Is Hisec ganking good for the game?

Lol dont worry about it.

All cool.

You killed some characters with no player present. Let’s call it Non Players Characters (NPC)

Well, sorry to break that for you, Aiko. But that’s not ganking, that is ratting.

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Actually a pretty good idea that deserves it’s own thread in the appropriate forum section.

I’m just tossing out the trash.

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I would say the catalyst is not that bad. However there is something making it difficult to me.

There is really something horribly wrong with the things you type, though I won’t claim to know why you type them. You didn’t have a point. You accused me of not understanding when I clearly do, and now, all you are doing is trolling again, making an all new ridiculous accusation of slander.

If you had no difficulty understanding, you could go and actually teach those that you claim are confused.

So rather than fix the dam, I should try and repair every house that gets flooded? For eternity? With no pay? That’s a completely stupid idea. YOU do it.

Yeah. Multiple ganking megathreads exist for zero reason. Sure.

Its fing hideous is really why I only ganked to gain experience.

Minmatganking though…


Guilty of being afk, guilty of being lazy, guilty of not using cloak-mwd when hauling valuables, guilty of not tanking properly, guilty of being too greedy and hauling too much high-value stuff, guilty of flying bling-fitted ships without scouting first…


Amen to that

Do you want to talk with my manager, Karen?

These threads exist because a minority of the playerbase feels strongly that they ought to do so.

So strongly, in fact, that almost any view can be offered, without the least attempt at rational exposition or justification.

Many of the threads, alas, resemble adolescent texting sessions, wherein the emotions are strong and valid, but there is a tendency to avoid objectivity.

What is the purpose of these threads? Is it to inform CCP of something which they don’t already know? Unlikely.

Perhaps it is to let them know how strongly 26 people feel about an issue of vital importance to the survival of the game? - a game now in its 18th year, having survived the combined anti-ganking onslaughts of (probably) hundreds of foaming-at-the-mouth ferals.

No. These threads, or megathreads as the hyperbole has it, exist purely to give a few of us players a catwalk upon which to display the bottom-hugging couture of our cherished notions - about a video game…

The remainder of the playerbase couldn’t care less.


I think this sums up the thread perfectly. Until some players can do whatever they want in hi-sec without having to consider not fitting for max yield there will be cries and screams.

The considerations you are discussing above ARE EVE. It’s having to make these decisions and trade offs that sets this game apart from anything else out there. Refusing to (or not realising you need to) make these tradeoffs isn’t a reason to change mechanics.

What you are describing as a problem and something to be “fixed” is in my mind one of the best things about Eve. I honestly don’t think some of you are playing the same game as me.


They exist for many reasons…and a core one is confusion about how in the seven hells known pirates/ criminals are allowed to keep repeatedly waylaying innocent travelers in a place mislabeled as “high security”.

A lot of confusion could be resolved if the areas were just named more appropriately…even calling Hi-Sec “Medium Security” would be a step in the right direction although I think “Moderately Patrolled” for anything less that 1.0 space would be even better.

Its amazing the crazy things some of you shove into my posts that aren’t there. I never said anything was a problem (here in this thread about the topic, recently) except that “hi-sec” is mislabeled. The part you quoted was simply a description of the situation in high sec, which explains why its mislabeled.

I swear, its like some of you are half in the thread and the other half up your own colon.

Why is the label ‘high security space’ wrong though?

In EVE each system has a security rating based on how much NPC protection players get.

A: below security rating 0.0 there is no NPC protection whatsoever. Zero. Null.
B: between a security rating of 0.1 and 0.4 there is NPC protection at gates that will shoot any illegal agressors
C: between security rating 0.5 and 1.0 there are gate guns and an unstoppable NPC fleet response with a response timer that is quicker for higher ratings.

As numbers are hard, we have the descriptive names 1. ‘low security’, 2. ‘null security’ and 3. ‘high security’ that you can match to those three types of space.

Please fill in:
A = ?
B = ?
C = ?


A = null security space
B = low security space
C = ‘utter crap security space’ because regardless of all the additional security measures people still manage to die when making the wrong choices /s

I would say the descriptive names are really accurate. And only a newbie might be confused the first time, but they will learn soon enough that safety in EVE is relative.

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Apparently words are also hard.

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Only for some people. Luckily the majority does get it.

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Ah, Ridley; this again? You may have missed my point.

I’ll couch it in different terms (although goodness knows, I have surely made it plain enough).

  1. CCP is content with things as they are - until it becomes discontented.

  2. Your view - that gankers should have no place in Highsec - though
    genuinely felt - is poorly argued, and obscured by a curious reluctance by you to reflect on its merits (such as they may be).

  3. I have already agreed with you that ‘Highsec’ is less reliably a description
    of the place than it might be.

Please devise a memorable and catchy word or phrase to replace ‘Highsec’ - and deliver it to the sub-forum devoted to such innovations.

The real problem - I almost fear to tread here - is that you have brought your Real-World consciousness with you into a fantasy-creation in which the usual moral boundaries are suspended. You seem to think that should not be the case, therefore, you resist.

You are like the Princess Who Wanted the Moon. You have notions about EVE’s design and purpose which are at odds with reality. Of course, that you think it should be as you wish, is your prerogative; do let us know when you have succeeded.


If there is no problem needing to be fixed ………What is the purpose of you posts in this thread?

Post after post decrying this and decrying that. You are either trying to FIX A PROBLEM you think exists…….or you are trolling. Which is it?