and say can and will be held against you.
You have the right to be trolled on the forums if you complain without merit.
You have the right to solve competition by combat.
You have the right to interact with other players in ways civilised communities would not allow.
You have the right to not interact in combat. If you cannot avoid combat a new pod and clone will be provided for you. But nothing else.
We owe you nothing. You have to earn what you get and fight to keep it.

Do you understand the rights you have as i explained them to you?