Is Hisec ganking good for the game?

Yeah. That’s why in the original post I had ACRT space…Active Concord Response Time Space.

See there is High Security space on one hand, and 1.0 to 0.5 on the other.

And so I have ACRT Space on one hand, and CRT 6 to CRT 19 on the other. My numbers actually tell you something. CCP numbers tell you next to nothing.

Low security…means what exactly?

GGR tells you something…that only gate guns will fire in an innocent pilot’s “defense”, useless as they are.

Every time i read CRT i get confused with HRT. That cant be good

Yeah. Hormone replacement therapy can really drain your ISK when you open the market and make that mistake. :upside_down_face:

I know you are growing tired of these exchanges, Ridley, but I was - through the use of humour - trying to make a serious point.

Words and meanings are important - something which you clearly ‘get’. But in order to have a sensible discussion, we must agree a common definition of the terms we’re using.

You tend to adopt an expression or word, give it a meaning, and expect other contributors simply to accept it, because you say it is so.

Dictionaries exist for just this purpose of establishing common ground, and they do not disagree materially with one another.

You were just being sarcastic; I get it. My own posts are often dripping with genuine sarcasm, though you may not be aware of it, but I do try to make them accurate.

Don’t feel that you have to respond; I too tire of this hollow back-and-forth!

It tells you exactly that: you have less security than if you were to stay in high security space.

For a newbie that doesn’t know all the details yet and doesn’t need to know all the details yet, this is sufficient information for them to make the choice whether they want to enter low security space when they get a warning. Some people might not want less security and stay in high security space, some people might get interested and ask around what exactly those security ratings mean, while another just jumps in to see for himself what it means.

Different people have different needs. And some simple basic information like ‘high security, low security, null security’ will be a good basis for all of them.

When they get a warning??? In the form of an explanation??? Look, neither the current terms nor mine are self-explanatory. Both will require explanations. Both will inspire confusion to some degree. I only maintain that my way will cause less confusion and impart more factual information.

In fact you have no security but that which you provide yourself or get from friends. Concord does not even do logi for crying out loud! They don’t secure you! They just blast the bad guy…maybe in time…but usually not.

Even just saying “security” provides a false sense of security! You guide people one way, then make a U turn. Its not efficient. Its not constructive. Its inherently bewildering.

Have you tried entering a low sec system or null sec system, or wormhole as newbie? You get a warning that the other side is dangerous.

For newbies that aren’t looking for danger, this warning is sufficient without an overload of information.

No warning or explanation needed. High-low-null. It’s a simple understandable progression. Nobody will ever think low sec is more secure than high sec. So right off the bat we are half way there. Then we have security numbers 1.0, 0.9, 0.8. Again simple. The higher the number the more secure. Great.

Now compare that with CRT-GGR-NULL. Will right away even knowing you mean concord response time and gate gun response there is no logic to that progression. How easy would it be for newbies to make a mistake and lose a ship because they thought GGR-CRT-NULL. Even being involved in this conversation I’m having trouble remembering what these letters stand for. And then the numbers. CRT6 is more secure than CRT19. Why? Is the obvious newbie question because our brains are wired to associate a bigger number with more of a thing. And sure its concord response times…………but that means in order to be able to understand the system at all you need to have that level of knowledge.

The system as it is now requires no explanation to understand how the sequence works. High -Low-Null. 1.0,0.9,0.8. Our brains can sequence that without anyone telling us the order. And then we can go find out more as we need to. It’s scalable. The overall concept is clear to someone with no knowledge and then the more detailed subtleties can be learned as the game is played.

Your suggestion requires for all the knowledge work to be done up front. Basically asking new players to go through a manual before just jumping in. That’s not going to help with players retention in my opinion. It’s cumbersome and contrary to how our brains work be default. Politely put. It’s a bad suggestion



If you want the game to not be confusing to newbies, things should be clear and intuitive with a minimum amount of knowledge. Any new player with 0 knowledge about the game whatsoever will understand that a high security system is more secure than a low security system. But no newbie will know what a GGR is compared to a CRT, or what a ‘concord response time’ is and why it is relevant.

They won’t know the details of the security, but those details are unnecessary while the newbie is getting overloaded with all kinds of other information at the same time. If the newbie is interested in the details, they have lots of sources to figure it out.

