Keeping PvE players in EVE

I’d like to see them prove it. Buncha pooosays

This is like saying I don’t smack you except for those rare times I do. Sounds like how I imagined the thoughts of my step father and he was probably geniunely proud of himself for not beating my mother all week.

High security space is a lie. People are wising up to that a bit? I agree they threaten to make EVE boring by insisting on extra security. But then again, and I have suggested this a million times, if low sec were more accessible it might draw the turtles out of their shells.

Yeah but what can anyone do about it?

Even WoW couldn’t stop it.

Back when WoW began I used to camp and demolish people in their own capital.

Good times.

What are you asking and to whom?

Yes, this analogy is definitely a proportionate and reasonable response to someone claiming that “high security” is an appropriate name. It goes nicely with your claim that gankers are sociopaths.

High security space is a lie.

It isn’t. It’s very safe if you aren’t an idiot.

That means don’t fly a shuttle, pod, or corvette. Plenty of them on the kill board even from HS.

What EVE provides is about as far as you can provide without destroying a game and turning it into a sim city.

EVE monitors their player statistics.

A true PVE player probably plays EVE as much as people. Play Sim City. Aka…virtually not at all.

Um most of them are the pirates being podded because they have a 15min kill timer.

Or wardec people.

I mean I’ll be blunt.

I would fly about cargo while wardec’d. I would get targeted at times. But I’ve never even been shot at once in high sec.


So is this even really an issue?

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That’s what your mom said when she had it up the whooohooo.

True high security is safe even for idiots.

EVE high security is a lie.

It might be “highly patrolled” space, like an American ghetto. But it definitely is NOT high security.

Because Renly believes that gankers are sociopaths.

Yes, I know, I was there watching you.

It’s safer than LowSec and I’ve barely lost anything in my EvE playing…and I’ve lived in Low Sec for 13 years

My friend cloaks gate camps and pewpews their wrecks from 150km away so they can’t loot their kills.

Just for LOLZ

So I’d say yes. We are a bit psycho. Just not in the paranoid fantasies kinda way of Carebears

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Not in a game where the players are immortal demigods commanding space battleships that can obliterate cities with a single shot. “High security” in an EVE context does not mean what it does in a real world context.

Also, remember that in EVE losing your ship is not equivalent to murder. It’s more like getting your purse stolen when you aren’t paying attention: a minor financial inconvenience but nothing more.

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Never mind your personal experience. Thousands of people play EVE. Look at the killboard.

True. I can buy 100 asteros with how much I just put in the market cuz I got nothing to do with it.

What do I need 100 ass-tears for?

What am I looking at? Bunch wardecers? How do I know any of them were pve players?

The problem is pve can’t pay the bills. That’s the real complaint. Fix that lol

Yeah, that’s like saying i didn’t extort you, but rather in my context it was “protection money”.

High security is an inappropriate name for any EVE system below 0.9. Its misleading. Its a lie.