Knowledgeminer Vs Dracvlad thread

Exactly, why? Let us all know why do you think it is, please… Or ask any of them and then post it here if you want to make less of a fool of yourself if you prefer…

Indeed it is.

You think you’re gonna make anyone believe this crap? By repeating it again and again and expecting others will ignore the facts for the sole reason that you’ve decided to ignore them yourself? Really? :rofl:

LOL, you created this thread because you think (with 60% certainty) that I could be Tora, remember? And you may try backpedalling from that all you want now, but it’s pretty easy to see for anyone bothering to check the facts rather than believe whatever nonsense you decide to throw at them.

You really need to read that “psycho babble” called psychological projection to understand why you’re claiming others have the mental issues that you have. But of course you won’t. And even if you did you wouldn’t be able to understand it anyway, so you’ll keep projecting your own intellectual shortcomings on others again and again and not even realise you’re doing it…

EDIT: I forgot to comment on this mail thing that Dracvlad keeps talking about.

I sent a mail to some players in my private channel to inform them of what I think of Dracvlad, referring them to these threads so they could see for themselves, and also in case they saw something related in AG channel that made them wonder what’s going on.

The in-game mail system doesn’t have a CC option, so I also included Dracvlad in the list of recipients as a courtesy he doesn’t really deserve, but I decided to do anyway.

This fool that keeps saying I mis-represented what the OP said in the other thread, is actually mis-representing what I did as an act of courtesy to him that he didn’t deserve, as if I was “sending mails to him” because I got “really emotional”…

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Again your inability to see people taking the P, I used your logic to take the P. And as normal you cannot see it.

I have just noticed this little gem:

I just called it Pyscho babble and indicated that it was incredibly stupid to link such things as if you were able to analyse people. Nowhere have I indicated that anyone has mental issues. Being socially inept like you look to be, is not a mental issue. You have issues mate and need to chill out.

Seeing as you are lying about the mails I will include them as a picture:

People can decide for themselves if I am an idiot or not, they don’t need you to tell them that.

I left your channel a long time ago, and you were also the person to start mentioning this in the AG channel. Which again shows something about you, I thought it rather pathetic that you started to talk about it there, especially as it would have more of an impact on you.

I fully endorse this thread. Let’s keep these guys busy here (less free time to post elsewhere).

I’m also curious to see just how long this goes…

Please, no moderation.

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You fit right in.


LOL, nice, thanks. :smile:

Yes, of course I did. It’s a lot of fun and is related to AG, so why wouldn’t I?

Really? And what would that be?


Maybe Linus and Tora had a kid? Must have hurt coming out.

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What really amuses me is that he thinks that me saying that there is a 60% chance that he is Tora, is me saying that he actually is Tora.

It is the inability to note things like that which sets him apart from so many other people I have come across in this game.

Stunning isn’t it?

However this exchange has reduced the possibility of him being Tora to about 0.5% because Tora is much too smart to get into an exchange like this, but he sure looks like Linus Gorp, up to 90% chance on that. He has even developed shades of Dum Dum…


Stunning, indeed. Now, could you please show all of us here where exactly did I say you said something you didn’t say?

Like this, you mean:

I used the words chance and possibility, you used the word certainty. Your words betray you.



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But you sure look like Linus Gorp, at a very outside chance Dom Akaral (Dum Dum)…, though Dom Akaral was utterly useless and you are pretty effective at what you do and Linus Gorp was actually a pretty damn good player even if he was a plonker on the forums. He also has the alt Dunning Kreiger, you look more and more like him every time you reply.


Hello everyone,

Of course I couldn’t let this thread discussion go by without posting my big fat butt in and being trollish. Here’s my 2 cents:

Please remember I am the most important person in this thread, despite being a spectator.

Also, I endorse @Dracvlad

Cheers for listening.



Don’t forget to check out the other things I said.


Is this a new feature? Where is it?

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Portrait top right, left click then preferences, then go users:

click + Add… Then type in the name using _ for space and you should get the name show up then select it, then save changes and voila, no more cabbages in this soup…

I am so glad that they added this and a bit miffed it was not really mentioned.


Why? That’s what your thread is about, not this one… Did you post in the wrong thread by mistake? Sure you cannot pretend we should talk here about any of your other proposals there

I was not saying that you should post about them here.
I just wanted to remind people that I have said other things, not just that 50% thing.

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Yeah, that is the essential question isn’t it?

I faced @Knowledgeminer in the game many times, he is my ENEMY in-game, he is the one guy who could shut down my operation. He is the one AG who is worth that I write those letters in caps. I adjusted my operations because of him and started to operate from w-space so he could not easily track me down and if he did I could roll and gank in a completely different part of Highsec within minutes, he got me to innovate even though I copied most of the stuff I did previously from other people.

And yet when it comes to the game mechanics and the game at whole we are completely on the same side. Why?

Because he plays fair. And by that I don’t mean that he not abuses game mechanics to his advantage, OH HE DOES and he does it well! But he does not cry on the forums for changes in his favor! He embraces the game the way it is! And he succeeds where people like you failed big time and that is what makes you and some ag so salty about him.

And it’s really funny you always say it’s all about the bumping, but when confronted with DST looting and NPC station docking you suddenly agree to more nerfs to mechanics gankers use.

Give it up, this is not about “game balance”. You are a white knight trying to safe the people who can’t be arsed to take the simple measures it takes to make themselves completely immune to highsec ganking. You try to make the game boring and less interesting for everyone in the name of an out-off-game moral judgement and you completely misjudge the consequences this would have for the ganker AND most of all “ag” who would simply vanish because of this.


You yourself use this so called psycho babble.

And as a matter of fact, several people already pointed out that you are indeed projecting at least sometimes. Google helps a lot with this.


@Knowledgeminer shot me down in Hek! Outta nowhere!
Sitting cloaked in a 'cane at some can, at the edge of my bookmark cloud!

Good man!

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