It's not just these forums it seems

Some game makers make this not an option.

I’d be looking at BGS here. In the past I’d never buy their stuff first 6 months of release. I’d need Arthmoor and their team hammering out ye old unofficial patch if a mod friendly game.

Now when new elder scrolls drops, pray even a fallout 5 one day I’d be a week 1 buyer. Only because I’d need the access to lay the work to hammer out some mods and make a name for myself. MY interestest in dealing with bugthesda would be to get my mod download counts boosted basically fixing their bugs lol.

I came to modding late in skyrim and fallout 4. Nothing like working 20 hours on an idea and its that final check of the nexus that has you find how you searched prior missed a mod that does the same thing. Now 4 years old…

Great…yet another mod time. Lets see their files to see if I did it the same way as them. Since I don’t want posters going nice work…steal much?

Expert players doesn’t pay their subs. They just plex it. And the pros use bots.


The creative director for Days Gone recently shared his opinion that players should buy games at full price if they want sequels to them. The creative director for Days Gone recently expressed the opinion that if fans want more sequels to games that they love, then they should buy them at full price .

The writer and creative director of Days Gone says that players shouldn’t “complain if a game doesn’t get a sequel” if they didn’t buy it "at f-cking full price

“I do have an opinion on something that your audience may find of interest, and it might piss some of them off,” Garvin said (thanks, VGC). "If you love a game, buy it at f-cking full price. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen gamers say ‘yeah, I got that on sale, I got it through PS Plus, whatever’.

“Don’t complain if a game doesn’t get a sequel if it wasn’t supported at launch,” Garvin added. “It’s like, God of War got whatever number millions of sales at launch and, you know, Days Gone didn’t. Just speaking for me personally as a developer - I don’t work for Sony - I don’t know what the numbers are.”

Garvin also opened up on the impact piracy has on game development.

“I can tell you that when we were doing [Syphon Filter] Dark Mirror [on PSP], we got so f-cked on Dark Mirror because piracy was a thing and Sony wasn’t really caught up on what piracy was doing to sales,” Garvin explained.

If you think that’s the only reason why the devs are interacting with players on r/eve and not here, I don’t know what to tell you. You’re making up fake claims without any evidence to back it up, all so that it fits your pre-conceived world view. And since you’re at the point of just making stuff up, you’re beyond any help.

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CCP besides their notification drops off topics don’t post here much beyond “thread closed for blah,blah blah”. We don’t even get humorous drive by posts.

I mentioned an eve meme monday tagged post about code structure. It was a joke about how the spaghettic code is so bad they can’t fix fof missiles attacking blue structures. It shows lots of huge blocks all stacked together…held up by this very thin stick like block.

And a CCP person swung by to say words to the effect of damn someone broke into our sharepoint and pulled our code diagrams.

PLease do share with us on these board if we make a joke about spaghetti code ccp came by and lol’d right along side us.

Many times in the past you found CCP there. not here. Fozzie sov, pos bowling going full blown levels of stupid, when they put in siphoning that they said you won’t know it was happening by POS API code out at the time. It was reddit and other places that said oh yes you can. math bug had it so ,yes, you could not API one silo.

Run 3…and as soon as something was tapped the owners knew real fast.

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Its really too bad you had to ruin your own good advice in the first paragraph with the muck-raking in the second.

What is actually happening to people who fail to take your first paragraph advice is that they are doomed to swim in this soup of sub-par, listless, bitter, trolling, uneducatable, sociopathic and/or sometimes mentally impaired individuals.

Yet, even if we find/make a small group of people worth talking to, we will still have to contend with the mass of dregs out there in one form or another.

I really should find a decent group myself, but its a lot of work. My own personal problem is that I am dedicated to all truth, but most people only want “some” of it. And the reason for that is smoother social interaction because speaking the truth on ALL topics will make you outcast… because comfort zones and safe spaces will be breached …so here I am in this soup.

Your truth isn’t other people’s truth. Truth is true when it’s scientific. And as someone who more or less claimed that COVID vaccines are government mind control serum, it’s…probably a waste of time to convince you that not every single thing you say is necessarily true. Not even that everything you say is wrong, just like, maybe one out of a hundred things are. If you were to admit that, you’d probably end up folding into two dimensions and floating away into the Phantom Zone.

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Seems a bit odd that you would be so straight in pointing out that simple error of mine now.

Yes, I should have said ISDs not developers. My bad. The point remains that off again on again unpaid moderators are, as a group, guaranteed to do a bottom of the lowest barrel job.

Do you really think that if moderation was more on point, you’d still be posting?

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Its hard to tell if you have me confused with someone else, are trolling for kicks, lying for a targeted purpose, or are just plain nail biting insane. I never said anything even close to that.

I also never claimed to know all truth, or even be the world’s top master of it. What I said was that I am dedicated to all truth, and that means I do not pick and choose what truths to focus on, and that I seek to find it and speak it, as best I can. I make mistakes. In fact, I own them as I did in my previous post.

I wonder if you can own yours cause you are completely wrong about what I said about Covid vaccines.

100 percent, yes.

But this conversation we would not be having.

That said, I don’t understand what you are thinking of when you suggest I would not be posting. What are you getting at?

My bad if I’m confusing you with someone else.

But I do remember you going off the deep end about something.

Nope, looks like it’s all still there in the “Maderna” thread…

Well, I cannot help you if you misinterpret what I said, despite all my clarifications there already, but nothing there is me saying what you claim.

Maybe instead of leveling vague, vindictive charges of “wrong think” against me you should choose between clear charges with quotes OR being silent?

This way you are just making the exact kind of mess the “complimentary omega, Polaris piloting” volunteers have to clean up…you realize that?

They used to or at least a few did, nobody ganked them outright, but a few times I believe, now no GM’s or DEV’s would ever interact with the community mainly because things are toxic even in RL.

there is a badge for that in zkill
i want mine :rofl:


hellmar was recently killed (by recently, i mean within the last 24 hours) (his last victimization was April 2020) , im sure someone got that… though there are 31 :trumpet: up voted on zkill for hellmar, as well as 15 “memed” and just a few “wtf”

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Also everything devs say may be used against them. They need a spokeperson.

How do you know you love a game before its out was the point.

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Thats the guy. What a tube

Sheer nonsense, not too long ago Rattati was on Oz’s stream talking about what’s going on, I’m sure they’ve been on other streams.

They very regularly fly their spaceships as well: C C P Alliance | Alliance | zKillboard. You’d KNOW this if you’d actually play the game, they’re far more active than you are so it seems.