It is time to bring ingame voip back

Thing is, the VOIP offerings are far better now than they were back then, so now you’ll have even less chance of getting people to use ingame voice, especially given most gaming communities play more than one game so something like discord with multiple chat channels and voice channels for different games beats anything EVE could offer by miles

So you’re saying CCP made up those numbers?

Citation needed my friend :slight_smile:


I am sure they could integrate one of those apps and there are probably some good deals that could be make with some of the companies to do that.

Absolutely. I have 0% ( since you like percentages so much ) doubt that they make up numbers and arguments as to why they do or don’t do things. We’re dealing with con artists at CCP. They will say whatever is convenient to justify their actions against the players.


They don’t need to make up numbers to remove things, i always find it funny how people think CCP need an excuse to just remove features in the game they make

I have a Tech 3 Tinfoil Hat you might be interested in, wonder what you lot are drinking that you immediately jump to conspiracies all the time


So why the percentages? Why the excuses?
I understand it’s their game and we’re only paying for time on the game but as far as listening to players, CCP gets and F.

Naaah, that model is now obsolete. It’s the T100 or nothing.

You know, when Pythagoras and then later Galileo insisted that the earth was a globe they also got attacked as “a conspiracy theorist”.
Today, anyone who doesn’t bend the knee to the enemies of Humanity are called “conspiracy theorists”.
Things that I knew would happen 20yrs ago are now happening and I ask: where are the scoffers? OH right… they’re in quarantine or dead already.
Go on calling anyone who sees things as they are and not as they wish them to be “conspiracy theorists” if it makes you feeeeeel better. You’re exactly the kind of sheep the elites love.


Many players, myself included, can appreciate it if CCP offers insight into their choices. When they tell me “We remove VOIP because only 0.4% of the players uses it” I have a better idea of why they made that choice than if CCP went “We remove VOIP”. They could do the latter, but the former is a lot more clear to the players.

They don’t need to make up numbers, especially not when they can easily get access to such numbers with their own tools. They don’t need to share the numbers either, but many players appreciate it when they do.

Why not? they don’t “have” to tell us why they are removing it, they choose to tell us to cut ahead of the people asking why, it prevents a PR guy from having to waste time answering the same question 50 times a day, its just a statement of facts not an excuse, its the reason why it wasn’t worth supporting anymore, they just, incorrectly it seems, assume players are smart enough not to immediately reach for the tinfoil hat

They do what they think is best for their game, they aren’t required to listen to us and i’m not sure where people got confused and thought that for-profit companies were out there to make them happy

No, people jumping to outlandish non-sensical conclusions like microsoft injecting people with microchips in vaccines, flat earthers and people who think 5G is some sort of weapon system get labelled as conspiracy theorists, i like to think, and hope, that you’re not actually stupid enough to believe in any of the 3 examples i just mentioned :stuck_out_tongue:

In your case you are jumping on the conspiracy train, “Oh CCP removed something and told us why, they MUST be lying and making things up”

This is literally you right now

Keep going please

Since I can’t have voip. I demand Chaos.

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And I find it funny how people don’t understand how customers are lost and what companies will do to keep them.

I am not saying numbers were made up, just saying there is certainly a basis for CCP to believe it needs to sometimes.

Sure, but companies won’t continue to fight for less than a percent of players who very likely aren’t going to leave just because ingame voice is going away

Yes some companies will fight tooth and nail to retain players even at the detriment of their own product

if you want to fund the server racks for that, and put a bunch of money into escrow so that they can provide that service even past the point you change your mind, then i’m all in.

Otherwise stop trying to raise my subscription fee

Another problem, is people will inevitably cry and whine about “offensive language” that CCP will be expected to police. its best to just use private comms so you can say whatever you like and nobody can complain to CCP about it.


Welcome to the Brave New World, savage.

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I know you’re serious.
But seriously, I hope you’re not holding your breath for VoIP to make a comeback in EVE.
And I don’t see what’s wrong with using third-party programs. We’re already using out-of-game tools and websites to keep up so it makes no difference if they bring back VoIP, we’d still have to go out of game for other resources anyway.

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I used to think it was “out of scope” but since playing a lot of XBox over the pandemic I like having it part of the game.

They could remove local at the same time…

Things have changed, I think now a lot of people would use it. The 3rd party tools have productized our indenity and I am sick of being their product. I think a lot of people are.

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Yea, and it stinks to high heaven!!

I think you greatly over estimate how much people actually don’t care, not to mention things like teamspeak can be self hosted so that literally doesn’t even apply

The ingame voice would never provide the level of functionality that people provide and would be entirely reliant on the game client and game servers so isn’t likely to catch on as evidenced, you “might” have an argument for not using discord but Teamspeak, Ventrilo and Mumble are all self hostable eliminating those concerns

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