ISD NEEDS YOUR HELP! Stories of outposts and conquest

Here is a list of all the conquerable stations. If you recognize one of these, tell us about it!

System Region
D4R-H7 Branch
BKG-Q2 Branch
K-8SQS Branch
P7-45V Cache
M53-1V Cache
995-3G Cache
FAT-6P Catch
5-N2EY Catch
V2-VC2 Catch
XZH-4X Cloud Ring
G8AD-C Cloud Ring
9-4RP2 Cloud Ring
CZDJ-1 Deklein
3JN9-Q Deklein
VFK-IV Deklein
MO-GZ5 Delve
5-6QW7 Delve
NOL-M9 Delve
0-G8NO Detorid
0-W778 Detorid
DG-8VJ Detorid
BZ-0GW Esoteria
111-F1 Esoteria
C9N-CC Esoteria
I-UUI5 Fade
C4C-Z4 Fade
L-C3O7 Fade
2-RSC7 Feythabolis
UB5Z-3 Feythabolis
VNGJ-U Feythabolis
Z-H2MA Immensea
E8-YS9 Immensea
2O-EEW Immensea
Z-N9IP Impass
FR-B1H Impass
68FT-6 Impass
N7-BIY Insmother
F2A-GX Insmother
C-J6MT Insmother
Z-7OK1 Omist
D2EZ-X Omist
6T3I-L Omist
MP5-KR Paragon Soul
GQ2S-8 Paragon Soul
H8-ZTO Paragon Soul
G-Q5JU Period Basis
TPAR-G Period Basis
H74-B0 Querious
3BK-O7 Querious
9CG6-H Querious
28Y9-P Scalding Pass
JLO-Z3 Scalding Pass
1V-LI2 Scalding Pass
V7-MID Tenal
6OYQ-Z Tenal
S-EVIQ Tenal
JV1V-O Tenerifis
NZW-ZO Tenerifis
DZ6-I5 Tenerifis
IMK-K1 Tribute
D7-ZAC Tribute
H-W9TY Tribute
JZV-F4 Vale of the Silent
LS-JEP Vale of the Silent
ZLZ-1Z Vale of the Silent
4-EFLU Wicked Creek
F-EM4Q Wicked Creek
Q-GQHN Wicked Creek