Yeah, they do that all the time, completely ignore the main point and shift attention to a different aspect of the statement which they won’t let go, will keep bringing it up over and over again. That’s what trolling is all about, twist a statement around and portray it out of context just to boost their epeen. Ironically it’s the same few characters who always quickly jump in one right after the other. What’s really funny is a few of them always claim they don’t do ganking yet they always jump into anti-gank threads to post in defense of ganking.
Why not just make T2 guns Omega only?
It’s not needed, because that’s what the whole thread is about.
You claimed you weren’t going to respond anymore because it would be off topic. Turns out, you were off topic to begin with.
I’d say in this case, that’s what Drac did. Not the other way around,
What does killing freighters and jump freighters in lowsec, nullsec or jspace have to do with Highsec ganking?
Unfortunately, instead of just acknowledging that he was off topic and we could all agree that yes, solo killing a freighter is possible, but not solo highsec ganking a freighter, then it would be easy to just move on. But of course, instead of just acknowledging the topic, dig in instead; and he’s got a lap dog along for the ride to white knight about it.
I think my mistake was expecting an honest debate.
It’s a shame really. I genuinely didn’t believe it when people told me you don’t argue in good faith because of our exchanges in the past.
I guess that’s over.
My question was meant to bring to attention the disparity in the efforts to fly a freighter compared to the effort of ganking. Not only is it already possible to successfully haul with a freighter solo and impossible to gank a freighter solo but you want to further lower the bar for freighter piloting solo and ask for yet more organisation and effort from gankers.
It’s not that i expect it to be equal. It makes sense that ganking take more effort, but we’re already at the stage where it takes 10+ accounts and precision execution to take out a freighter that has made multiple mistakes in the most gank friendly systems.
It’s not like freighters aren’t reaching their destination. The vast majority do. But we must make it more trivial to haul? We must devalue the profession more?
Yeah that doesn’t make sense.
That is better, why couldn’t you reply with a post like that, then you would have got an honest debate. My point was based on whether gankling was good for the game. As a freighter is a sitting duck and the mechanics are getting in the way of defence then something is needed to give the person in the freighter a way to protect themselves in terms of being ganked. I made a suggestion of a module.
As for your point, taking out any capital ship should take several characters, or time, the basis of time is removed from hisec as it is a criminal act unless at war. Which answers your question on solo killing. If they are legally allowed to shoot then you can take it down solo.
The disparity in effort is because gankers chose to take them down in hisec, and as they offer significant rewards the bar should be high, and I think even higher. So it makes total sense what I said, and what you are saying makes no sense at all.
In terms of the original question is hisec ganking good for the game, I will say again that while people are sitting ducks the answer is no. If players have a way to fight back or defend then fine. So at the moment while the balance is a lot better than it was, it is still not there.
Just convo the freighter pilot and ask whether he wants to be webbed so that gankers at next gate can’t kill him. ofc he needs to agree to a duel for you to help him…
Freighters do have the mechanics needed for defence already: they could get an escort fleet to protect them.
It just so happens this is very rarely worth it as high sec ganking is a rare occurrence.
The ADC?
If the mechanics are the issue then look at the mechanics. The module you propose doesn’t change the mechanics that get in the way of defence it simply demands the gankers put more bodies into a fleet.
The freighter pilot provides those rewards not the game.
And when your module comes into play the freighter pilot will put more value into their hold. The way you look at ganking is a nerfing-loop that never ends and solves nothing,
It’s inevitable conclusion is to make ganking for profit impossible. It is the quintessential ‘just one more nerf’ argument.
Your module changes nothing about that. It simply ups the EHP of freighters. Which we’ve done before…several times.
And here we are: ‘just one more nerf’
Heh, ironic that you reference lap dogs and white knighting, whenever this topic comes up somebody pulls the chain causing you and your feral pack to jump in from nowhere and gang bang on those who don’t share the same viewpoint. You constantly claim to not engage in that type of gameplay yet all the while you white knight for it. In fact most of your replies here in these forums are spiteful and vindictive, as proven by your reply to me.
Just for the record, I’m not part of a feral pack. I was just here because of an unbelievable claim that caught my interest.
There’s lots of (frequently unused) counters. They have been listed to death in here and in other threads.
That’s why freighters get ganked. Lack of though
And effort
whenever this topic comes up somebody pulls the chain causing you and your feral pack to jump in from nowhere and gang bang on those who don’t share the same viewpoint.
This is the next level of paranoia.
Or is it projection? Since you guys also appear in numbers…
The latter, again disappointingly, makes sense. Man you guys suck if that’s true.
And here we are: ‘just one more nerf’
And there is the context, my suggestion is a buff to a ship by allowing a module that enhances its defences, to prevent that feeling of inevitable loss and helplessness that I know upsets the victim having spoken to so many over the years I played.
If the mechanics are the issue then look at the mechanics. The module you propose doesn’t change the mechanics that get in the way of defence it simply demands the gankers put more bodies into a fleet.
Absolutely, I find it rather poor gaming that people can judge what they need perfectly, and I want to remove some of that inevitability.
Your module changes nothing about that. It simply ups the EHP of freighters. Which we’ve done before…several times.
Nope, it is a chance based module, nothing to do with EHP.
And there is the context, my suggestion is a buff to a ship
So I assume that a buff to freighters isn’t then a nerf to ganking?
Was a buff to wreck EHP, a nerf to anti-ganking? Or was that just a buff to a situation where reward for setting up an effective kill (kighsec gank, or super/titan kill in low/null) was more guaranteed; and had no rebalancing impact on antiganking at all?
All this chat is really about game play , I remember when Dreads 1st come out and a group in low sec started using them , with a supper in support , they stopped after we killed the dreads , it took a long time and a bit of planning but the dreads went down , my point is we used cheap ships to kill something very expensive and it was great fun,help never came for the dreads because we attacked the supper at the same time with no real hope of killing it and their backup was too slow . That was game play.
I’m absolutely sure ccp never planned for ganking as it is to be part of game play in its present form and I support people’s right to gank ships that leave them selves vulnerable but not like we have today , so can’t ccp just make it better game play in some way.
That way players could take any action they wanted against gameplay they dudnt like.
Other than that, you are just coddling the stupid and lazy.
I actually like how faction police work , if we catch an outlaw at the gates and hold them , they are much slower to kill than concord and we are in danger of being attacked , sometimes they get to gate In time if not we hold them and together we kill them
Yeah I can work with that. Never had a problem with Facpo, some tweaks and it would do the job fine.