Is Hisec ganking good for the game?

LOL so you admit it isn’t 100% and you’re wrong. Got it.

And yea, the ganks fail because there ARE countermeasures that get employed by the target.

Firstly, it would be gathering intel about your route to avoid le gank in the first place. I weep for humanity man. How did your ancestors successfully cross rivers in croc country with this type of mindset?

You are showing a bit of inexperience there.

If you have eyes on a target you don’t show yourself in the next system - you wait until they’ve committed then move into position. Thanks to things like wormholes you can hide your fleet one jump away and wait until they’ve put themselves in a position which is hard to get out of. Or the old classic log on trap.

How can you still fail to get what I’m saying - I’m talking about that being equal (or as much as possible) over ganking as a whole.

No. Wrong again. It’s an inadequate gank what fails.

That’s not a gank. This is prior, therefore the gank doesn’t exist.

What kind of this is this? Stop that now.

Imagine if gankers could fit that to their Catalyst.

That’s some 4D Chess idea.

Again we are talking hi sec. Gankers aren’t pulling these types of coordinated moves with WHs LOL. But then if you played the game, you’d know.

I am far from inexperienced. The reality is you no longer play and have no grasp of what actually happens in game these days. No ganker crew is literally gonna WH chase to get the perfect WH into the system they need to. There is only one ganker crew I know of who even runs scanning alts and he only works in a few systems that are well known because he exclusively hunts mission runners.

Log in traps are a null/low/war dec move, not a high sec one. Again, you are mixing up what gank actually means and this is another clear indication of it.

It isn’t that I don’t get it. Its that you’re wrong bro. I notice how you dodged the question. And it wasn’t the first time LOL. You already admitted they’d been warned and given countermeasures and ignored it.

Yesm, the best way to avoid a trap in the first place is knowing its there. Are you suggesting to gather intel about ganks and then knowingly jump into them anyway? ROFL.

Its a valid question. Think to yourself how they figured out how to cross the river.

It could also be a golden apple, or the hair pulled from seventy shaved frogs. No one cares. It’s just an example but something could be devised to give an interesting outcome, not a granted one.

Put duck tape, glue, spit, whatever… imagine anything you want.
Currently there is absolutely nothing against that. Know the game.

This problem that keeps being brought up, of people quitting because they are ganked with ‘faceless alts’ that never login again and so deprive the victim of some kind of restorative revenge, is something I have simply never heard of outside this thread. Like, ever. Mentioned by anyone. At any time. Ever.

The idea that some person exists who would not quit because they were ganked by Aiko and were therefore free to shoot her catalyst the next day, BUT would quit if ganked by ‘gankalt420noscope’ seems bizarre. Who is this weird person?


The gank never happens. Invalid argument.

This is not even a this.

Or uh. Maybe a tank. Like a lot of tank. Like trading tank for cargo space so you can make it thru.


So strange huh? And it all exists in game. Wild.

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Nope, that would be a wrong target = failed gank. Have you ever done it?
Cuz in such scenario, you wouldn’t try. There is nothing against it and you know it.

How is the gank not happening invalid? You realize your whole premise is already DOA because people do in fact get targeted and survive the gank? You realize the target took measures to counter said gank, hence why it failed?

Did you eat the lead chips growing up or

If it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t exists.

You know like wormholes connect to high sec systems and generally aren’t included in the plan when someone is scouting a high sec route or generally doing PVE - by sitting on the other side of a wormhole a fleet has a good chance of hiding from someone who might be on the look out for trouble only entering the system once the/a target has committed (easier generally to just sit 1-2 gates out but there are times that isn’t ideal). Again you are showing inexperience. Granted as with log on traps it is a less usual technique, a little more commonly employed with high sec wars, but it is done from time to time.

You only need to scan the wormholes in the system/pipe you don’t need to WH chase trying to find a way into a system.

Log on traps have been used against canny pilots in bling ships in high sec before - again it is a less usual one compared to what you seem to be focusing on of swarming freighters but it does happen. There is a video somewhere from back in the day of a officer fit Rattlesnake dying to a carefully laid one who’d managed to avoid being ganked before.

The point being the local list is far from some undefeatable instant intel beyond the immediate moment in time.

Again you aren’t understanding what I’m saying - one of the points is that over ganking as a range there is a variation in that warning and countermeasures possibilities.

Have I ever ganked someone in high? No. Have I blapped a lot of peeps in low/WH? Yea.

I literally just listed a billion countermeasures in this thread. You seem to be under the impression once they lock on you die, and that simply isn’t true. I’m not near Pyfa right meow but when I am, I shall list a sexy Sigil fit for you.

This kind of this, makes it all self disqualifying. Stop that.

Because all the ways that are already successfully used to avoid and survive gank attempts are invalid.

Acknowledging them undermines the argument that more is needed to make lazy players safer.


Rest my case.

According to some posters in this thread you can’t possibly have any idea of what you are talking about then :laughing:

Dang. You took the words out of my mouth sir. And ain’t no one running fancy tactics ganking anymore nor did they ever for hi sec ganking

Cept I’ve survived many gank attempts in high sec. Thereby disproving your theory. That lead must have been delicious no?

Cept I’ve survived many ganks. By using all of the above mentioned countermeasures. I choose not to high sec gank. I certainly possess the skills to do so.

I littered Halaima back in the day with mining wrecks in my trusty battle badger. I don’t think high sec ganking is wrong, I simply choose not to engage in that play style.

You know whats fun? Setting up a bait AIR site in low while you sit there and then romulan warbird the expo dude who comes in for it. Good times.