@Mike_Azariah I know for a fact that new players losing ships and not being able to replace them has cost Eve TONS of players. How do I know that because I was one when I started, if not for friend giving me ships or isk, gankers would have driven me from the game. As a player that has been around a 4 years and very active in the social side of eve, it is all true. I have handed out 10,000+ to newbro or newbro groups. I have sent most newbro I ran across isk to just help them get started. New Eden is a horrible place to learn eve.

There is no running any more since CCP nerfed the warp core stabs. A ship can only have 1 point of warp core stab unless the ship have a bonus but a killers can have 1, 2 and up to 4 points with ship bonus. Does not sound balanced to me. There is no fighting in a hauling ship or mining ships. Sounds like the only option is death because that is how CCP has the game balanced.

Of course you do. What’s your point?

I never said to remove the warning. I approve of the warning.

And that brings us back to where I was saying that people THINK they understand and SAY they understand, but in fact, they so often on’t. They ASSUME and wind up with misconceptions that are murder to try and erase later. And then we get huge arguments in ganking threads that become mega threads.

My way says up front that all of EVE is dangerous. However, if you can survive an attack long enough for the Concord enforcers to arrive in their invincible ships you may survive as they destroy your attacker’s ship. The fastest response time is six seconds in CRT 6. The slowest is 19 seconds in CRT 19 space. And the difference is massive though it may seem small. In GGR , no Concord ships will arrive to destroy ships that attack you. All you will get is gate guns responding and only at gates. And those guns are so useless you can’t rely on them. In No Concord Response space Concord will not arrive. Same in worm holes.

Its not a long paragraph and no misconceptions have been imparted.

You have just dug in your heels and are not actually listening. I wish you would drop it and stop pestering me.

No one is holding a gun at your head, Ridley. Just stop typing and let it go; you’ve clearly had enough.

Have a cup of tea and a buttered scone; it works wonders!

Dung goes great with tea and scones :smiley:

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CRT 10
CRT 14
CRT 19

Elementary school kids could sort that.

How easy it is it to think 0.4 is just a baby step down from 0.5??? Going to an entirely new acronym is quite a tip off. Dropping the same 0.1 as before isn’t.

And aren’t you aware of pop-ups at gates that warn people of stuff like that??

Everything would be just as it is now and only the names would change. The current Enforcement Level (security level) would be right there on the screen from the start as it is now. It would become ingrained as it is now. Everyone would get used to the newness, but the completely true information would ease the process of true undestanding.

So this would be shown on the screen in addition to the security status rating of the systems?

Because security status rating of systems is very useful not only to know about CONCORD, but also to know how valuable bounties against pirates in those systems are, or what types of ores spawn, or how much PI the planets produce.

You seem to think the only thing security status says is ‘CONCORD response timer’. It would be confusing to have only your system and it would be redudant to have both.

Let’s go with the simplest version that’s clear to everyone and show only the security rating.

OMG stop this non-sense argumentation

High-sec is high-sec. It’s not labelled as Total sec either

It’s high. Not total, high
I can feel pretty safe in high sec
I have no bubbles, I have no smart bombs, I have no hotdrop, I have the police, I have the turrets

If I am just a bit careful I’ll not get ganked :
I scout, I check for local, if I am running missions on a blingy ship I dscan on 1UA often, I tag the gankers so I will see them in the local. I don’t autopilot with billions in my cargo. Etc.

Are we just here endlessly discussing the personal and relative mis-conceptions of what “high” means ?

Thanks CCP high sec is not total sec


Well hoop my flarb this thread is mondo snarlgradi.



Despite the fact I’m 99% sure you are just trolling ill give this a proper reply.

sure CRT 6 - CRT 19 can be sequenced. But as i said before our brains are hardwired to assume larger numbers are better. Therefore there is significant possibility newbies are likely to interpret CRT 19 as being the safest as 19 is better than 6. Your systems requires them to learn about concord response times up front. And given a few posts ago you were telling me that newbies struggled to process the single piece of information “high sec is nor safe space” then by your own logic this is too complex.

Secondly not understanding the jump from 0.5 to 0.4 is so big is a much less significant problem than mixing up CRT and GGR which effectively means a player would be flying around in 0.4 thinking its 1.0.

We simple cant get away from High - Low - Null being a logical progression understandable to a goldfish and CRT - GGR - Null being something you need a degree in astrophysics to understand.

Anyway I’ve never been good at suffering fools and me head hurts. So I’m done. Have a good evening.

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Trolls say things with the intention to get people wound up, sometimes regardless of their own stance.

I’m afraid Ridley is no troll, from what I’ve seen since he joined the forums he seems to genuinely believe what he’s saying.