Is Hisec ganking good for the game?

No names were mentioned, it was more of a blanket statement ‘all that oppose him are one gang’, because it cannot be that multiple individuals might disagree with him at the same time.


And now you’re twisting what I actually said into something else.

How else should I interpret

and your feral pack to jump in from nowhere and gang bang on those who don’t share the same viewpoint.

other than ‘all that oppose him are one gang’? It’s quite litterally what you said?

Or is it that only a few of those that oppose him are one gang? And that others who also oppose him might not be part of that gang, even though they also don’t agree with what he said?

(Just trying to make sense of what you’re saying.)


Yeah, if you say so…

Hello, yes?

Oh wait, I read that as Queen of Baldies.

NM, carry on

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high sec ganking is here to stay it wont ever go because low null sec dwellers dont have enough kills where they live and they then try to entice high sec dwellers out there by showing them just how life is out there only going to reinforce the view of most part time high sec social players that they want no part of it

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  1. Why is this reply aimed at me?

  2. Your logic doesn’t hold up. In what way do “low null sec dwellers” entice anyone to do anything? Null players dont want outsides on their patch and low sec dwellers are too busy doing FW to care.

  3. No but really, why is your reply to me? Did you hit the wrong button?

He is bald. Duh.

Then he should know better than to address his Queen directly and in such an uncouth manner.

Perhaps the reply buttons should be a little more verbose. [Reply to Post] or [Reply to Topic], but then again when I think about how often people don’t heed signs in shops that say “10 items or less” I am not sure if it would work the way I think it should.

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Well, if they arent going to read things, then they should expect to be told things instead :slight_smile:

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From you:

Here’s the eve-search link:

Permanently banned for abusing another player with a real life threat…like I wrote above. It’s kinda clear why.

Edit: reasons


Hardly is there ever a High Sec fleet of anti-gankers ready to deal with the gaskets.

Yesterday I watched numerous ganker fleets gather in Uedama and then spread out to different regions.

I shot down a few pods and downed a Catalyst. The ganks still succeeded.

Combat of this type in Null would take at least five to six minutes, but in High Sec, ganking takes less than 15 seconds.

If you take all of the ISK from World War Bee II and compare the loss of ISK to High Sec ganking, the rewards the gankers get far exceed any rewards that actual combat in Null would generate.

The main contention is that the reward for ganking in High Sec, maybe 500 million per freighter haul, compared to 50 million losses in ships is the problem.

Ganking is to easy for High Sec compared to a standing fleet trapping a carrier on a gate.

Those in Low and Null have to be weary and vigilant that a dictor won’t drop a bubble or have their fleet pulled away from the gate by a command destroyer and ruin their gank.

But in High Sec, there is no bubble drop or command dessie pull that the ganker has to be concerned about.

Therefore, a fleet ganking a freighter in High Sec, on a gate compared to the same fight in Null or Low does not have any comparable risk involved nor apparent risk.

The only risk the gankers come across are DPS and ECM along with Reppers. Even these ships are susceptible to unknown alt gank fleets that can form and attack the anti-gankers while their other toons wait the timer out.

Freighters do need an overhaul to defend against the gankers.

Freighters should have a slot to fit an x-large sized shield or armor repper.

This is the kinda hood that make the stuff go crazy

James315 being called Daisy, wearing that pink and green flamingo, paisely.

… I hoped there would be no footage of that. :frowning:

This thread just keeps on giving.

Cant wait for what happens next.

Gigx gets around.


I know we are way off topic over the last few posts and the ISD will probably clean it up, but that’s pretty screwed up in any situation.