Kicking Over Castles news discussion

  • A ship piloted by the attacking faction (or their ally) can never receive tether from ANY structure whilst in enemy FW space.

Just to make sure, does “can never receive tether” means “can never dock into”? Or it could be just mean that no tethering defence near citadel, but you can dock?

You state in the patch notes that these changes will encourage more fights. Yet ccp killed cyno jumps for caps so getting to a fight is harder. Killed what ships can fit a cyno causing fights to be harder. When we did have a brawl caused a fake npc attack against null structures, making everyone to scurry home…only to find attacks ceased. Please don’t take this wrong but I think you and the rest of ccp are as full of ■■■■ as a christmas turkey.

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I pity people you invite for Christmas.

Hit enough nails on the head to build a Noah’s Ark there.

What got me into the game was stuff like Battle of Asakai, Fountain war, Citadel, but I feel like over the past couple of years CCP’s truncated their efforts in game content and suffocating the wild west sandbox element. Retribution? ok put a bounty and you might get 10 mill isk from a 2 bill fitted ship. Drop in the flippin’ bucket. Maybe they need to actually work on THIS game instead of squandering all of their NES revenue on VR pipe dreams or sucking the life out of smaller studios like they did with WW and M:BL.

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I’d say that those friends of Yours have made debatable choices in where they wanted to place those structures I have myself seen quite a few structures being anchored and staying there virtually forever even on low power - because they were anchored in carefully picked systems to warrant no attention from big players.

as for:

not in null, that’s for sure :wink:

Pics or didn’t happen. My bets are on you not understanding wardec mechanics (or your contractors screwing you over)

That’s a very unfair characterization. It takes lots of players doing their part and you know it.

Pretty sure you’ve nailed it… based off of the response here:

So ah, yeah :expressionless:


rereads carefully @Jan_Frelande 's Post

hits blunt

oooooooh the wardec ending concord notification!

I see the situation he’s refering to.

He paid original wardec fee, but didn’t pay prolongation of it (probably because he didn’t know about mechanic) and interpreted the concord notification as CCP voiding his wardec “just because” xD

Well then I suppose it pays off to read about wardecs before declaring them - may safe a hassle :slight_smile:

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Triggered, hardly, you are mouthy, weak and full of yourself, you hide behind a forum alt and whined about having to defend a war HQ. You look exactly like the typical low energy, low effort loser who is not able to deal with people who know what they are doing. Locating you will be a challenge. You are good at hiding yourself, but let’s see if I can do it. You are the first person that I have stated publicly that I am going to hunt, because I don’t make idle threats.

But you are not debating, if you were I would not be calling you a moron and debating whether to block you. If you start off by telling someone they are crying and then go off on your own make believe tangents like telling me that most structures blown up in hisec are low powered ones, as if I did not know that. When my issue is that the changes to making it easier and easier will turn my full powered and fully equipped structures into the same as unpowered ones, because someone can now attack it when I am not there.

I recognise you as a worthless troll who has no idea about other people and projects their own inferiority on them. Grow up!

What on earth are you talking about. Did I say I was a basher, nope, I am allowed to express concern that the way this is developing means that I am less and less likely to end up manning my stations when they are attacked. And if they continue pushing it like this then some sort of auto defence like they had with POS’s is required. You may have been triggered by what I admit was a rant, but that is your issue.

I dunno… Isnt a big deal for nullsec.
But a bigger deal for ppl who moved into WHs to run away from this blue donut stuff.

Guess time to go back to safer Nullsec.

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Keep talking please…you just keep proving my point.

I like a challenge and finding out who you are behind this whining forum alt is going to be tough to do.

Sadly the block function seems to have disappeared, so I am stuck with having to filter out you pathetic posts by skipping them, this is lame, just like you.

As a little addition to finish of my exchange with this loser, this threads says it all. The fun starts with this claim here and just goes on and on…

Now if CODE and an AG like me feel the same way, there must be truth in it.

But anyway this is really off topic, but you proved your ignorance once again and I will no longer respond to your ignorance in this thread.

More please…

What a loon…:clown_face:

Wow can you please move your personal ■■■■ away from this thread? Rly no one cares about your privat war… Thanks.

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Sorry I tried to turn it back to KoC but well, that didn’t go so well. It’s over now if he really did block me so back to your regularly scheduled program.

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If nullsec is the issue here’s a novel concept. Let nullsec corps duke it out. But they don’t want to do that clearly they want princess share and share alike tea time party. All I’m reading from this incessant tweaking of war mechanics is they are trying to force fights to happen instead of letting them unfold and when fights do break out they decide ok no that’s not allowed we are nullifying your wardec 24 hours after you paid the deposit for it and deducting 20 billion isk from all related attacking corps because the defender ran wee wee wee all the way home.

24h after declaration is when the shooting can only start, so I’ll go back to very solid - pics or didn’t happen

EDIT: the only case I can see for anything remotely to what you describe in here to happen is if the corp you decced were already decced for over a week by someone else and their last structure have just got destroyed within those 24h - which means they’ve lost their war eligibility.

What makes you think I am not in SovSpace? I just left the Skill URSelf mess.

My refinery in Hoona was an active moon basher, one of the first, and whacked by folks who wanted a monopoly on the system. I let anyone have the rock, it was a sort of block party. So you are wrong. It is most likely it just hasn’t been your experience.

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Well, during the time of POSes it was the other way around. If you had an EUTZ group, a USTZ group could just go in and destroy your POSes and you couldn’t really do anything about it.

So a little payback is only fair.

Dude, do you also know what happens when no one shoots stuff? The markets stagnate and your profit dries up. Learn to live with a little risk dude.