Is this harassment?

My dude, not but a few weeks ago, someone violently assaulted me and threatened to murder me. Not only do I accept that people are allowed to destroy me in this game, I even accept that they are allowed to destroy me IRL. You’re barking up the wrong tree.
We can PVP anywhere at any time. I get it.
What I am trying to get across to you’all is the implications of that. CCP cannot sell that experience to the victims. Only to the aggressors. That’s not a good business model, not least of which because victims in a video game are not necessarily victims IRL. Do you understand? No one is going to pay to get ganked and furthermore, [expletive deleted].
See what I’m saying?

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My dude, I don’t understand what you mean? Is this some weird flex I’m to IRL carebear to understand?

Firstly, the response was not directed to you, but since you answered . . . uhhhh . . . what don’t you understand?
Life is EVE Online, but in hardcore mode. If I can accept that people can affect me IRL, why would you think I had trouble accepting that people can affect me in a [expletive deleted] video game?
Does that not make sense?

My dude

  1. comparing real life with mmos is weird. there is a frontier. If you don’t see it, i would not want to know you in real life :wink:
  2. you are talking of eve as a business model etc? our aim is to have fun in the game, the business model of CCP should be that we have fun in the game and we pay for it because we like the game.
  3. this is a pvp game, with mechanisms. Like, let’s say, monopoly, or poker football or…
    so if someone uses games mechanisms to get OP killing himself in eve, this cannot be harassment. or would youl you say that a quaterback being tackled again and again by adverse players should feel harassed?
    OP has just to stop using smartbombs in hi sec, i.e. adapt to game mechanisms, and the problem will be solved

The quarterback doesn’t pay to play.
The quarterback wouldn’t pay to play.
You wouldn’t want to know me in real life. I’m an [expletive deleted].

You wouldn’t want to know me in real life. I’m an [expletive deleted

Yes, that is a common phrase by a lot of internets’ most ruthless forum warriors they are often disguised as real-life elite navy seals snipers ninjas.


He’s saying that in the past there were more people willing to accept when they’ve gotten killed. Nowadays there’s so many people around who don’t understand or “get” “EVE Culture”, that the amount of people unwilling to accept a harsh environment increased. An environment which they’ve signed up for yet not understand at all, because it’s unknown to them in real life.

@Mayhaw_Morgan Does it get the point across?


You got my point, but that is irrelevant.
Bewbs? Yes or no?

That made more sense. Thank you

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I don’t know what you mean and I must ask you to stop sexually harrassing me.


I apologize if my investigation as to your anatomical configuration was misconstrued to be of a sexual nature. It was not. :upside_down_face:

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oh so, because you pay to play eve online, a pvp game, CCP should consider as harassment the fact that using game mechanisms that everybody knows, a player manages to get a player killing himself again and again? just because the smartbombing player doesn’t want to stop smartbombing in hi sec?

so if decide to jump every day through the same gatecamp using a covert ops, and i choose to not use my cloak, and the same people pod me everyday, you would consider it as harassment? whereas i have just to turn my cloak on? If i follow you, since i pay, nobody should force me to activate my cloak, yes? grrr CCP, harassment etc

you seem to mean that paying give you the rights to escape pvp and game mechanisms. I stop reading this post, it is totally useless. Bye.
PS: OP: stop smartbombing in hi-sec. Don’t blame CCP/other players, just blame yourself.


Or to put another way, the only reason he is being aggressed is because of who he is and not about location, ship, items, combat, FW or another other dozen reasons. Therefore, it’s personal as clearly it’s not about any other factor and that makes it harassment.


and so, when a fc is regularly targeted while fcing fleets because enemies know that he is the usual fc, he should complain about harassment?
if i follow you, he is personnally and regularly targeted, he paid for the game, and enemies try to prevent him from fcing…shame on them! this is harassment!

No. As I clearly said, if you can state a reason then THAT is the reason. If you can’t then it’s most likely harassment. You literally gave the reason; “enemies try to prevent him from fcing”

I’m truly sorry this happened to you, but as terrible as that may be, it’s utterly irrelevant to anything EvE related.

You keep missing the point. Of course they can.

First off, not everybody finds losing a ship in a spaceship shooting game a traumatic experience. I’ve witnessed first hand how some players find it exciting to be ganked for the first time while they were doing something else much more boring such as mining, and how that made them become interested in that aspect of the game they weren’t aware of or that they had simply ignored until then. That’s definitely not the case for the majority of victims, but sometimes it happens and perfectly illustrates how subjective it is what you may feel about losing a ship in a spaceship shooting game (but not about similar things that may happen in RL).

But more importantly, the fun I’m talking about and that CCP can definitely sell to the victims too, ALL of them, is how that danger and fear makes you have to figure ways to deal with it to avoid losing your ship. It’s that danger and fear what gives meaning to things such as properly picking, fitting and flying your ship, paying attention to everything that happens around you, and fighting back if you so choose…

It is definitely something that CCP can sell to ALL players, not just to the aggressors. You may not like it, and that’s fine, but that you cannot appreciate it or would prefer to spend your time playing some other kind of game does not imply there is anything wrong with the game in that regard…

Nobody expects you to pay to get ganked. It’s to figure how to avoid being ganked and do what you want to do without losing your ship that you may want to pay for… Or maybe not, but then that’s up to you, not something wrong with the game…

No, it isn’t. EvE is a game. The difference between game and RL is HUGE. Get that already…


heretic. EvE is life. EvE is love. EvE is mother. EvE is father. EvE is real. EvE is all.

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cloaking , and moving into range of someone using smartbombs , with the express purpose of getting them concorded , was once ruled an exploit .
this was a single-case “field ruling” by a gm , to close a petition , and never added to the list of past or present exploits .

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Well, there was once a “field call” for a lot of things. I for one was threatened with a temp ban for calling Pandemic Horde for Pandemic Whores but that was quickly overturned by senior GM, as in most cases with these so-called “field calls”