Kill Rights

She does like her Tornados

We had some fun today with KR , then they got all buggy. About the time the chat channels kept reloading.

Hello and sorry to go on but we really need any KR on the slavers Union , so please send them in now , if we get good content from a kill sent in I’ll be giving out prizes to the owner of the killright.

Info at the top of thread how to send kr

Maybe you could ask this guy?


That’s great footage, the last throws of a dying raven class ship.

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500K is good. Folks who have itchy trigger fingers will pay that in a heartbeat.

Good grief. How big IS that jar of sarcasm?

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Eve was more fun when the character watch list was non-consensual.

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A KR disappears after 30 days.

The problem with that though is that could locate online wartargets and PvP ?

I do enjoy your giffs

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No…don’t set it to 500K ISK or the person the kill right is on will simply use an alt to kill themselves and claim the kill right. You want it at a level that would inconvenience the ganker but is not so high that someone else desperate for a kill wont claim it.

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Please use killrights the correct way.

Here is the procedure

  1. Get ganked by a criminal with a security status above - 5

  2. Try not to leave to much salt in local , I know you must be mad but it’s happened , time to plan revenge.

  3. This next step is important don’t waste the killright by setting it to high or setting it to 0 isk for everyone . You have lost the ship and your not going to get your money back , people simply aren’t going to pay 50mil to kill a Thrasher .
    The only way is to use the killright to hunt your target or get someone to do it for you. Like me :slightly_smiling_face:.

  4. If you send it to me and we find the criminal you will received a mail saying we made the kill on your behalf .
    At this point you send a salt extraction mail to the ganker about how he died because he or she sucks and you used the KR in the correct way and how bad it is to sit at 0 on a gate afk .

  5. Alternative ending.
    Contact us and let’s try hunt the criminal together . You can do this what ever your player skill level is or if you’re concerned about taking part you can just watch his lovely Tornado go pop,

So one or two tips there to get KR working for you , maybe I should run classes on hunting next . Free to people with the right killrights and a small fee for others to cover the cost of your hunting permit. :rofl:. Maybe a small certificate saying how you killed a criminal griefer for the good of everyone in New Eden. If you’re on a successful hunt.

Anyway don’t waste killrights.

PS. Remember these pilots can be slippery underhanded types who sometimes slip the noose on the best laid plans.
Just look at their profile picture , often, eyes will be close together and a large forehead , showing classic criminal traits. Just compare our lads , keen, alert and smart dressed with a tenacity for revenge I mean law and order.

Long live the resistance.

PPS for more information on the high sec resistance send me a mail for your resistance pack . The 1st one to reply will receive a frozen Aiko corpse mounted on a spring to place in your cockpit ( please note they are freeze dried and shrunken and child safe.)


This sounds suspiciously a lot like what the man who told me he had lots of candy in his van, and that I would get all of it if I beat the other kids in the race, was saying. :thinking:

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*rummages around in a dusty hanger for those old phrenology calipers


The trouble with hunting is ( as far as my understanding goes ) that an agent will only tell you where the person last was…and not whether they are actually online. This is why silly Gix only ever ‘locates’ me in a station…because if I only log in as Cilla 2 hours a day then 22/24 of the day I will be ’ in a station’ as I’ll be offline.

LOL, That is why he thinks I spent my entire time in the station, LMAO. But that boy is not right in the head, in any case.

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Do we have to get ganked?

:frowning_face: :slightly_frowning_face:

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Nodoubt to appease war decc’ed whinebabies who cried about being hunted…