Is Hisec ganking good for the game?

I’m sorry you are losing Ridley.

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And I am sorry you are disappointed with your own trolling ability.

They’re probably like:


I’m sorry that you lost your mining Gnosis, and after years, you have still not figured out how to achieve a meaningful revenge. That must be very not fun for you.

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It is positively freakish that for years you bring that up over and over. Of course I am not calling you a freak for doing it. That would upset a moderator. Harassment though…good to go.

Eve isn’t a game where the final whistle blows because you blew up someone’s ship.

It is one of the core things which made Eve stand out over other games - someone does something to you, you can plan for the long run to get back at them, etc. for example as I’ve mentioned previously a corp war dec’d us and started blowing up some structures we had in high sec while kiting our timezone/logging off if we logged in yet talking smack about how we wouldn’t fight them. With a lot of effort from a couple of people in alliance we discovered their wormhole home and raised it to the ground.

The story doesn’t end there though - a few months later some of them after joining a new corp were involved in a fight with us in which both sides lost capital ships but they somewhat came out on top, largely due to our triage pilot having his computer crash :(, which I suspect was some catharsis for them.

That is what makes Eve.


No it is much deeper than that, I take it as an AG player, who wanted to fight against gankers. That person who lost a large percentage of their wealth or what they had spent time gathering finds that he can only blow up a destroyer worth 8m after a huge amount of effort and it makes no difference to anything.

This is why I wanted to push gankers out of NPC stations in hisec so they were forced to use structures and of course structures can be attacked. My own alliance took out three of them last night. At this point they have no major impact except as easy perches with tethering that makes them safe, so hitting them does hurt a little. But if there is the possibility to go after those that allow gankers to dock or those that are run by gankers then war has a real meaning and is a way to get back at them.

And this type of conflict is good for the game, because it means people out in ships ready to fight, what’s not to like.


Just leaving this here…

Game | Definition of Game by Merriam-Webster
(1): a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the participants in direct opposition to each other

(2): a division of a larger contest

(3): the manner of playing in a contest

(4): a particular aspect or phase of play in a game or sport

(5): the set of rules governing a game

(6): the number of points necessary to win

(7): points scored in certain card games (as in all fours) by a player whose cards count up the highest

Contest | Definition of Contest by Merriam-Webster

Strive | Definition of Strive by Merriam-Webster
1**:** to devote serious effort or energy : ENDEAVOR

2**:** to struggle in opposition : CONTEND

Vie | Definition of Vie by Merriam-Webster
: to strive for superiority : CONTEND, COMPETE

archaic : WAGER, HAZARD also : to exchange in rivalry : MATCH

Might just be me, but I get this feeling that defeating ones opposition might not be that far from what games are usually about. :thinking:

Merriam-Webster is behind the times. These days, pornographic software that is nothing but love making (cough) is widely referred to as a “game”.

And the idea that life is a game is very old. Hmmm…maybe Merriam-Webster is just narrow minded?

No, those are kinetic novels.

Thanks for your comments; I read them with interest - and some scepticism (but that’s me…).

But I am very interested in your remarks, quoted above.

If, as I believe, Highsec ganking is neither good nor bad for the game, it’s important that we hear from all sides of the argument.

Are you prepared to sketch out the reasons why you’ve decided that anti-ganking is in such a bad place? Without, of course, breaking any confidences.

I’m genuinely interested in hearing what the problems are, Dracvlad.

Whaddaya mean “no”?

Your idea is nothing on what is widely stated, and it is.

Well, a kinetic novel is a weird thing. But yeah, it can still be considered a game.

The same link Merriam-Webster link defines

(1): activity engaged in for diversion or amusement : PLAY
(2): the equipment for a game

Basically you both are right on what a game can be.

But you seemed to discard that a game could be about competition, which was why I linked the above.

Ahhhh, the question is what can you do to disrupt the gank to gain revenge or inject in some payback and the issue becomes more stark as you scale up in terms of the size of the gankers target. Removing DPS by using DPS is such that you have to alpha stuff and quickly, a mining ship can be save dby removing one, move upwards and it gets a no win. If you can take out one Catalyst, maybe two and then a third that applies most of it’s DPS then you actions may not stop the gank. The scale in terms of risk and cost is terrible to be able to make any difference and even then it is marginal.

It is not an easy thing to do, you have to be in position and ready to act. ECM is chance based and pretty ineffectual if the ganker fits a sensor booster with an ECCM script. The best way is to time a bump to knock the target out of optimal, but again you have to scale up against the gankers 11m T2 Catalysts.

Many gankers will glibly say that you could gank the ganker bumper, but in reality most AG do not have the required number of alts trained up to do that and never will, I have one by the way which I could realistically use to gank a ganker bumper, you need three Talos for a bumping Mach with a slight tank on it.

AG is difficult as hell.

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Have you tried urging the miners to not be AFK? Maybe they will listen.

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Thanks for sharing that.

Yes, I see the problem. Of course, the anti-ganker has an uphill task in taking the initiative because of the reactive nature of the play; being properly prepared, and so on.

The ganker, of course, has already done his/her homework and, although it’s not always known whether a welcoming party has been commissioned, has (let’s say) a loose relationship with his/her cheapo-catalyst.

The issue of scale is an important one. In order to make any real impression on Highsec ganking, they need to be able to field people in numbers. My understanding from past initiatives is that those who seek (or expect) the protection of the anti-ganking organisations, are rarely sufficiently enthusiastic to contribute in any useful way.

Many gankers are both team and individual contributors - and they’re willing to lay out some pretty hefty sums to support the playstyle.

James 315’s MinerBumping blog, when it was active, acted as a central locus for news, views, entertainment and comment. Perhaps anti-ganking needs to coalesce around a similarly charismatic figure, then organise, organise.

It’s certainly a puzzle. Thanks again for the post.

I think you are confusing “cry” with “laugh”. Gankers arent the ones constantly making threads about nerfing ganking, or asking if Hisec ganking is good for the game. Did you forget which thread we are posting in right now?

The fact that gankers respond to anti-gankers who keep complaining and belly-aching and crying so much, by making thread after thread after thread to complain and cry and belly-ache, doesnt mean we are crying. Sorry to burst your bubble.

You mean, one of them adapts, and shares his knowledge so that everyone else can benefit from his findings? Yeah, I think that happens in all walks of life, and is pretty much fundamental to how a society operates.

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Obligatory Grr Goons.


Fixed it for you.

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We’ve already listed the many ways they can get revenge. If they choose not to, thats on them.

So in your view, everyone in the world must individually learn how to adapt instead of learning how to from someone else? LOL. You do realize what learning is right? You’re comical dude.

You realize you could gank them before they gank right? It isn’t hard LOL.

Oh? Drop names? What are the reasons? Don’t be shy. Share this “theory crafting session” with us between you and your alt.

LOL, you have 3 solo kills my guy. You are a F1 monkey confirmed.

I was flying around in isanamo a few nights ago, while Safety was actively ganking. I found a ton of peeps in ventures just chilling in the belts, not even mining. So either AFK or their script went wrong. They deserve death for being that dumb.

Those “innocents” have the same tools to fight back as their aggressors. They choose not to employ said tactics.

Or instead of alts, maybe actually organize and recruit from all these people getting ganked who want this “revenge” and go out and actually get some huh? Maybe actually I dunno, play a MMO.