Just a heads up about HS mining Permits

Oh Really?

How about I introduce you to my friend?

mad zombie


At least he’s not throwing out creepy fetish vibes

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Because they are misogynists basically. They hate seeing a young and beautiful talented woman succeed whilst simultaneosly kicking their butts in PvP whilst striking a blow against the patriarchy.

No, you’re not. You’re using Eve Online to fool yourself into believing you have wealth.


Oh frosty won’t respond to your insults to our Princess!

We have our own reasons for doing what we do in New Eden.

One thing we do keep in check is our respect for the pilot and every pilot we ever come into contact with.

You could learn many things from playing this game but one thing you should never forget is ;
Don’t ever Dox anyone, no matter what!


:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:


Go get em tiger !

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I don’t think it’s really butt kicking that’s going on. It’s merely a suicide cult taking out a mining ship with them. After all, if it requires 10 to 20 pilots to straight up have their lives ended just to blow up one ship, it doesn’t really qualify as an ass kicking. It’s a lot of pretty fireworks and very little else.

I am curious how many of you it’ll take to blow up my ship though… assuming you can ever find it!

Oh and no tears from me. I have several all fit and ready to go.

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It’s a bug, nobody cares

Assuming I could even be bothered, you are an insignificant insect.

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Aikos radiance illuminates our path to salvation and though we may die we experience rebirth, to live die and be reborn together as one is beyond beautiful. To shed fear of death from there hearts they laugh for they are immortal, I watch in anticipation as they warp from destruction having bled, sacrificed and claimed victory together.

It’s majestic

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Beautifully said


inb4 “EVE needs a Mature ESRB/PEGI-18 rating” :rofl:

Funny story… it didn’t end well for them… But hey, I warned them to leave me the f**k alone.

Insult? Does that mean 200 Billion is an insult? Hmm… How about a cool, clean, trillion ISK?

I’ve got one you can borrow when I’m done with it. :ok_hand:

Suffering from a clear case of delusionment, misogyny and a ghoolish fascination with toe collection. In Zaera’s expert opinion as a Dr of Gankotherapy, this suggests severe mummy issues.

Ewww… Ghoul toes?

They’d be so wrinkly, and… rotten. Can I just settle for the normal kind?

I mean… You’re the one talking about ghoulish rotten toes. So who really has the mummy issues here?

Gunna need to see your mining permit

Does it authorize you to haul 300K pieces of PLEX in an Iteron V? :thinking:

:smirk: :blush: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nice try but cleary a fake

FINED: 1 billion ISK for fraud

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many, many thanks dude, when I finish with her I will start with you.

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Why wait, just start with him, I have an axe you can borrow.