Jita Trade HuB - where is the Clone Bay?

Is it just me or what happened to the Clone Bay at the Jita 4/4 Trade Hub?

I don’ tremember Jita, but I am fairly sure there was a clone bay in one Caldari Navy station in Oimmo and few years back it suddenly disappeared.

Probably a balance change as these stations offered way too much combined with the most popular corporation to run missions for.

Dont remember there ever being a clone bay at the trade station. But there is one at the other station that’s orbiting that moon. The stations are only 1k km away from one another.


What @Innocent_Mind wrote just above my reply. I play since 2017 and I don’t recall Jita 4-4 (the trade station) itself ever having a clone bay. For this very reason my Jita alt set up her medical clone at the neighboring station described above which is right next to the hub on the same grid.

The clone bay is located in the Paragon Station.

The one on the same grid is this one:


Just a tip for the next time: Use the Structure Browser with the Station filter and Clone Bay service filter to find the station. Alternatively, you can also just browse through all stations and their services in system (and outside system) via the Show Info windows.


The clone bay is in the other 4-4 station.

Nice trick:
If you jump out of the trade hub they will still care for your clone even though the main trade hub doesn’t have clone services.

Probably they just throw the body in the fridge right next to the corpses.


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This is only useful if you’re jumping out of jita, which would normally not be the case.

You would either fly out of Jita (as you need the ship)
Or you would self destruct your pod and get the free jump home.

Faster if you pod express. Either become suspect or offer duel to one of the station campers. :wink:

You can literally just self destruct from the character sheet, it’s faster than all of that other stuff.

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In station, but then you do not contribute your due fee of corpse tithe to the locals. :wink:

You’ve just installed a fresh clone at 4-4 at a cost of 900k, after having just jumped in, again stumping up the princely sum of 900k. You’re already 1.8m isk into this thing. Then you’re going to be overpaying for your stuff anyway. I’d say the contribution already outweighs what you’re taking out of the welfare system.

That has nothing to do with the locals nor corpses. Besides you’re just talking about pennies. Is a couple mil a lot for you or something? :thinking: :face_with_monocle: :popcorn:

Or you’re flying a ship you no longer need to Jita, sell the ship and loot, and jump out leaving the jump clone for the next time you need to be in Jita.

I’ve done it plenty of times before.

If the choice is “spend money you don’t need to” or “don’t spend money you don’t need to” only a fool chooses the former.

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That juicy Monopoly money is too precious to let go. :thinking: In-game ISK is worth less than toilet paper and even easier to come by as well. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Let alone the fact this is just a vid’ya game. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Take a good example from Frostpacker:

So he can spend it on the craziest roleplay things and have fun with it instead of being greedy about it. :wink:


Some people don’t care about spending their Monopoly money and have fun doing so.


Yeah am not reading all that.