I imagine the Clade is similar to an ancestry, as bloodlines are likely spread evenly between the Clades to maintain genetic diversity, Clades are, as I understand, ideological stances all their own. Svarog and Veles don’t get along as they hold wildly different political and ideological views all while maintaining their identities in their societal and economic roles.

Of course they are together in mind against Drifters, ancient enemy azdaja, much like the Minmatar tribes against the Amarr, but all of them hold their own ideas and serve different roles.

1 Like

Hm. Perun Clade Koschoi… PCK… Peck!

Wait, no, that’s a horrible nickname… and calling you by your bloodline isn’t much better.

There’s only so many sub Clades in Perun. Damavik, Drekavac, Gromovi, Samdova, Varpulis, Ognyena… two of them donated/dedicated designs to the Collective for use, and it’s easy enough to see which ones by name. But you call them by their designations… TTC-3 and TTC-243, respectively, unless I’m mistaken.

Something interesting to note. To date there are the TTC-3, 9, 72, 81, 243, and 729, which we know as the Damavik, Kikimora, Rodiva, Vedmak, Drekavac, and Leshak. All of those follow trends of upwards in multiples of 3, starting with the Damavik at 3, then 9 with the Kikimora, 72 with the Rodiva (the only one known to break this trend) 81 with the Vedmak, Drekavak is 243 and the Leshak makes 729.

But where is TTC-27? In the trend going up from frigate to battleship the trend remains a constant but skips a single step in the whole chain. Logically it’s between a destroyer and cruiser. It’s a double digit like the Vedmak but not even half of it, or the Rodiva’s number.

So? I imagine for now TTC-27 has no hull yet, and might even be classified, but it will in time. Interesting to see how it will turn out.


"Pri-triangle-mary is Vig-triangle-ilant Tyrannos. Secondary triangle is the Δother ΔVigilant ΔTyrannos


Also I’m seconding Peck as his name!

While this is a forum, we are not in a democracy to name an as-of-yet unidentified and ungendered individual from another nation by the name of “Peck”.

Peck! Peck! Peck!

If it’s a female, that’ll just make the name even better.

“Peck” could work for any gender, really.

Besides, maybe this new forum visitor of ours is beyond our pathetic ideas of gender identity.

Why not? We have enough madness around us already. I second “Peck.”

More like

Fleet voice channel: some horrible garbled chirping sounds and white noise

Fleet text channel: Δ Accepting advancing now-time playful communion noema of the Augmented Foreign Narodnya for extirpation of Ancient Enemy Azdaja unit “Vigilant Tyrannos” Δ

:space_invader: :alien: :space_invader:


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