Is it even worth it?

1 - yes, very much so

Which is reason why some ppl throw thousand and dollars at EVE, to get the edge. And this is not an accident, this is planned bussiness decision. It is easier to grab lot of money from few players, than create product that would be enjoyable by most and have good player retention. Technologically they went for one of most incredible projects, gameplay / bussiness wise they went for one of most pathetic approaches they could and they actively keep digging in that direction.

2- there was literally campaign named “play eve as it MEANT to be played” during which there was discount for plexing your alt accounts…


How can EVE be pay2win if the winning move is to stop paying and go live your life?

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Yeah, exactly this.

I see this stupid argument everytime, that “It’s not actually Pay 2 Win because you Pay but you don’t win instantly!!”

Okay thanks genius, so basically no game in the World is Pay 2 Win then, everything is fine.

Still, no matter your skill as a player, the exact same player with money invested is stronger than he would be without it.

This is Pay To Win, end of the story. And I’m fine with it, I have accepted it as part of EvE (and part of gaming in general nowadays). I have a harder time to accept the hypocrisy of all the ■■■■■■-up reasonning people try to create just so they don’t have to accept that their favorite game is Pay To Win too.



i didnt read it all …

yes you can play EVE as alpha
yes you can play EVE as omega with 1 account only
yes you can have fun in both ways
if you did not find fun maybe you play with the wrong people

i have more then 1 account
i dont grind for plex or isk or whatever … i have arey based subscriptions and do only what i think its fun … thats it …
yes it is money i work for in real life but for me EVE is not like a 2nd job … its just fun nothing more

if you dont have the money you grind for plex or play as alpha
its more easy to gring for plex as omega with 2 or 3 accounts as for a solo char

no alting is not pay to win because you cant win EVE … at least i dont know what “win EVE” should be … maybe someone can explain what win EVE should be …


I am training 3 alts for mining . That requires 3 additional certificate, or 1455 , additional plexes per month, for 4 months, so total 5820 plexes just to be able to mine, while I don’t even intend to actually mine - just to be able to.

{citation needed}

if it’s silent, it does not talk. Then you can make it claim whatever : it’s BS, you are making something silent talk and that’s just nonsense.

I agree that it’s P2W but it’s not P2W in the sense of the usual one : you don’t “get an edge” over what other people can do, eg if you are max skills in many areas like me then it does not help at all.

so injectors allow you to pay to not win, but reach the max level. That’s why people don’t like to call it P2W : you can’t use it as much as you want, and you can even not use it and still reach the same spot.


If by “get an edge” you mean “having some advantage the other will never get without paying”, then you are right I agree.

They still allow you to perform better in this exact activity that you would be performing before injecting them. Yes, definitelly, you can still suck at it and be less performant than someone else who didn’t. The point is that YOU, yourself, will do better after using your money.

Also, Plex are not just about skills. ISK can be used for a lot of things, and I would say that having ISK “out of nowhere” does give you an edge compared to a similar player doing the same activities than you for the same amount of time.

It’s a short term edge thou as anyone with a goal would reach that same point regardless, so if you must it would be pay to temporarily win.

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Because you can pay to have the biggest ship of the game
but if you don’t have the skill on how to use ( position, velocity, tracking, ect, ) you are getting your ship pew pew by someone in frigate that know how to counter you



You can pay to have the biggest ship of the game. It’s Pay To Win.

Your potential inhability to fly it is irrelevant for the topic.


As i said many times before, it feels like crap because it is crap.
The entire business model of eve needs a revamp.

  • Remove wall preventing use of ships.
  • Drop the research time of alpha to x1
  • Increase the research time of omega to x8
  • Delete extractors
  • Scale the Injectors on a flat rate based on brackets, 5m skill points each + 5m every 25m skill points.
  • Set the injectors to cash-shop online, or special events (if events, scale to 2.5m skill points).

From here ccp just needs to suck it up and get creative with the way mining works to prevent botting, especially with systems that do not involve rates, or any variation there of, but specially involving environmental effects that can kill the miners (like the explosion from oldschool mercoxit roids applied to all).

Alternatively, it would be good if they would remove (all names from asteroids) and make it , Asteroid, so the scanner would have value and mining would be more “exploratory”.

It has to get those reworks other wise botting will be a problem.

Also all content in the game (missions, plexing, ratting, etc) should no longer get split rewards, but get the same amount + bonus, but require on grid to collect, with a possible reduction of grid size (200-300km).


Because you need skill to use effectly the ship, at max you can say the game is pay to avoid time skill ( no one like to wait 40 plus day for one )

That is definitely not the case, but it is definitely what people like you peddle.

You can pay to win this game, is very easy.

Drop money in the game for a few accounts, inject the accounts to caps, or some other objective (mass hulks) make tons of isk, repeat, win.

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Let me know when arguing on the Internet becomes pay to win. I got some spare cash.

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I don’t necessarily regard multiboxing as pay to win. Skill injectors are much worse in this regard. I have done multiboxing and being good at it without third party tools is quite challenging in it’s own regard. But multiboxing is definitely bad for any mmorpg as it reduces the need for cooperation and communication, which are at the core of such games.

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Good to see, that finally a true voice of reason have joined this cesspit of immorality.

Make all space safe again!

The enlightened silent are being oppressed by a regime of a loud minority. They silence our voices by calling us trolls and lying fuckwits. They try to force the status quo through intimidation.

You may chain our hands, you may shackle our feet, you may even throw us into the dark void of despair. However, you shall never enslave our thinking, because it is free!

Change is coming. May the Lord have mercy on your souls!

As is stated in the Eranian texts:

We know of our strength, it is amplified with you, never again shall one be weak, never again shall we fear, never again shall we taste defeat, or the bitterness of shame. Woe to all who deem us as foe!

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It does not get me laid though. So no Chad status for me.

you cant buy that
Captura de Tela 2020-05-05 às 01.05.59
booo hoooo

or that
insta 2 bill gain because of reading the patch notes

or that

using hypernet relay in a smart way to fund me till i hit the jackpot

IRL skills needed kido and you cant buy that

If instead of complaining about being shot at undock you asked how to avoid this …

You don’t even have to move plex from station to station… you have plex vault for that - only character has to move.

And you can contract hauling to people who know how to fly w/o getting shot at first occasion…

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