Is it now more efficient to buy alpha injectors than to sub?

It is very close. But as OP pointed out, there is an odd un-intuitive fact that its better to buy Daily Injectors at first, than going Omega right at the start in the sense of SP efficiency.

Although Alpha accounts can fly more ships, they can’t fly them all… case in point.

If you want to solo a level 3 Resource War site, you’ll need a Prospect to do it.

Its called CCP has learned all to well that micro transactions make far more money in a game then monthly subs. Appealing to peoples greed for quicker access to items always makes more money.

Was a time ccp said there would never be free to play ( I think) NEVER ever be Sp injection blah blah. Its a business and ccp and its hypocrisy on so many levels is sad but true. Welcome to the new world

Tbh this kind of thing has existed since territory trade and taxes existed.

“We promise not to invade you if you give us all your X” is probably one of the oldest business deals.

Yep we can upgrade this and that for x amount of dollars RIGHT NOW. Just whoop out that CC or DC and or Paypal and DO IT NOW. Heck ill admit to blowing bucks on getting plex which converted over to billions which got me a ship i wanted. REGRET>. heck no more like early Christmas:)

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The most efficient way to skill up is this:

  1. Make new Account and immediately turn it Omega

  2. Fly to Jita and dock 4-4

  3. Buy PLEX from CCP, sell them for ISK

  4. Use ISK to buy Skillbooks and a couple of Injectors

  5. Inject Skillbooks

  6. Inject SP and use them on the first 3 Levels of every Skill you can already train

  7. Choose INT/MEM or PER/WIL focus, remap

  8. Put Levels 4 and 5 into the queue. 50 is the cap.


  1. Log in after a year or so and re-fill queue, maybe remap.


  1. After 3 or 4 years you can efficiently fly a good amount of ships.

  2. Now you can start playing the game and having fun.

It’s a win win win.


Yea totally agree and currently what I’m doing log in set up training log out, as i cant do what i want to do and cant fit modules I want fit, If i actually continue to play this game is debatable there are so many other good games coming out.

Its totally crazy, it takes years to train this is why the servers are not full with players only a handful here and there. Taking years to get anywhere CCP what the f…k, you are your own worst enemy setting up a game to do this I’m not surprised you had to cull 2/3rds of your staff. (just recently)

I’d like to play this game but can’t get into it, after a few month with other games with enough effort you can do what you want go raiding or whatever but this game is years away from what one wants to do, this is why there is only around 20k +/- people on line at any one time.

Its way overdue that you re-thought the training skill process, sure it will annoy people that have trained for years but games evolve and this one needs to as well. If you want a lot of new players (subs) this issues needs to be addressed. old players will get over it sure their advantage will be gone and they will have to bring more people to gank you but it will make it a more even playing field currently no one will ever be even with someone playing since 2003-4.

Just my thoughts and experience playing for a few months (6), well very little playing just logging in set up training log out. I’m sure the old times of this game will get up in arms about this comment but just pointing out something CCP that you seemed to have overlooked all these years.

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If you have trained for 6 months and still can’t fit what you want, then you have set yourself unrealistic goals (6 months and not into it yet is pretty much just T2 Battleships, Capitals, or you’ve spread your training 50 different ways). To use other MMO’s as an example, you are complaining about not being able to run raids while still lvl 10.

You also have failed to grasp the idea of EVE’s skill system which is to grab a single area and specialise, then later on train into different roles. This can be taken by considering each ship type in EVE as a class in a traditional MMO, except you don’t have to train the basic support skills for all your subsequent classes, unlike other MMO’s which require the same grind for every character.

In short, you’ve utterly failed at grasping EVE, you also have failed at understanding that EVE is probably one of the 10 biggest MMO’s out there, it just shows it’s current numbers more obviously, since it doesn’t fit 40 people per shard then just spin off more shards as needed.


Its like with heroin, you build tolerance. :joy:

Actually you are subbing…in fact if you use your alpha injector every day you are subbing at a rate that is 60% above the subscription cost in RL currency and getting a 50% training boost to the first 5 million.

Here is the math: 500 PLEX to “sub via PLEX” and that costs $19.99. That translate into $0.03998/PLEX. Now multiply that by 600 to buy that 30 days worth of Daily Skill Injector for $24.99. Paying for a subscription for one month is $14.95, $24.99 is 60.45% higher than $14.95.

So yes, you get enhanced training this way, but you still pay a premium and you are locked out of certain skills.

Past that your best bet is to get a subscription unless you already have an awesome ISK income stream or a really fat wallet.

Edit: You could try to do it this way:

Go buy PLEX, 542 of them, and sell them to buy orders (you don’t have the luxury of using sell orders as you’ll be missing out on your daily injectors). The go buy the daily injectors off the sell orders (again you don’t have the luxury of using buy orders as you’ll miss on daily injectors). In this case you’ll be paying 43% above the one month subscription plan for a 50% boost in training time. But you better do it fast as the daily injectors are priced quite a bit below 20 PLEX…and the price is going higher.

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I can greatly simplify this scheme:

  1. Buy more PLEX from CCP
  2. Buy a ready 50kk SP character on the market

Or bad training plan. A little of this, a little of that…a jack-of-all-trades-and-master of none. Focusing on a particular goal and having the SP from 6 months of training would give you 9 million SP. With a good training plan one should be able to use a number of tech 2 modules and fit decent T1 ships.

