Killing economy=killing eve, everubody will suffer for it

If you’re going to post about being an old Vet, then do it on your main char.

If you’re going to post about corps, alliances, wars or citadels then do it on your main char who is in a corp. See how that logic works? Oh wait, no. You probably don’t.

Considering the fact that I don’t do that anyway makes your reply irrelevant.

I fail to see how that contradicts the statement

(emphasis mine).


I get that, but look at it like this: how do you think the 0.1-isk-wars are done? Do you really think someone is sitting there changing 60-100+ orders per char with maybe 10, maybe 30 or even more, chars every few minutes manually or do you think it is scripted/botted (same thing rly but you get the point…)?
It won’t make the market go crazy and skew out of all proportion cos by changing the minimum isk amount orders can be changed by to 1k it means the scripted ones will go through the floor to compete until they are turned off by which time they will have sold all their stock for next to nothing while players who do it manually on a smaller scale (like me) will continue to sit there and put something up for sale for 90 days and then get on with something else.
The “bulk available” that is not run by price-monitoring reduction-scripts will stay at the same levels and the bots will take another hit making it much harder for them.

A lot of people often seem to forget, or simply overlook, that botting is not just used in mining and ratting. If there is ANY sort of process in ANY game that is repeatable. and offers an advantage or some sort of ‘benefit’ for doing so, there will be some bellend who will write a script for it. It is a part of how things work - albeit a really sh1tty part.

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OK, you wanna get technical, those 3 KM’s actually pertained to 2 different engagements, one engagement was a gangbang on a Titan with a pod kill done in a T1 hull, the other engagement was done solo in a T2 hull. So technically it’s only half, not mostly.

Actually, that was my pve high sec combat exploration ship doing a LS escalation. The MOA came on Dscan and just stayed there so I got a bit annoyed going “am I nothing to you?” so killed it. Thing is my PVE high sec combat exploration ishtar was… fitted for pvp, to kill people stealing my loot or kill them if I stole their and they aggressed me. SAdly that never happened on this char.

Theron was never really meant to leave HS, I yanked out the 30 mil SP not long after as I got bored with the character and just use it to help in Rookie now.

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Its a wicked game…even if I conquer outer space, can I be ur equal??

Eh, want you dont get, is that they actually want prices to rise since there is to much money in the game and stuff is to cheap

since ccp will never give us the numbers on how many accounts they lost after announcing this change, it would be moot, also dont have that kind of isk :slight_smile: to spend, id bet a billion :slight_smile:

Perhaps but if you make a polarizing statement of how something will kill EVE the onus is on YOU to provide proof for that. Just waving your hands to then go “we’ll never really know will we” is not enough and actually debunks your initial statement.

Yeah well, EVE is over. You should just give me all your stuff and play something else


Love how you guys are defining what you have done in EVE purely based on zkill. Sad days.

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Note how I listed what I actually have been doing in EVE, while he only listed Zkill. Hence my added Zkill bit. So “you guys” doesn’t really apply here.


@Maximillian_Logos what change? what announcement?

You are another one of those they want to get rid of. As someone who once also was one of those they wanted to get rid of, you kind of have my sympathy. Considering that you really only ever seem to be amassing wealth, though, the sympathy is pretty low.


z0ra Berg


You are another one of those they want to get rid of. As someone who once also was one of those they wanted to get rid of, you kind of have my sympathy. Considering that you really only ever seem to be amassing wealth, though, the sympathy is pretty low.

Given that CCP has expressed interest in ‘ISK sinks’, why should they want to get rid of him? He’s a player driven ISK sink, right there!

It would be nice if titans were again rare enough that seeing one was a notable experience.

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Nobody is forced, idiot.

You’re so aggressive of late, how come? GF broke up with you?

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