I have been playing on and off for years, not really seriously ever but I like to come pew pew in pve now and again.
I played enough and saved enough so i could do some somewhat challenging content in lvl 4 missions in my Machariel, when I do decide to play, except now… there is nothing I can do with my fancy ship, since I am locked out of all lvl 4 missions.
Look, i get having limits on the f2p side of the game, but why let us have battleships if we cant do anything with them?
I also get that this is probably old news for those who are here all the time. Whatever. this sux.
Strange. I’m sure battleships get used elsewhere in high sec…
Maybe you should take 5 minutes to research options.
Or alternatively contract me your stuff and I’ll use it.
Still not worth what? You’re complaining about a problem that only exists because you’re opting to play for free.
Why would it matter to anyone other than you if you don’t play? You’re not generating revenue so it doesn’t matter to CCP, you’re not generating content so it doesn’t matter to other players. What is it that you think you actually deserve, here?