Also a possibility. It’s a time vs. money trade-off.

4 years EVE subscription cost you around 525€ (guess the same in $) and nets you roughly 92M SP if using +5 Implants and most efficient training (which isn’t always possible, so let’s say 90M SP).

To reach 90M with injectors you need around 255 of them, for which you have to spend around 2200€ at the moment.

in short:
Play now: 2200€
Play in 4 years: 525€


edit: of course 90M Skillpoints doesn’t mean you can fly everything efficiently, but a good number of options including realistically necessary support skills will be your then

I think your math is a bit off.

So, we can break down the skill points needed to get to 90,000,000 thus,

  1. 4,500,000
  2. 45,000,000/0.8 or 56,250,000
  3. 30,000,000/0.6 or 50,000,000
  4. 10,000,000/0.3 or 33,333,333
  5. This totals up to 144,083,333 SP or a total of 288.167 Large Skill Injectors.

Let’s say 289 skill injectors or 228.9 billion ISK. To get this much ISK via PLEX at the current sell order price you’d have to sell 67,123 PLEX. You can buy 67,320 for $2,199.94 from CCP. Note I am using a PLEX price of 3,410,000 ISK.

In the process of doing this, about 54.6 million SP will be sunk out of the game.

So I get pretty much your RL currency outlay, but it looks like it will cost a bit more in terms of injectors. But yes, to play with that 90 million character right away you’ll have to pay 317% more vs. the guy who does it the old fashioned way but waits 4 years to hit that SP mark. Note, you can still play the game the old fashioned was too.

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I dont understand why some people set themselves goals that are uncomfortablty long to train?

Dont they get they they are the ones choosing to do nothing?


You’re totally right, thanks for making the effort to correct that. I ignored starting SP and that any Injector provides only 150k SP after hitting 80M SP. Rolling these numbers, I’m curious how many people pay that much to enter the game with at least not being too far behind on Skill Points. Experience, contacts and such of course make a huge difference and can’t be bought. That’s of course for a relatively versatile PVP Char, who has a competetive level of effective SP for different ships, which again provides choices not only for combat, but also for which groups to join. A pure trader or PVE explorer might need less than 90M SP.

Playing the game the old fashioned way is cool, but for me personally I would say, that the SP progression is sometimes painfully slower than my learning curve. I would really prefer, even though it would be tricky, a hybrid system of passive SP acquiration and getting a boost in learning Skills you use a lot. At least this would reward being active in whatever way.

You can see it from both sides. I get your question, but from the other perspective you could ask:
Why does the game exclude people from using ships, playing the game in a certain way, just because they haven’t already paid subscription for 4 years or aren’t willing to pay $2199.94?

The answer for your question could be along the lines of: players want what they want, we cannot question it, because it is a game and they can set their own criteria for what is fun to them. Or: they experience the game reality in a certain way that suggests them playing a certain type of gameplay, will emancipate them from feeding to blobbers. Etc.

The answer to the other perspective could be: because they should bring in money first. Or: older players will complain.

Im not sure what sphere of gameplay is locked out in this manner is all.

What cant you do?
Ive been playing for four weeks and im already flying threw level 4 missions and frequenting wormhole space.
Sure I cant solo levels 4s but I just ask a bunch of rookies to help me and now we’re all making much more money than we could solo, and definitly more fun.
So what is holding you back?


Make your own calculations I guess. A few examples:
How much SP do you need to effiecently/competetively fly, and therefor have choices for which groups you can join and which fights you can take without being nothing but a feeder - for ALL of the following ships:

  • 1 Heron
  • 2 Kestrel
  • 3 Imperial Navy Slicer
  • 4 Malediction
  • 5 Hound
  • 6 Thrasher
  • 7 Sabre
  • 8 Jackdaw
  • 9 Osprey
  • 10 Stabber Fleet Issue
  • 11 Stratios
  • 12 Orthrus
  • 13 Ishtar
  • 14 Legion
  • 15 Brutix
  • 16 Ferox
  • 17 Tempest
  • 18 Rattlesnake
  • 19 Sin
  • 20 Naglfar
  • 21 Thanatos

Note, that I didn’t include Supers or Titans, not FAX, not Freighters or Capital Industrial Ships. No Command Ships or Command Dessies, no Marauders, no T2 Mining Ships, no T2 transport ships, no T2 Logi, no Recons, no E-war frigates, no this no that, only 1 T3C, only 1 T3D, mostly only one T2 version of any.

Just 21 of far more than 200 ships, many ship classes not even touched.

How many SP do you need to fly each of them efficiently? I don’t mean perfect skills, but usable. For instance T2 weapons are mandatory, but you don’t need to have Specializations to V (in most cases) to count as efficient. But if you come to fly an Orthrus with Navigation IV, use a Capital with JDC II, fly a Sin with Integrated Drones, use a Malediction with Interceptors III etcpp… it doesn’t count as efficient.

Again, how many SP?

And how does that not lock out spheres of gameplay unless you pay and wait or pay more and not wait or pay and not wait, but be a feeder for years to come or not be a feeder but boring yourself by not doing what you could do?

Ah so you are talking about PUGing. Yeah I have no idea.

I use around 50-75% of those ships, if that helps.
Heron is a great ship, and a new player needs very little SP to get some great fun out of it.