Is Eve Online too toxic?

Over on another MMO I lost £300 worth of RL money in one day when I bought a region as a present for a friend at the wrong time of the month…as it turned out payments were for calendar months and I literally bought on the last day of the month. That’s sort of on par with losing 45 billion ISK in Eve. Ouch. A totally crazy rule and setup. But I just got on with life.

Getting ganked by the game itself - love it


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whats funny is you ask a simple questions, is the game toxic, and you get flamed by toxic people mad about you questioning them being toxic. lol


Facts don’t care about feelings people.

The only one mad is you.

Go burn a boat.

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You seem to have confused me with someone else or honestly even someone who cares. I am many things but a miner isn’t one of them. Unless you counting mining the tears of gankers and trolls in which case sure call me a miner lol

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sorry reading these from a drop down on my phone I replied to a different thread here I think I’m just going to wait until I’m home at my pc lol

Calm down miner.

Would you be able to post even one screenshot of such tears as evidence? Just one.

I mean the most recent example that people could have seen themselves was right here on this forum. I’ve ignored Winston (A well known ganker and trolls from Metro for a good while now.) But despite me generally avoiding him because I’ve moved on from our disputes. I have destroyed so much of the mans ganking front and showed so many people the truth about who he is as a person that anytime I do anything to promote what I’m doing he shows his salt and tears publicly for all to see by spam posting and trolling it.

I mean honestly I should thank him for doing it because it causes it to get more attention and traction. He has so many alts he just spam trolls and cries in the replies even getting his buddy in goons (selten) to help him with it. Just collecting those tears and minding my business. I didn’t even have to reply to the guy a single time. Eventually an ISD got involved and handled it. But even that wasn’t enough Winston had to go and make his own thread to attempt to be salty about me in that one instead and the same ISD member took it down almost instantly.

Okay, but that’s not proof though. Can you post genuine evidence so that the community can judge whether or not you actually “mined tears” or are just saying it to seem like a tough guy when in reality it was just a normal conversation, the other person was being sarcastic, or maybe even you were the one who was crying?

Na not even I was laughing for sure. The fact the man is so salty he would go out of his way to continually go after the things I’m doing even when they aren’t even remotely related to anything he could be doing. If that man isn’t rage crying every time he sees something I post then I’d be surprised. Would be pointless for him to go out of his way every single time with multiple of his alts, that we actually know of because he makes it very obvious in game they are his alts. He is either rage crying or he is in love with me and has a weird way of showing it.

Still going to need that evidence. From what I can see, your activity mostly consists of getting a hit in against one-shot artillery ganking ships before they die, as neither Thrashers nor Tornadoes would be able to shoot a second time in a 0.9 system. Maybe occasionally you’re able to shoot a ganker before they are able to, but in general it seems to be fairly standard, inconsequential AG gameplay, and I’m not sure how you can make anyone cry with that.


I’m sorry am I supposed to care about if you agree with me or not? Because i don’t. I don’t stop to take screenshots of the gankers I rage I simply enjoy the moment. Also it’s not just about shooting them. Scooping the loot and returning it to the ganked target cutting off the revenue the ganker is after. Using bumping ships to keep them bumped off station/gate and away from the would be gank targets. Keeping local chat filled with info on how to avoid being ganked and how to deal with it if it happens.

If you didn’t, then you wouldn’t be trying to convince people that you’re a very successful AG all the time. :person_shrugging:

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I’m not actually trying to convince anyone of anything lol you can believe me or not that’s completely your choice. I’m going to do and say what I do and say. Walk the walk and talk the talk. People can agree with me or not and I don’t really care. The people around me know who I am and that’s all that’s important to me :slightly_smiling_face:

If that were true, you wouldn’t be posting.

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This your first time on the Internet? Lol

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I see I’ve made a point, leaving you unable to form a coherent response.

Everyone else sees it too.