Is Eve Online too toxic?

I see you clearly don’t understand how the Internet works. That’s ok I’ll break this down for you so even a child can understand it. People post things on the Internet all the time. They don’t need to make sense to everyone who reads it. That’s ok. Not everything on the Internet needs to be taken seriously. Not everything on the Internet needs to be agreed with. Now that we’ve broken down middle school level computer classes would you like to advance to hs classes or should I revert to grade school level for you?

Can you do a Sesame Street song-and-dance lesson?

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Oh I could try but that would take more time lol. I don’t get paid for that so it would be a side project if I did it at all.

Did he just try to mansplain the internet?

Sooo, what I’m getting from this is, I shouldn’t take you seriously. You just ■■■■ post for the hell of it.

Good to know.


I don’t expect, want, or need anything from you. If you decide to not take me seriously that’s completely your mistake to make. You won’t see me judging you for it. Live on doing what you do :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, we have expectations of you.

I care though I”m not you and you can’t be me so which side are you on?

Ie I pretend to be a miner!

Are you sure he’s not your alt though? :thinking:

Would you even know if he’s your alt? :eyes:

:smiling_imp: :smirk: :snowflake:

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No way check his history, he really connects with Aiko a lot

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A lot of dumb people here and elsewhere seem to confuse toxicity with stupidity. Leave the community you’re in and the stupidity will decrease, a long with the so-called toxicity.

This means you DO CARE

This means YOU DO

That is no way to speak to an adult, know your place kid.


Is it really a mistake, or the ramblings of a narcissist?

You were the one that said we shouldn’t take you seriously. But now we are supposed to?

Pray tell, what information do you posses that is of any value?

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This I gotta hear, the anticipation is kiling me.

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Hadn’t realised killboard was absurd enough to give someone a ‘Solo’ kill label when they only did 6% of the shooting and gate guns and Concord did the rest.

Referring to someone as stupid could be considered toxic!

and also a potential violation of the forum rules :wink:

ISD Bahamut


Frostpacker really appreciated your response/reply though in all fairness we do not need you Sir well respected Leader of the forums in our corner.

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Toxic? Will my hair fall off?

Fall off as in, it falls off because it’s a wig.

Or do you mean, fall out, as in the roots of your hair weaken and it falls out of your scalp?