News flash. Just because you say things ………it doesn’t make them true.
Im not coming after you. I’m just responding to the ranting.
All I did was commenting on what you were presenting as a problem being one of Eves greatest strengths and you jumped down my throat telling me you didn’t say it was a problem………I asked if there wasn’t a problem why were you posting ……… and now we are here.
So forgive me confusion………. Is there a problem? Or isn’t there?
Technically speaking, matter is expelled via the rectum or rectal sphincter, rather than extracted ex colon (out of the large intestine).
For example, Ridley, you may have said something which appeared to originate in the colon, but which found its way back into the alimentary canal and was finally excreted via the oral orifice.
For someone so hot on precise words, you exhibit a tendency to play fast and loose with anatomical terms.
If they need to ask what Concord is they are starting at the beginning.
I would much rather explain that Concord will destroy the offending ship in 19 seconds rather than have them ask me why they can get ganked at all in high security space, AFTER the false idea that they are secure in hi-sec has poisoned their brain. But maybe that’s just me.
But, you know, I would really like to just drop it. Can we drop it?
I think it’s more important for newbies to know that CONCORD will punish criminals. That it takes exactly 19 seconds in 0.5 systems is only relevant when you’re trying to optimise your hauling fit or do ganking/anti-ganking. Irrelevant information for newbies that already get an overload of information in their first days.
And the false idea that high security space is 100% secure won’t be in their mind for long. Most people learn pretty fast. And if they don’t learn after the first death they might after the second, or third.
You may only Expel matter in a direction away from yourself.
You may only extract matter in a direction away from its origin.
The ‘matter’ under discussion originates in the large intestine - but can not be expelled directly from that location (don’t try it…), although it can be extracted, usually by a surgeon or pathologist.
The people to whom you addressed your remarks haven’t indicated their membership of either of these professions, so you were not only inaccurate, Ridley, you were presumptuous!
Do not lock horns with me on matters of anatomy or basic physiology.
Again, you use words passionately, but are negligent in applying them correctly.
I have a son. I often ask him if he understands. He usually says yes. We often find out later that he didn’t actually. And that has been my experience with most people at similar percentages.
It has also been my experience that the less you confuse people up front the better they will grasp in the end. People tend to lose bits of information over time, and then hit a point where they remember being told something about something, but cannot remember if they were told a name was correct or if it was pointed out it was incorrect. The naming of Iceland and Greenland is an example. School kids are told the simple reasons for the names, but ask an adult the reasoning and I bet a fair number will tell it backwards.
Me: Don’t autopilot. You can still be attacked in hi-sec and autopilot drops you away from the gate
Newbie: Oh. I did not know that.
Me: Yeah its a thing high sec is not safe space.
Newbie: Thanks for letting me know.
See…………simples. I have variations of that conversation constantly. To start with they don’t need overloaded with response times. They just need to know its not safe. That’s an easy concept to grasp. ITS ONE FACT.