Only you can get you killed with a smartbomb
Only you can get you killed with a smartbomb
Are you also going to use that argument in regards to gate camps? The whole game’s centered around forcing people to do things differently. The whole game. When people overfarm certain sites the loot value drops, forcing people to do something else.
A gate camp forces people to take a different route or explode. A ganker forces a miner to go somewhere else or explode. I pay 15 moneys per month to force people to constantly change their market orders. Wormholers force people to stay alert or get killed. Same is valid for miners or people in lowsec in general. You’re not bringing up an actual argument with your post.
That’s the whole point of an MMO game like EvE where PvP isn’t optional, that you’re “forced” to adapt your gameplay to the way other players play the game too, including the possibility of being killed anytime, anywhere. For that to not be the case it would have to be an entirely different game…
It’s amazing how you keep bringing this up again and again… And how you keep talking about it as if it was a bad thing… It’s bad only if you happen to not like it. For the players that happen to like it, it’s part of the fun…
Paying the monthly subscription fee doesn’t give you the right to not be “forced” to adapt your gameplay to the way other players play the game too. It gives you the right to enjoy the game the way it is if you happen to like it. Or not pay it and play some other game that you like better instead. That’s the good thing about there being so many different games out there, that you may pick the one that you happen to enjoy the most…
The players, who are coming through that gate, are being targetted.
Is this guy daft or something? o_O
Answered that question myself.
Okay maybe I worded it wrong. Maybe it was my fault. When there’s gate campers at a gate, then players who are checking if there are gate campers at a gate are going to go another route because there are players at the gate who are going to explode them.
It’s a force. They’re not asking. You either explode or you don’t go through that gate.
You really ARE daft! Please stop responding to me, I’m feeling harrassed by your stupidity.
Stop harrassing me.
That is rather subjective…
He knows that and acknowledges the subjective reality of me feeling harrassed by him.
I’ve asked you to stop responding to me, because I’m feeling harrassed by your stupidity. You’ve said people who are feeling harrassed ARE being harrassed, therefore you ARE harrassing me and I insist you stop doing so.
Thank you.
Thought of the day - if a miner changes their mining spot every time they undock are they not “forcing” a ganker to “adapt his/her gameplay” to find them?
You can’t just argue one side of this argument by saying that it’s only the gankers, or people searching for PvP, that are forcing others not interested in it to adapt. This entire game revolves around adapting, regardless what your idea of content is.
Is flagging your posts sufficient?
How so? I’m not the one who acts on flags. That’s the ISD.
Okay. I’ve asked if flagging your posts is sufficient. The answer’s apparently “I don’t know”. That’s fair. I shouldn’t have assumed you knew.
Right, and if miners decide not to mine in that particular system anymore (adapting) the gankers would have to move to another system, thus adapting their gameplay.
My post wasn’t about harassment at all actually. I was just pointing out this fallacy of the ganker being the only one that forces others to adapt.
It’s being said that even when we choose not to interact with people, we’re still interacting with them anyway. The explanation is that choosing to interact with someone changes the outcome of their existence, even if it’s just a tiny bit, thus choosing not to interact with someone also chances their existence, due to the lack of changes caused by interaction.
I agree, there is a fine line between some peoples’ idea of content and harassment. If it feels like harassment, such as the same player following you around for 5 or 6 systems, then it could very well be. Like others have said though, it’s something CCP would have to investigate. The only recourse a player really has is to submit that ticket and hope for the best, or get some friends and turn the tables on the “harasser.”
Why is it me who has to leave when it’s you who is harrassing? Why does it have to be me who is being forced to move away so I am able to do what I want to do? What if I want to do it exactly there, for a very specific reason? What if leaving is simply unacceptable?
Young jedi,
With detailed knowledge of the workings of eve you can do some very criminal things and avoid concord in the process, but that would anger the gm body
They must not at all.
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Do you have teh bewbs or not?