Why did you play board games? Monopoly, go for broke, game of life.
No computer, not digital but fun.
Not just 2 to 4 players but thousands.
Interact with many people not just a few.
There are logical reasons for doing the things we do in the game.
Cures boredom, its a release from reality, stress free and its your “me” time.
Why do you need kills on your kill board?
specially: Why do PvPers need kills on kill boards? You just accumulate a digital number on an external web site.
You WORK A LOT to increase this number and apparently that’s all your goals here.
The point is… Play the way you like and don’t trash others for playing the way they like.
Don’t discurrage them! They have to grind that ISK for bling mods, so I can take it from their wrecks and finance my contiguous ganking without having to grind myself.
You have to look at the whole ecosystem. Those people are important.
People like “watching numbers grow” because that makes them happy. That concept is hugely exploited by idle/clicker games, but not foreign for most (all) other games: “hi score”, game currency, character stats or player’s rank.
This game was made for people with Excel skills, so they can have advantage over the kids at last.
Because EVE is a strategy game and isk is a measure of success.
Guess if all you do is ride the Merry Go Round that might not make sense.
- Buy PLEX
2.sell PLEX for Isk
- Success !
Eve Online: teaching Americans how to manage money and resist compulsive spending since 2003.
So just like real life basically. EVE is a real life simulator.
Lets just adjust your quote and make it a bit more realistic
now lives in pretend basement on pretend food life going well
Not facebook devs.
1 ) go to movie = cash
2 hours of entertainment = nothing
who does this? = most of the whole world including you!
You could start a walk
That’s for people who have no personal sense of success and only care about what others think.
I don’t base my Idea of personal success or the success of someone else in a game
( I care about what my wife thinks)
strong textCompo**
Yes I’m whipped and sometimes the handcuffs scare me
I need isk to replace the ships that blow up
its not llike they get replaced for free if they explode in battle like some technoviking religion
it’s one of the currencies in the game, i need ISK to buy things.
to build things, it’s not free.
so does everyone else. working as intended.
yes it can be a lot of work, but the rewards make it worth it, apparently is taking a guess, the goals for everyone is different, some do it to supply ships and mods needed by corp mates, some do it because it’s what they like to do in game. some do it to become stupid space rich.
it’s worth saying that a lot of industrial minded players also PVP and would invest their ISK in many things within a corp or an alliance.
bit of a silly question really to begin with when ISK is the main currency in EVE. a bit like asking why is everybody so obsessed with oxygen.
Personally I don’t know how much my stuff is worth.
I like ships and so long as I can buy the ship I want when I want it I don’t care much.
Same as mining I find it relaxing and building this is fun.
The isk is just the transfer medium needed.
The top right area of your character sheet has an approximation of material wealth.