Is Hisec ganking good for the game?

We have words, numbers and even colours. To not get it someone need to put a lot of effort.

This. A thousand times this.

I posted something in another thread on this not too long ago. This notion ā€œEve should be realā€ is just a nonsense. We are actively discussing whether Concord behaves like ā€œreal policeā€ while accepting if we blow up our consciousness transfers to a fresh clone. Itā€™s bizarre.

Eve is a construct. And that construct has rules and mechanics. Itā€™s not as if how concord behaves isnā€™t clearly documented all over the internet. You learn that and use the knowledge to benefit you. I donā€™t understand why this seems to be shoved aside and replaced with ā€œIf concord behaved how i want them to behave I wouldnā€™t have been gankedā€. And againā€¦ā€¦coming back to what Iā€™ve said beforeā€¦ā€¦ That is not a reason to change mechanics.

Gankers know the rules and mechanics and use them as much as possible to give them an advantage. And believe it or not understanding the rules and mechanics is also the counter play.


Ganking megathreads are a problem in themselvesā€¦but they also exist partially because of the confusion created by the misleading term ā€œhi-secā€.

Misled and confused players are a problem, both in game and on the forum. Many bitter arguments here could be avoided.

The term hi-sec is not misleading. Itā€™s the space that has the highest level of security in the game. It does exactly what it says on the tin.

The issue isnā€™t the use of the term hi-sec. Itā€™s your incorrect pre-conceptions and your inability to adjust


I never said that. You got that from your own colon.

If you want EVE to be completely unreal, how about everything be written in a made up language only CCP understands? No?

Oh. I see you want things to be in words you understand. Yeah. Thatā€™s my point.

Iā€™m not the one making these comparisons. You have made them in two threads i have read today and i remember you doing it in other threads previously.

Iā€™m not scrolling backā€¦ā€¦. But it was you that compared gameplay to the police sitting in a car outside the Yakuza right?

Odd. Right there you admitted its off. If it meant ā€œhighest securityā€ then thatā€™s what it should say. But fact is, this ā€œhighest securityā€ is poor security. They let known criminals and pirates in. They allow them to dock. They allow them to set up structures. They allow them to purchase arms. They leave loot there for anyone to pick up rather than put it in asset safety. And 20 million other things that would amount to actual security. But they donā€™t. Because this is poor level securityā€¦somewhere between the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School guard and Dirty Harry.

Please point me to any part of Eves documentation that supports the idea that hi-sec means safe space.

Dude, what do you want? Do you think the games we play are totally unlike the real world or are there similarities?

Can you even comprehend for a second that if there were no similarities we would not be able to play at all and would be nothing but confused?

If CCP changed all the names of everything tomorrow, everybody would quit. It would be a circus. Words mean things. Inappropriate labels cause confusion. How the hell can you argue against that?

I want you stop endlessly repeating nonsense across multiple threads.

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How is that any kind of point? There are loads of resources out there explaining how hi-sec works (along with all the other complex and innumerable special points of this game) and loads of people are confused and frustrated about it all the time. CCP can do whatever the hell random thing it wants. That wonā€™t guarantee the game is good to go.

This is important to understand.

Ganking is neither particularly easy, nor very difficult. The would-be ganker matches his/her interests and enthusiasms to the activities offered within the game, and finds a fit.

It is still necessary to assess a job, as in ā€˜Can I gank it?ā€™ There used to be a spreadsheet for gankers offering just this information. I was a poorly skilled ganker, so had frequent recourse to its assistance!

Gankers have to learn the game mechanics peculiar to their craft - just like any EVE player. The more successful gankers also have intuitive (or professional - itā€™s hard to tell) understanding of the psychology of certain types of player. They study or observe behaviours, and capitalise on them.

Githany Red attempts the same level of scrutiny in her activities - for the other side.

A useful post, Etch.

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Your failure to grasp basic concepts is not my fault and it does not make basic concepts nonsense. Mislabeling causes confusion. I donā€™t understand how you cannot understand that.

Yep. It mostly depends on the type of ganking being done.

The irony.

Ridley, ā€˜high security spaceā€™ means itā€™s high security space, compared to all the other space in EVE as this is a dangerous PvP game.


The word you are searching for is ā€œhighestā€ not high. Even maximum would cover it, but not high.

Look, I think it needs renamed. I have stated my case. Those who think its fine have stated theirs. We can just agree to disagree. Obviously no one is budging.

I completely agree the mislabelling causes confusion. However hi-sec is no mislabelled.

It functions exactly how CCP says it functions. It functions exactly how the internet says it functions. It takes about 2 minutes of effort to find out you are not ā€œsafeā€ in hi sec.

As Iā€™ve said before mislabelling is not the issue. The issue is you having an incorrect pre-conception about what you think hi-sec should be and being totally incapable of accepting the reality of it.


ā€˜Highestā€™ is a relative word, but ā€˜highā€™ is also relative.

No need to change it.

I have. In a post somewhere on this forum. I called it Concord Response Time, or CRT. All Empire space would simply have a CRT level. Thus 0.5 sec space would be 19 CRT, or CRT 19. No confusion. No need to consult a table.

Low security space could be GGR for Gate Gun Response. I have no idea what the numbers currently mean though or what difference it makes if 0.4 or 0.3 so I canā€™t come up with any numbers for it.

NCR space could be Null. No Concord Response.

None of that was hard.

Edit: The original ideas I posted as Renly Rohan here: Closed - #111 by Renly_Rohan

I said it is ā€œANā€ issue and never ā€œTHEā€ issue.

And that is false and another thing you are pulling out of your colon despite all the things I say otherwise.

Loads of people post their confusion regularly. I have no idea why you have to come after me for coming up with ideas to remedy that, or for pointing out that people are so often confused and frustrated for being told one thing, but finding out its another.