Is Hisec ganking good for the game?

So what, you think nullsec miners are more elite?

Well as long as we agree carebears are bad and no one wants gankers to be like carebears, then absolutely lets pour in the chaos.

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Yes. Doing anything out of high sec is more elite than doing it in hi sec. (But new bros gotta start somewhere.)

I play most of my time in low sec, though. Null is starting to become kind of a player controlled version of high sec. Parts of it anyway.


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So if I shoot a miner in nullsec, that’s more elite than shooting a miner in Highsec?

Right so it goes ( in order of least leet to most)

Pochven–> Starter Systems—>high sec —> null sec—> low sec ----> wh.


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It most certainly is! The player controlled response will be much more unpredictable. You’ll get much more adventure!

A Catalyst can kill a Venture in 1-2 shots. How could an “unpredictable” nullsec response make my adventure any more elite than in Highsec?

In the first place, you have to out there into null…

I like Ramona’s hierarchy. It sounds about right. (Although I haven’t tried Pochven yet)

WHers are the maistro race after all.


I noticed that you did not answer my question. Is that because you suddenly realized that I have an argument you cannot refute? Let me clarify:

Highsec = 100% predictable guaranteed destruction of gankship

It sounds to me like ganking miners in Highsec is a lot harder than ganking them in nullsec, and I think you know I am right.

100% guarantee isn’t what “risk” means.

Risk not guaranteed anything.

But if you come on GD you 100% risk getting trolled by a very attractive female character

I see, so if I accept a 100% guaranteed penalty, I am actually accepting less risk than someone who does not have this penalty?

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Give it a try and find out.

Maybe I can even undock in a procurer and go AFK so you don’t have much trouble finding a target.

I’ve already killed miners in Nullsec and Lowsec. It’s easy mode. I can use a better ship than the Catalyst, and my ship isn’t destroyed afterward. The biggest difficulty I have is remembering that I can just warp away in perfect safety.

Oooooo, so risky and elite.

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If you are using a high SP character, then high sec ganking is killing your security status.

If you’re just using a 5 mil sp alpha, or one you subbed for one month and only plan to ever sub for just one month, then you’re only risking a cheap ship.

So it depends. Some hisec gankers really are putting something on the line, because if they try to kill a freighter and fail, they’ll have to spend hours and hours ratting to get back their sec status.

But if it’s an alpha/ 1 month ever sub, and you go into null: how far do you think you would get?

It has become clear that you don’t know what you are talking about, or even who you are talking to. Best wishes to you!


How would I know who I am talking to… on a forum???

Because Aiko doesnt use a forum alt to post.

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