Just a heads up about HS mining Permits

I wouldn’t even scrub her deck if she wears yellow.

Noway, never!

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It explains a lot.

I just don’t get it, I was on a desolate pilgrimage as a miner lost in the stellar sea. And then Aiko came with the Hilaima Code Of Conduct and from the endless black of space there was illumination.

She saved me from becoming a miner, I don’t think I could ever repay her for her generosity or her kindness.

Maybe one day they will see the light the beacon of hope she is for a better tomorrow.

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Another reason is that alot of them lust after Aiko. Take Frostpacker for example

He hurls abuse at her all the time, but recently admitted that he is inlove with her. He is just sore that he can’t have her.

He would clean her decks with his tongue if she asked

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So while we see her as an inspiration, they see her as an object.

Classic Misogyny.

Someone really ought to teach a class to try and rehabilitate these misguided souls

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Are you saying @Felix_Frostpacker is thirsty for Aiko’s bathwater? :eyes:

:thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:


Aiko and @Zaera_Keena tried many times but he is too stubborn and stuck in his ways to show any signs of long term change. It might be that he’s beyond saving.


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He worships the ground she walks on

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Zaerna made a comment about sucking toes, further up the thread. Is such a comment related to sexual innuendo that goes against the EULA?

There are kids who use the forums.


Not when Zaerna is Aiko’s personal toe washer. At that point it’s basically outsourced hygiene services.

Then again, they make comments about sucking on toes and lusting after Aiko… And then call everyone else the objectifying misogynists.

Yup. Makes perfect sense.

I feel like dudes playing females, talking about lusting after another dude playing a female that demands to be worshipped, and making accusations of misogyny after demanding deck and boot licking… Is quite possibly the most twisted and convoluted form of misogyny I’ve ever seen.

I’m not sure whether I should be impressed or offended. This contradiction is an unfamiliar and confusing feeling.

Nailed it… :ok_hand:


Independent of the aspect regarding others and their motives, when it comes to this specific case: it is a well documented (by the forum software) and often self-proclaimed (by himself) fact that the Frostpacker indeed has a lust for Aiko (and her frozen corpse), as well as any product related to her.

:eyes: :thinking: :wink:


Well damn… I know how I’m gonna get my next 200 Billion ISK. :thinking:

@Iceacid_Frostpacker Where would you like Aiko’s corpse delivered?


That’s rookie numbers when it comes to the Frostpacker, you can get A LOT more from him for such a product.

Just have to make an irresistible offer so he actually hands it over.



Damn… Well I don’t wanna sell myself short.


(that extra zero was always there) :eyes:


in a place where everyone is talking about war, killing people and frozen bodies are you worried about children reading ‘sucking toes’?
do you feel good man?

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There grasping for anything

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I think we hit a nerve

Their tears are delicious


The perfect way to start my day.

Now I have to go hunt ventures, Kara has taken it upon herself to show me the ways.

I’m looking forward to there crys on my comms, if I get anything good I’ll put it up.

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I guess he’s not aware what a dystopian setting is (which New Eden falls under).

And even those are all child’s fairy tale in comparison to the grimmest aspects of EVE lore…

And these all fall under the same age rating as the forums. :wink:

:eyes: :thinking: :psyccp:


Lots of tears here


Just manbabies crying cos they got their arses kicked


if you edit your post one more time I’ll slice your body in pieces with a rusty scythe and sold them individually to the highest bidder